Bardic Conspiracy

Numerous guards have made themselves known as they went in, emphasizing their legal authority as per their job description.

Standing in front of them is the Guard Captain, a beautiful blonde human lady with long hair who is don in a set of plate armor that completely hid her female figure. A yellow tabard covered the cuirass part of her armor, showcasing the insignia of a majestic red horse standing tall and proud, the very symbol and banner of Flocaster.

Madeleine Emerith

Level 30

Health: 4,932 / 4,932

Stamina: 1,211 / 1,211

Mana: 432 / 432

The Bards that are in the vicinity could not help but stare in utter wary at seeing the esteemed and renowned Guard Captain Madeleine herself here in their prestigious university. Add to the fact that the woman is radiating an aura of pure severity that indeed justified what the Bards are feeling this instant.

All except for one that is… and one is either brave or stupid to perform such a shameless act right in front of her.

A young Bard in his early twenties suddenly emphasized his presence as he was seen at the corner sitting in a reclined manner on a nearby bench. He then began reciting his own love poem for the Madeleine, each line ending with a pluck of the strings from his red lute.

"A lovely young maiden in stalwart plate armor,

her perfect refined face, sculpted by an angel carver,

her alluring figure underneath, blessed by Lady Era,

and beautiful, like the flower daisy Gerbera."

Indeed, the Guard Captain's reaction was not amused upon witnessing the Bard smiling seductively as he made his unauthorized advance to her.

The said Bard is a young handsome man who has a sophisticated yet playful demeanor within him. He has a neat brown hair, clad in a stylish outfit that a performer of the music and rhetoric arts would usually wear. He's dressed in a red buttoned vest that covered his white long-sleeved v-neck shirt with a collar, displaying a small portion of his upper chest. A red beret with a white feather on its left side graces his head, merely an accessory more than a convenience. His lower garments consisted of a black long pants with a pair of red knee-high suede boots for added fashion.

The other bards who are around the area, the sensible ones, merely shook their head at the man's usual antics, especially by his way of dealing with the beauty that is the woman right at their very sights.

If they don't know any better, then they might have thought that the man is having a death wish for flirting with the Guard Captain herself, even though that her beauty is indeed profound as what they truly thought of her.

Not that they find it surprising anymore, given his eccentricities especially in the affairs of chasing skirts whenever and whoever he pleases, a free and chaotic spirit to the very core. In short, he is also a damn womanizer, with an incredible talent for getting into trouble due to his whimsical need of pleasing the opposite gender.

And Madeleine knows fully well of the said Bard's misadventures as she eyed him with a stern look, finding it to be a usual occurrence whenever she encountered him. "Oh, it's you, Julian. The last time I remembered, you were pressed charges by a noble lady's two overprotective brothers as they chased you throughout the whole town and threatening to shove you with manure and sawdust should you approach her ever again."

Julian Kallistus

Level 20

Health: 1,750 / 1,750

Stamina: 3,100 / 3,100

Mana: 400 / 400

"Ah, yes, the Baron of Einsberg's daughter." The Bard who goes by the name of Julian smirked, proud of his achievements. "Lady Stephania indeed is an attractive young lady with a captivating body that a healthy young man such as myself can't sway my eyes away from. Of course, your beauty, Captain Madeleine is also one of its kind. None can't deny the well-endowed figure underneath that armor of yours, boasting a bosom that none can ever-"

Julian's rather straightforward and lewd statement was instantly interrupted as he was hit in the head by no other than the receptionist of the Bardic University, a young pretty lady with long brown hair wearing a sleeveless long red dress that shows a fair amount of skin. Upon witnessing the fiasco going on between Julian and Madeleine, the receptionist deemed it necessary to intervene.

"I sincerely apologize for this perverted fool's harassing words to you, Captain Madeleine." The receptionist bowed her head down with utmost respect while clutching the head of the man beside her to force him to do the same gesture as her.

Penelope Germaine

Level 8:

Health: 714 / 714

Stamina: 416 / 416

Mana: 290 / 290

"It's quite alright, Penelope." Madeleine smiled at her. "As if it's anything new. As long as he keeps his hands to himself, then I may tolerate his vulgar presence as I have other more business that needs to be taken care of here as soon as possible rather than waste my precious time with his flowery words."

"Ouch!! My heart is wounded by the harsh rejection from a lovely rose, revealing the thorns of its stems that prick into my loving chest." Julian recited yet another of his colorful remarks while acting in an exaggerating manner.

Madeleine and Penelope simply stared at him with a blank, judgmental look before going back to resume their conversation towards one another.

Julian merely cried in a comical way at the looks of dismissal that he received from the two women.

"So, what brings you here, Captain?" Penelope questioned Madeleine happily, wondering what the latter wants as she was seen together with her regiment of guards.

Madeleine immediately brought out a paper that contained an arrest order as she presented it to the receptionist. "By the order and authority granted to me by the good Count and the Guard Commander of Flocaster, I am to apprehend Lord Finnegan Sterling for his crime against Flocaster and our neighboring town, Chadena. He is determined to be responsible for the sinister malpractice of Alchemy, using innocent live mortal test subjects in experimenting out his concoctions. Additionally, the Headmaster is knowledgeable as well in the affairs that I'm about to undertake, so you don't need to worry about notifying him."

"That's horrible!!" Penelope said with complete surprise, stunned by the revelation that was revealed to her. In Julian's case, he was now filled with an utter grimace as his fist clenched.

"Is it true?" Julian abandoned all wackiness in his behavior that he displayed earlier as the situation now demands him of the opposite. "I know Lord Finnegan and he's a good person. Sure he can be a prick and is sometimes a complete pain in the ass who is rough along the edges. Many do not exactly get along with him due to how strict and domineering he is, considering that he's the Dean's apprentice, but I find it hard to believe that he is capable of such horrid act, even for someone like him."

"I'm afraid so." Madeleine shook her head sadly. "We have been conducting investigations for quite some time and we found strong evidence inside his Manor yesterday, pieces of evidence of Alchemy transgression in his basement workstation with multiple bloodstains on the walls as well as his journal containing rather disturbing entries of the act and a pile of suspicious potions and poisons."

"I see." Julian could only look down to the floor with a sorrowful expression. "Nevertheless, I still don't believe it. He might be framed for all we know."

"I'm sorry Julian," Madeleine spoke with an apologetic yet serious tone, very much in contrast to the contempt that she displayed to his obscene bravado earlier. "But the evidence said so otherwise. Of course, he'll be given a fair trial and will be given the chance to defend his case as per our laws and customs of the land."

Penelope also shared the same sentiment as the Guard Captain as both of them are aware that Julian and Lord Finnegan share a very close relationship, akin to close brothers who share the same interest in the Bardic Arts. So it's only natural if the young Bard felt betrayed by this new-found disclosure.

"Very well." Julian simply responded as his mood was down for the count for today. "He's innocent in all of this. I just know it."

After Madeleine deemed that the conversation between her, Julian, and Penelope is concluded, she instructed her guards to immediately searched around the entirety of the University to catch the culprit of the crime.

After a few minutes of searching, the guards were successful in their efforts as they brought the Lord himself down at the reception area.

Fennigan Sterling

Level 24

Health: 1,821 / 1,821

Stamina: 735 / 735

Mana: 4,125 / 4,125

"I demand that you unhand me this instant!!" A young black-haired human male wearing a set of elegant clothing as fit to his noble and bard status was seen to be struggling from his guard captors. His both hands are chained by a special shackle that inhibits the use of Magic to prevent him from escaping. His attention then shifted to Madeleine with an angered look. "What's the meaning of this Captain!? I require an explanation out of this!!"

At this point of scenario, almost every bard of the University has all gathered together to witness the proceedings.

"Lord Finnegan." Madeleine voiced out the noble bard's name with a stern look for everyone to hear. "You are hereby arrested for misconduct in the Alchemical arts, utilizing live and innocent mortal subjects to test out your diabolical concoctions."

"What?!!" Finnegan was furious at the Captain's accusation. "I did no such vile thing!! What do you take me for… a conniving snake?!!"

"There are strong shreds of evidence that have been pointed out against you," Madeleine answered calmly. "If you would please come with us in peace, then I assure you that you'll be granted the rights of humane imprisonment and will be issued fair trial to defend your case."

"As I said, I did no such thing!!" Finnegan retaliated with absolute defiance on his every tone.

As Julian was about to come for his friend's defense, a loud booming voice has erupted throughout the whole hallway for everyone to hear.


All occupants inside the building were momentarily stunned as they witnessed a familiar figure emerging from upstairs, going down to take a closer inspection at the scene that was currently unfolding.

"D-dean Luthais."

Finnegan muttered the man's regarded name as he stared at the elven figure with long blonde hair and green eyes. He wore an elaborate hooded green robe with a flower-like pattern design on its fabric and a leather belt strapped on his waist. The elf also sported a pair of cloth shoulder armor of the same color and is also clad in light-green gloves and boots to complete his armor set. Everyone is aware of the fact that the elf is in his early forties despite the youthful traits of his facial features, a trait very much known to the elf's racial heritage, being an asset of longevity.

Luthais Faelar

Level 37

Health: 3,938 / 3,938

Stamina: 1,031 / 1,031

Mana: 7,126 / 7,126

Of course, everyone knew the renowned Dean and his considerable skill in the magical arts, being the , the manipulator of the three elements that are Fire, Frost, and Lightning, just like his apprentice, Finnegan.

"You disappoint me, young man," Luthais said with utmost disdain to his Bard and Mage Apprentice. "I never would have thought that you would stoop so low and applied my teachings for your despicable self-interest. Didn't I lecture you always about the ethics and moral values of my lessons to you?"

"You did!!" Finnegan desperately called out for his master's help. "I always adhere to your teachings earnestly. Please, whatever they are accusing me, it's not real!! You have to believe me, Master!!"

"I wish I could, Finnegan." Luthais shook his head with a sad look. "But the evidence strongly suggests the opposite. Hopefully, it will all be cleared up in your upcoming trial. Take him away."

"Dean Luthais, sir." It was Julian who voiced out to the elf in Finnegan's defense. "I've known Lord Finnegan since we were children, and I believe that he wouldn't do such a horrifying thing."

Indeed, Finnegan appreciated the gesture that his childhood friend is showing right before him and the crowd, but Luthais' decision remained steadfast despite the Duelist's plea.

"I'm afraid I'm in no control in this kind of affairs." Luthais merely replied to Julian with a tragic expression. "I too wanted to believe that Finnegan here is innocent in all of this but what the Headmaster and the Guard Commander has shown to me yesterday inside his basement has left me with many doubts."

"Tsk, how pathetic that I get to be subjected to this kind of treatment unfitting for someone of my station." They all heard Finnegan commenting arrogantly despite the current situation that he is in. "Although I'm glad that you came for my support, Julian, unlike the others."

Upon Finnegan's last remarks, the other Bards could only eye him with ridicule as they are all aware of how arrogant the man is, deserving indeed for the punishment that he is about to face. Although they knew better than to voiced out their biased opinions about the matter since its disrespectful in the presence of the honorable Dean. Julian though was impressed with the bravery that Finnegan is exhibiting to them, unyielding with a heart of resolve.

Madeleine and her guards have eventually taken Finnegan away going outside of the University as they are going to bring him to the Castle Dungeons for questioning and imprisonment until his inevitable trial.

After the unfortunate scenario is truly over, Luthais instructed all of the Bards to leave the premises and go back to their own business and class.

Julian bid his farewell to Penelope as he needed some time alone to drink at the local tavern for some thinking about his childhood friend's predicament.

Of course, Luthais was the last one to leave after checking that everyone in the vicinity has left the area. As such, no one truly noticed the triumphant evil smirk on his face now that a part of his nefarious plan, incriminating his own human dog of an apprentice, is an absolute success.

'Pathetic naive simpletons.'