By defeating the level 8 black bear with the help of space power, the group of three was finally able to get some rest and recover from the injuries sustained in the battle.

"Chris since when can you use space slash, that high level technique is supposed to only be used by space manipulators in the divine realm or higher" Aurora asked with a sparkle in her eyes as if she had found a new toy.

Listening to Aurora's questions, Chris could only let out a bitter laugh among the people who know him, they have only let him be seen using 4 different attributes (air, lightning, space and darkness) the reasons are because when he is Asura with the exception of the powers of space and lightning I rarely used them, I never used the powers of darkness and wind.

"That's not really space cut, true space cut would leave a chasm the size of the city in this place if it were used" Chris replied to Aurora's question.

"If it's not space court then what was that court obviously it had the power of space" Aurora asked confused.

"That's a fake, the spatial cut uses the power of space creating a blade of spatial energy that cuts everything, dividing the same space, but my fake uses the spatial power to surround the blade of the sword to cover it with the power of the sword." space this means that it can cut anything equivalent to the durability of the weapon" Chris explained to Aurora even though this method is easier to use than space cutting the big problem with using it is that any weapon below a certain range was used to recreate the skill it would break once the cut was made, the reason why his sword didn't break was that it was indestructible even if the weapon couldn't withstand the pressure it would just turn into energy and return to the inside of his body.

"There is such a method of use for space power, this could be used with other elements" Aurora asked expectantly.

"Yes, it can be used, but if you use this method of wrapping the attribute on the weapon instead of imbuing it directly, even though it is not that complicated, this method will deplete the duration of the weapon, making it easier to break" explained Chris, but Aurora frowned at the disadvantages.

"For such a convenient method to exist it is normal that it has its negative aspects, imbuing a spell or attribute directly into a weapon, even though it does not damage the weapon if the weapon cannot receive the power or if it does not accept it, it will fail and will cause the weapon to fail." energy that was used is wasted, so one has to have perfect control of the energy, in addition to maintaining that state where the weapon is considered as a part of the body, instead wrapping the weapon with the spell does not need much control , but even though it gains the attribute that one surrounds it with, it wears down the weapon and in most cases it will destroy it" Lillia explained to Aurora's negativity.

"I understand there is nothing perfect in the world" Aurora said even though deep inside she still felt disappointed.

"We've rested enough so let's disassemble the boss's corpse" said Chris trying to change the mood.

"You take care of it since Lillia and I were the only ones who received damage in the battle, I'll leave the job to you" said Aurora reminding him that they were still recovering.

Hearing the strong statement of not wanting to do the job, Chris broke away from the two women who were bandaging his wounds and headed for the black bear carcass.

Seeing the corpse Chris materialized the sword he had used and began to remove the skin, followed by cutting the bear meat into squares as it could be sold for a great price or cooked in a large dish.

Once he arranged the most common raw materials, he continued to remove the claws, one possessed enormous fire power and the other massive ice power, once he made sure the claws began to remove the spikes on the back, they were quite light but very resistant, plus you had excellent magic power driving ability.

Once he stripped all the materials from the bear's body, he only needed to take the core when he noticed something unusual this bear had not only one core but three, usually magical creatures or beasts only have one core, but this bear had three one expelled the power of fire, another water and the last ice.

Once again Chris when he was going to continue extracting to see what more treasures the bear had, he noticed that a small ball of energy came out of the bear, this small ball of energy is the soul of the beasts.

Once the bear saw him, he began to release his power, but this was not directed at Chris, but at the sword in his hands, the bear was trying to merge with his sword to reincarnate as a weapon.

To take into account his swords also had a hierarchy the firstborn sword is the only one with a soul, conscience and ego, that's why it is the main sword, after that there are the swords that he created after the firstborn which he calls servant swords, he currently has 100 swords which are in the holy rank, followed by 1,000 in the diamond rank and then 10,000 in the platinum rank, regarding the sword in his hands it was only black gold rank, the reason is because in addition to the swords you mention I think 10 black gold rank sword to use when not asura because gold and silver rank weapons are not very rare in the market that using a black gold weapon is already considered an extravagance.

But at this moment the soul of the bear with whom they had fought to the death was trying to become a weapon, with one of the lower quality swords, if it were any of the other swords Chris would have rejected this fusion, due to the low level of the creature.

So, Chris stopped holding back and began to flow his magical and vital energy into the sword to help the bear. Once the bear's soul entered the sword, the sword began to become unstable and its shape to alter, this is because his swords are the embodiment of pure energy that took shape by transforming that power into matter, energy is indestructible and that is why swords cannot be broken, but so that they can be fused with a soul that is another type of energy solid materials must be used, in order to refine the weapon and at this moment he had exactly the best materials in front of him, being the same body of the bear.

To take advantage of all the power of the soul of the bear, he decided to use his own body to make the weapon, he took the claws and quickly melted them, once he refined it he began to fuse it with the blade of the sword, at the end of the fusion he took some of the spikes from the bear's back and do the same process, but instead of the blade this time I fuse it with the handle of the sword.

When he was going to finish the possessed of reforming the sword, he noticed that something was still missing and it is a core in which the soul would inhabit, so he took the three cores of the bear and refined them by fusing them into one and then put it into the sword.

When all the possessed finished the weapon began to change its appearance and shape, the handle of the sword lengthened to a meter long and the blade took the shape as if it were a blade of about 30 centimeters, but the change did not end anymore. that at the other end of the handle a second blade of the same knife appeared but its cut was from the opposite side, when the weapon was fully formed, one of the blades caught fire and the other began to release frost as if these two elements could destroy what they touched, but that was not all that happened since in the handle that joined these two blades several lines of water began to surround it like a spiral.

Once the weapon was finished forming and Chris held it in his hand, a feeling of familiarity as if it was a blood relative in front of him, to finish, he dripped a drop of blood on the weapon to sign the master servant pact., to establish a new connection with the weapon.

At the end of the contract, he realized that the weapon was still of black gold rank but its quality was now EX, in addition to being able to control the powers of the weapon such as releasing the flames or the frost of the chillas, just as the bear did when he fought against them. In addition to being able to control the threads of water either to form a whip or use the threads as if they were spider webs and catch their opponents.

After testing the gun Chris realized that two pairs of eyes were looking at him from the side so he turned around.

"What was that suddenly the sword changed and the bear's body parts combined with it" Lillia asked since she had never been told about the process of refining weapons.

"That's refinement of the weapon, but as it happened, the chances are one in a billion" Aurora was more knowledgeable in certain aspects as she was raised from childhood to be an elite in almost all aspects.

"This bear, since it awakened its intelligence, its soul was very strong and that is why it merged with my sword, forming a new weapon. From its point of view, it is preferable to become a powerful weapon than to die" Chris explained, but what he did not say is that the bear made this decision as he felt its true power in the last exchange, since with the pride of a level 8 creature even if it had died it was better than becoming someone else's weapon.

"The weapon underwent a radical change either in its appearance or the aura it emits should surely be at least platinum rank" said Aurora as she evaluated the weapon.

"The rank is black gold but EX quality the reason he can release an aura not inferior to platinum weapons is because he is in a submissive state with me as his master that is why he can take out all his power" Chris explained to Aurora's confusion.

"What do you mean by state of submission" Aurora.

"The state of submission is when a living weapon accepts a master and lets him use his full power, dead weapons are not as powerful as living ones plus they can't grow, living weapons don't accept a master easily it's because that despite the fact that they allow users to wield them, they do not allow them to use all their powers, an example is your halberd is a high-ranking living weapon but despite the fact that it allows you to use it, it cannot extract even 10% of all its power " Chris explained to Aurora that he had doubts.

"You mean I haven't been able to use even a tenth of the halberd's power because my strength isn't enough to use it" Aurora asked again.

"That's only part of the reason, the biggest reason is that the halberd not only has the powers of fire and water, but also manipulates ice like the bear did. You only manipulate fire and water; you've never tried to develop the ability to cryokinesis or use ice spells is why the halberd doesn't let you use more of its power" Chris replied to Aurora to take into account her shortcomings.

"What are you going to call the new weapon anyway?" Lillia asked.

"I don't really know I think I'll just call them tempest blades because of their abilities" Chris said as the weapon shimmered slightly in assent.

"It's a good name, but now where do we find the back of the nest?" Aurora.

"The exit is behind the pillars in the upper corner" Chris.

"How do you know" Lillia.

"The bear told me once it became my weapon" Chris.