After being surrounded by the bears and the trap working, breaking free from their pursuers, the group was finally able to rest without worrying about being attacked.

The only thing missing is that they could get rid of the boss of the nest, therefore, they continued killing the bears until they reached the boss's room and rested that night.

The next morning after regaining strength and readying their weapons they decided to enter the boss chamber, what they saw surprised them.

The bear that was here was very different from the others in the nest, it had a height of more than 3 meters and its fur looked like sharp needles, on its back there were several sharp spikes like barbs and on the right claw there were burning flames that it seemed to burn everything, and on the left its claws were like icicles of ice, and on its huge jaw its fangs were like the points of spears.


When the bear noticed the intruders, it roared showing that they were not welcome, the next moment a ball of water formed in its mouth shooting it like a bullet towards the group.


When they noticed the bear's attack the 3 of them dodged in all directions.


The bear knew that his first attack wouldn't hurt them so he immediately unleashed the flames from his right claw towards Aurora and the ice icicles from his left claw towards Chris.

When the icicles were right on top of Chris, he moved his body nimbly to the side and effortlessly dodged the icicles.

As for Aurora, she surrounded herself with a barrier of water to withstand the flames.

The bear, noticing that she was able to stop one of them with her attack, seized the opportunity and closed the distance with Aurora, swinging her claws at her.

When Lillia saw that Aurora was in danger, she lit her swords with black flames, these are the hell-flame that can only be lit by the dark attribute, she shortened the bear's distance with her in a second and made a cross cut towards the bear. bear's back

*slash* *slash*


When the hell-flame slash reached the bear, he felt a horrible pain in his back as well as the black flames draining the magical power and life energy from him.

The bear couldn't help but get angry and turned at full speed moving both claws towards Lilloa.

Lillia managed to avoid her claws by taking a step toward Atar, but the bear gave chase.

When Chris saw this, he focused a large amount of lightning on her sword making it look like a blade of pure energy, Aurora did the same and lit her halberd in blue flames.

Since the bear was only concentrating on Lillia he didn't notice that two other intruders closed their distance with him, when he noticed them the flaming halberd was piercing through his back and the lightning sword was slashing through his waist, to distract the bear allowing him to Lillia escape from the attack.


Sensing the danger, the bear decided to use one of his trump cards and the spikes on his back became icicles of ice, others filled with flames and the last ones released filaments of water that looked like threads that would cut what went through them, these spikes they began to enlarge trying to impale the two attackers on his back.


Seeing how they couldn't escape from the spikes, Chris quickly grabbed Aurora and used short distance teleportation moving them to the corner of the room, with space magic.

Usually short-distance teleportation wouldn't exhaust much magic power, but Chris was now retaining his power in the 5th rank of the mortal realm, plus his body wasn't used to his esper abilities, otherwise he could easily transport himself just using some of his stamina.

(Note: esper use their own physical strength, so they don't consume any Prana or Mana when using their abilities, unless they combine them to enhance potency)

Once they were out of danger the 3 opened their distance from the bear.

"How is it possible that it can respond so well to danger even if it's a level 7 creature it's not too smart" Lillia said as she kept her distance from the bear.

"It is possible that something has awakened her intelligence, some external factor, maybe she ate something that helped her" said Aurora.

"Whether he has intelligence or not we still have to kill him" said Chris, as if past statements didn't matter since the target was the same.

Seeing how the 3 and the bear are in a stalemate, Chris told Lillia to unleash her power at rank 5 or they wouldn't be able to get rid of the bear without exposing their true strength.

"You too Lillia, am I the only one who is staying behind" Aurora who noticed the change was surprised.

Understanding this, Lillia altered her power restriction at rank 5. Aurora was surprised to see that Lillia was already at rank 5. She felt bitter in her heart for not being able to break through at rank 5, but right now they were in facing a level 7 creature with intelligence so he let those emotions go and focused on the bear.

The bear, seeing Lillia's increased power, girded himself in anguish and increased the power of the flames and frost of her claws, while the energy inside her body thickened to shake.

Noticing the agitation of the bear's energy, the group realized that it was going to advance to level 8.

Usually in this moment of weakness, they would swoop down to kill the bear to prevent it from advancing.

*shot* *shot* *shot* *shot*

But the bear didn't give him a chance and started to bombard them with water bullets in all directions.

Being mercilessly attacked, the group just dodged as they opened up more distance from the bear.

"Be careful"

When they opened the distance, Chris, seeing how the floor was full of water from the previous bombardment, concentrated all the power of the 5th rank converting his Mana into electrifying energy and directed it through the water.

*Roar* *Roar* *Roar* *Roar*

When the electrical energy collided with the bear, it was at the most crucial moment of its advance, causing internal injuries causing it to spit blood.

Seeing the bear fall to the ground in a half-dead state, the group relaxed.


But that calm did not last long as the bear's aura began to get stronger, which followed with the bear getting up from the ground once he stood up, his body changed again as the spikes on his back became more intense. sharp and thick besides the water filaments on the lower part of his back began to intertwine looking like tentacles, his already sharp claws became larger, but it was not all his black fur became darker, causing fur around his arms will change into thorns.

Seeing the bear's changes, they realized that it had managed to become a level 8 creature.

The bear, upon becoming a level 8 creature, had the confidence to kill the intruders, but due to his previous injuries, he decided not to waste any more time and closed the distance with the two human women who were closest, using his tentacles. water to close off the escape points of the two women as it brandished its claws slashing at the two.

Aurora surrounded herself with a barrier of water while Lillia covered herself with a barrier of darkness.


Despite the efforts of the two girls to stop the attacks, it went through their barriers and smashed them against the wall, receiving the impact the two poor girls spit blood.

Seeing this Chris closed the distance between himself and the bear, while slashing with his sword trying to split the bear.

When the bear saw this contempt could be seen in his eyes thinking that the idiot human tried to make a suicide attack, but before he could counter the human's attack, he felt a horrible murderous aura that immobilized him with fear.

When he saw the source of the aura, he realized that it was coming from the human in front of him, he couldn't believe his feelings, the young man in front of him was no different than a bigger ant, but because he has this kind of aura, when he noticed the sword the human glowed purple, danger.

Even though his intelligence didn't awaken long ago he wasn't foolish and he could tell that that glow was nothing but the power of space.

Previously when he saw the human teleport, he became alert, but teleportation and performing a space cut are in two totally different leagues so he was not so alarmed, but now fear invaded him, after all it is a power that can divide dimensions and space, as it could not also divide him.


When the bear was madly trying to avoid the attack, he noticed that the human had already disappeared and everything around him turned black, falling to the ground cut in half.