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'Your style is intriguing. Rook b1.'

The Lord applauded Alex.

'Mine isn't intriguing. Yours is dull. King b8.'

The players had the nerve to chat while playing mentally. The slightest distraction could cause them to forget, making them automatically lose the game.

'How is it dull? Bishop g2.'

'You've proven my point by retreating your Bishop. Rook h g8.'

'Then I'll spice it up a bit. Queen e3.'

'Still boring, you're too defensive. You'll never win like that. Bishop f6.'

Alan thought out his next move.

'Then maybe I'll attack. Knight e4.'

The Knight threatened the Bishop. Alex heaved a sigh.

'Childish move. Bishop d4.'

Alan was vexed by Alex, but it was the most fun he had in years.

'Queen d2.'

Alex laughed at Alan.

'There you go retreating again. Queen a2.'

Alex captured a pawn.

'Queen f4.'

The game still favored Alan, but he took longer to order.

'Rook g f8.'

At a glance, Alex's pieces were unorganized, and Alan's pieces supported each other, but Alan just couldn't attack.


'Bishop e5.'

'Queen e3.'

'Again retreating? You won't win if you won't fight. c4.'

'Knight c3.'

'Queen a6.'

'Who's retreating now? Queen d2.'

Alan was happy that he was able to push his Queen back.

'I'm not. I'm already where I want to be. Rook c8.'


For the first time, Alan felt he was struggling.

'Bishop f5.'

Alex's smile wouldn't go away.

'Rook a1.'

'Queen b6.'

Alan carefully planned his next move. He took more time. Sweat appeared from thinking hard.

'Rook a4.'

Alex sighed again. His breath held disappointment.

'Is this all you can do? Bishop d3. Mate in 10 moves.'

Alan forcefully smiled.

'I won't take that long to win. Rook e a1.'

His heart started racing by Alex's declaration.

'Who's talking about you? First move, a6.'

The game was far from over. Both players had a lot of pieces and a lot they could do.

'Bishop f3.'

Alans' heart pounded harder.

'Second move, Rook g8.'

'Idiot, how can you say that I will lose?'

Alan was frustrated.

'It's better if you say your move. Time is short.'

'King g2.'

'Third move, f5.'

'I will not lose. Bishop h5.'

Alan captured a pawn.

'Good, you're aggressive, but that won't help you now. Fourth move, Rook c f8.'

Jason still couldn't see how Alex would win. The game was beyond him.


Alex's smile never faded.

'Fifth move, f4.'

--Is everything going according to his plan? Am I falling into his trap? I could play a random move to throw him off.

'e f4.'

Alex lost another pawn.

'Sixth move, Bishop f4.'

Alan was stomped. He didn't know what to do, he kept thinking.

'Hurry! Be quick. Time is almost up.'

Alex reminded him.

'Queen e1.'

'Seventh move, Bishop g3.'

Alan was terrified by Alex's smile. It was the smile of a devil, the same which Charles had. He felt the same fear 17 years ago.

'Hurry, Alan!'

'f-f g3.'

'Eighth move, Rook f1.'

--I should sacrifice my Queen to capture the rook, right? If I did it, it would be queen f1, then he'll go bishop f1, later I will play rook f1. If it went like this, I would be up in the exchange, right? I would win, right? RIGHT?

'Do it, Alan!'

'Queen d2.'

Alan uttered out.


He realized he made a gigantic blunder.

'Ninth move, Queen g1. Check.'

Alex's smile grew dangerous. It was practically over.


'Not yet, you still have your final move. Please play it.'

Alex's tone changed. From the devil, he returned to a good-hearted boy with a kind smile and comforting eyes. His manner soothed Alan's heart. What was filled with fear and sadness, evaporated.

'Hmph. King h3.'

'Last move. Rook g3, Check and mate. Good game.'

Alex stood up and brought forth his hand, and Alan took it.

'You are still below Charles Bourne. But it looks like I found another person I can look up to.

'Glad to hear it.'

'Guards. See to it that these two people reach there destination as soon as possible.'

Alan ordered. The guards scattered to fulfill the lords' command. Alan ordered them to use the fastest plane they had, a Mach 5.

'Well, see you, Alan.'

Calling the Lord directly by his name, Alex waved his hand as he walked out of the chamber. It took him 12 minutes to get a jet. He met up with Jason, who was amazed and stunned at the same time.

Alex was much smarter than he imagined. He defeated a Grandmaster without breaking a sweat and even accurately predicted his moves.

'Alex, how did you know you would win in the 10th more?

They were head heading to the hanger. Jason couldn't imagine Alex calculating all the 1000+ moves still left but was prepared to accept it if Alex told him so.

'That? I was just pulling his legs.'

Jason was astonished yet again. Alex held his hands behind his head as he walked forward.

'You can only see reality by how you choose to see it. I never believed I would win in 10 moves, but he did.'

Jason had heard this quote before, but it was the first time seeing it practice. Alex smiled as he walked on. Jason never forgot that quote again.

'This bad boy can take you to Japan in 2 hours.'

The pilot of the jet proudly stated.

'That's so cool.'

Alex's eyes lit up like a child.

'The only problem is it only has 2 seats. I'm the pilot, and I have to bring back the jet too, so only 1 seat is left. You two will have to share it.'


Jason asked.