After coming out of nowhere, Chris was in the same place where he was dragged, seeing that everything was fine, he moved his hand, releasing his power to close the crack.

Looking around he saw two women far away from him, both of them were beauties hard to pin down even in the upper worlds, then he looked to the other side seeing Kira looking at him with eyes as if he couldn't believe his eyes, and was going to cry in tears. any moment.

Seeing her appearance, he knew that I must have struck a chord since I must have thought that he would save her at the cost of his own life, even though there was the possibility of dying, he did not pay much attention to that and decided to save her.

When he stretched out his hand, Kira appeared in his embrace while his avatar Ren, due to the instability of his master, returned to inside Kira's body.

Once Kira entered Chris's embrace the feeling of security told him that he was not dreaming and everything was real calming his heart as he hugged him and cried, if anyone knew that this expressionless girl who had never opened her heart to anyone besides of her parents opened her heart to a man, she only met a few hours ago, no one would believe it.

(You really must have suffered a lot in these last few years) Chris thought when he saw Kira's reaction, he knew that she must have gone through a lot of experiences in the last few years to be able to cling to him so easily.

When he caressed Kira's head, he noticed that one of the jewels on his bracelet shone, it was the blue one showing that Kira was compatible with him.

Seeing this he hugged Kira tighter and bit her fangs into her neck, not only taking a small amount of her blood for her evolution, but injecting calming and sleeping magic so that Kira I could rest.

At the end, a sleeping Kira was in his arms, Chris turned his gaze to a middle-aged man this was the captain who attacked them with the universe perforator, for the current Chris to kill him would only need a thought, but that would be a death easy and he wouldn't be satisfied, that's why he remembered his face deciding to finish him off once all these problems were over, since he couldn't maintain this state for more than a minute he grabbed Kira and entered his internal universe disappearing in front of everyone.

"Chloe, exactly who were those people?" Maya asked.

"I don't know, gather the whole team and let's go back to the council to report what happened" ordered Chloe

The captain who saw Chris's mockery on his face while looking at him was furious if it wasn't for the fact that he was being watched he would have already thrown a tantrum, the reason he didn't feel afraid of Chris is because he knows about the treaties of the worlds superiors that stronger existences can't attack weaker ones missing the opportunity to interrogate a woman of such fine quality and that irritating young man looking at him as if he were already a dead man was about to make him scream when his companions did. they called.

"Captain, we were ordered to return to the government congress, they are waiting for us to resume the situation from the beginning" when listening to the man, the captain calmed down and returned with the squad.

*A few minutes later at the earth congress everyone had gathered*

"Explain to me once again how a simple combat between two people led to an inexplicable phenomenon of which we do not understand anything" asked the president to all the people.

But nobody answered after he looked at a holographic monitor that connected a call and said "mayor of the city of stars these two people first appeared in the forest stelae next to the city could you give us in detail what happened"

"President when this couple appeared they only lasted a few seconds before leaving the planet, I immediately deployed my men to investigate the forest due to the commotion the magical creatures and beasts are agitated but we have repelled them while I sent a squad to find the students who take their graduation exam, no casualties are detected but there are still 50 students left at this rate, everyone will be here in 5 hours to finish the exam and see the results" the mayor informed.

When the president saw the rapid response and the mayor's great command direction, he decided to collaborate with him to see how well he performs in higher positions, what the president did not know is that all the rapid response is because the men already they were in the forest stationed by the magistrate to prevent Asura (Chris) from leaving the forest, but now they are used by the mayor to gain merit.

"President I have news" entered a young man of no more than 25 years excited.

"What's going on, explain yourself"

"President, it is about the festival that will take place within 2 months, we have obtained confirmation that at least 20 superior worlds will attend the event"

"What's wrong with this for you to come in such a hurry"

"It's because the reason each and every one of them gave is the same, it's to be able to find an acquaintance, they probably refer to the people who fought in space" said the elated man.

When the president heard this, he felt more upset that he couldn't understand the whole situation, in the end.

"Bring the oracle of the planet" said the president oracles communicate with destiny and different entities like the universe itself, he could be the only one who could clarify the current situation since oracles are as rare as the feathers of a phoenix and They are not easily found even in the upper worlds. The main reason why earth qualified as a mid-tier world is mostly due to this oracle.

"President is here" said the secretary next to the president as the doors opened and an elf with green hair entered.

Once the elf came in, he didn't care about the introductions and started talking about what was more important instead of the pointless introductions "Gentlemen I guess everyone is wondering what the phenomenon that happened recently was, but the first thing I want to explain is that the event did not happen in this area but in the entire universe in general" once everyone heard the scale of the phenomenon, they were surprised how something capable of covering the entire universe existed.

"We can save the suspense and go to the point at once" said one of the ministers annoyed with the elf because he does not go directly to the main point, since nobody has the desire to guess.

The elf as the only oracle in the world had enjoyed many luxuries and since he was an elf, he was even more revered, once he was interrupted, he was annoyed he was going to yell at the minister, but seeing that all the authorities of the planet were here plus the immensity of the news fell silent as he glared at the minister and said.

"The phenomenon that happened is known as the birth of a god, once someone ascends and goes through deification to become a god, this phenomenon happens, since the universe has a new supreme being, the more powerful the god, the more the universe becomes. will benefit"

Once everyone heard the reason for such an event, they were scared thinking that they could have retribution from such a being for interfering with their affairs, but while everyone began to lose their sanity, the elf spoke again "The oracle also said that the god would not retaliate with the planet, nor the innocent people so we don't have to worry about unfounded revenge" once the oracle said this everyone relaxed looking as if they escaped a crisis only one person was not happy and instead had the face of a person dead, this was the minister brother of the captain.

He couldn't understand the oracle's words since he said he wouldn't attack the innocent and uninvolved people, but since he wouldn't target his brother and himself, after all he didn't kill his brother when he had the chance, so that I didn't kill him, it has to be for two reasons and that is that I couldn't and didn't want to kill him, but since this is false since if he is a god he would only need one thought to take the life of a mortal, in addition to how he couldn't hold a grudge after which almost ended in existential nothingness, there was only the second option left and that is that he wanted to give them a miserable, slow and painful death which he couldn't do at that moment.

"Now the important thing is the festival of prosperity the upper worlds are going to come because of this, even if he showed up here, it doesn't mean we gain anything by coming here" said the president, but before anyone spoke the oracle said " They will all come here since the oracle said that he would appear at the festival."

At first the president was scared, but even though a meeting between powers will happen here, it doesn't mean it's bad since they could gain some advantages since, they were the hosts.

At that very moment the team of mystical warriors who were present during the event entered with the captain at the head.

Once they saw this man everyone showed an expression of disgust and contempt.

The captain, ignoring everyone's expressions, took a step forward and said "President, reporting to duty, I must inform you that the two intruders are dangerous and should be eliminated, especially the man shows that he has malicious intentions and is a danger, and I also propose to interrogate your aide and extract information from your targets, I will spare no effort and use every possible method or position to extract information for the good of our civilization."

When everyone heard this, they felt that they saw an idiot, the worst of all is that the people present here knew of the reputation of this captain, since they could not understand that in his words he revealed his true intentions, the president could not stand it anymore and decided take this opportunity.

"Squad Captain, I'm glad you're here because I wanted to inform you about your dismissal for incompetence, in addition to acting insubordinately in the line of duty, and in the latter case going against orders, acting for personal reasons without knowing the full situation, putting the planet in danger by using an illegal device that was supposed to have been destroyed long ago, killed, and stolen from his comrades, you are charged with all these crimes."

The President weren't stupid and they knew about the perforator of the universe what they didn't understand is how it got into the hands of the captain, but blaming him for the disappearance of the general who should have him and destroy him, it was easy to do so they all continued with that line to get dirty of this despicable man.

"Wait, President, you don't understand, that's not how things happened, at that moment I killed him because ..." in a hurry due to the situation, not knowing the same rebel that the president's invented assumptions were real.

"Guards take him away" shouted the president, once he said this several people appeared from the shadows attacking the captain and then immobilize him and take him away, the captain was a pretty strong mystical warrior, but against these men he is no different from an animal in the slaughterhouse.

"President since the captain will be fired who will take over the position of commanding the mystic warriors" Chloe asked.

"There is no need to worry General Beatrix will take care of your position, besides this year's prosperity festival will be held in the star city, normally it is held in the capital, but since many upper worlds will come for that mysterious person, it is possible that this is the best place to find it, in addition to the fact that the star city is classified as one of the 5 most beautiful cities on the planet, it will be the perfect place to gather so many people"

Once everyone heard this no one objected as they all thought the same.