
It has been around three days since Gray and company have departed from Chadena, and the gang is witnessed inside the carriage sitting and waiting at this bright sunny day of an afternoon for this trip to end.

Inside the carriage, Gray, Selena, and Isamu are minding their own business and wished that they'll arrive at Flocaster anytime soon and experience civilization yet again.

Fortunately for the group, the carriage held less risk of any Bandit ambush or any foul element whatsoever as they were prepared at all times, thanks to the efforts of the sparrow Lily as she is capable of flying above the bright blue sky scouting around the premises for any potential hostile. Although there was that time yesterday when a group of Bandits did lie in waiting for anyone that passed on the roads as she heard about their conversation related to it. As a result, Lily was able to warn her companions about it, thus the ambusher was ambushed instead.