Chris Inner Universe

In the world tree at its base under its trunk is a small garden where a large part of the energy from all over the world gathers.

There was Chris with his 6 wings spread on his back meditating, while he was going through the second evolution of his physique.

Although it possesses the physical characteristics of vampires, demons, and angels, due to its first change by Lillia's blood, the physical body of these 3 races is only slightly above average as their true appearances are based on their appearances. innate and magical abilities and powers, as demonstrated when he took Kira's avatar off the planet into space so easily using only magical attacks.

The physical body that he has is very strong as he has gone through many agonies and tempers in these years making his physical strength no less than Kira who was an ancient dragon in the mystic realm.

(n.t: dragons have the most powerful bodies of all)

Even though he is so physically strong it wasn't enough as if his power keeps growing as crazy as he has been, his body won't take it and will eventually self-destruct.

At first Chris thought that he should dilute his strength and magical power a bit to lessen the overload on his body.

But now after finding out that Kira was a match he could get his ancient dragon physique, and his body could finally tolerate the growth of his power.

At this time his physical body was still changing since his bones, organs, flesh and skin were being strengthened by obtaining the physique of an ancient dragon, the wings on his back were also beginning to change previously his wings were only a flight support to be faster since he couldn't use them for combat because they didn't meet his requirements and instead of being helpful, he would only take damage if they got hurt.

But now his wings possessed a hardness and resistance not inferior to that of his new body, in addition to the fact that his shape, despite the angelic design, did not change much, his shape was assimilated to that of the wings of the feathered dragons, making his wings perfect for the battle as if it were one of Chris' limbs.

The horns on his head also underwent changes it was no longer so simple, but more like they started to take on a draconic shape making it look as if on his head there was a black crown instead of horns, as well as a tail. grew up.

Once the whole process was over Chris opened his eyes and checked his body once more, despite the obvious changes like tail, wings and horns his body figure was slim but well-toned as if he had been sculpted by a fine craftsman, previously when he moved or used his strength, he felt a pressure on his body as if it was going to break, but now all his movements were natural, without any delay or pressure.

When I finished checking that he didn't have any problem I looked around the corner of him there was a beautiful young woman asleep near him.

What was in front of Chris was a beautiful woman with a perfect body without the slightest imperfection, the young woman did not have a single thread on her, due to her previous battle that destroyed her clothes, but since they used weapons that covered them, one did not she would notice, but after putting her to sleep her weaponry disappeared leaving her totally defenseless.

Seeing the girl like this, Chris's inner desire to attack her at the most defenseless moment burst out of her, trapping her in her embrace, *Puchi* but when he was going to do something else to her Kira opened her mouth. her eyes.

"Where are we?" Kira asked.

"In my inner universe" replied Chris depressed for not being able to do anything to her, without even trying to hide her intentions.

"Only gods aren't supposed to have their own internal universes" Kira spoke once more, unable to understand why Chris had something that only gods had.

Seeing his confusion, Chris focused his energy and transferred all of his personal information into Kira's mind so she could understand it.

Once Kira knew who the person in front of her was, she was surprised even she knew about him, but that only confused her more, because such an amazing person would sacrifice himself to save her even if he had a method to save himself, there would still be a cost like that Why did I save her?

Without being able to come to a conclusion I ask "Why did you save me even if you had a way to survive you must have suffered a cost"

"It's true that I had a big consequence, the current me can only use 5% of my strength and can only enter 1% of Berserk power for very short periods of time it is possible that my body will suffer great injuries just by moving if I exceed this value of my power, making me very weak, which would leave me an easy target for you to kill me" even though what Chris said is the truth 5% of his strength is on par with the beings of the realm origin divine like him, so he wouldn't be easily killed but still exaggerating his words.

"Then why did you save me if you knew you would suffer you are not afraid that I will stab you right now because you would do something so stupid" Kira yelled angrily as if she was trying to scold him.

"I saved you because I think you're a good girl, plus you've been through enough" Chris said as he patted the head of the angry Kira who was looking at him as if she wanted to hit him.

Hearing that, Kira could only laugh mockingly and angrily as she yelled at him once more "Suffering… Haha… Don't make me laugh… For someone who has always been on top of people… How can you understand suffering?

The moment Kira said those words, a lot of memories flooded her mind in these memories she saw a young man who seemed to have all the luxuries in the world, but he did not look happy every day in the young man's life was hell, passed by the most inhuman and painful training but despite all this the young man never said a word of complaint or denial, but continued to be more and more diligent despite the fact that his agony was increasing, despite the fact that everyone praised him and they praised him as a genius, they only saw his results and never his effort, this child had to abandon his desires and emotions to move forward, totally sealing his heart making him seem more dead than alive, despite all these efforts, he only attracted regrets and agony, once he was going to achieve his goal of reaching the top and being able to rest peacefully, he was betrayed by making him fall so that he would have to start the same cycle of suffering again.

Once Kira saw that horrible story of the young man flashing across her eye the tears couldn't be held back any longer and burst like a broken dam.

She considered herself an unlucky person who had suffered things that normal people couldn't bear, but seeing the story of the young man she felt for the first time in her life in a long time that she was very lucky compared to that young man who had left her heart. To die.

"I don't know what suffering you experienced, but compared to mine there is some difference, pain will always be painful regardless of its origin or cause" Chris said as if all those pains and agonies were just bad dreams that never happened.

"If you've already suffered so much, then why do you keep going even though you know you'll suffer?" Kira asked, not understanding the reason for her actions.

"It's not about whether or not I will suffer, just that I have to move on whether it's for my family, my friends or my loved ones, but mainly I do it for myself, even if I have to bury my heart it's worth it" Chris.

"So, what about me I'm not your family or friends so why" Kira kept yelling as if asking him this question was the most painful thing for her, but still he asked it.

"You may not be my family, you may not be my friend, but you have been very close to me from the moment I saw you" these words may be a complete cliché and very corny, being the lines of a typical womanizer, but these were his feelings for Chris now that he released his heart, he would take whatever he wants no matter it's good or bad and move on, but he won't do it alone this time.


Seeing the stunned Kira who was on her lap, he hugged her tightly and closed her lips with his, while her tongue made a mess in her mouth so he could deliver the final blow.