After leaving a spatial mark so that he could transport at any time in the future, Chris left the cave, at first, he thought to take the test to free the spirit and see if he could hire it, but because the test adjusts the terrain based on to force the person in his current state will probably end up losing his life.

After leaving the cave, head home, I take Kira out of her inner universe and let her sleep in one of the rooms and call Lillia to come live in the mansion instead of the bedrooms, after the period of 6 Years Lillia had already become independent and was not so dependent on him so it was no longer necessary for him to keep her away.

After that he went to sleep as he couldn't bear sleep anymore and fell asleep.

The next day when Chris got up, he saw something that he couldn't understand he saw Lillia and Kira chatting as if they were lifelong friends who had met again.

He could understand that Lillia wouldn't mind if he had other women, but Kira was different, she had had a hard life seeing her reactions, Chris realized that she wouldn't let anyone into her heart easily if it wasn't for taking her at the time. weaker she would probably have forgotten several years later.

Unable to bear his curiosity, Chris asked Kira, "It's weird that you socialize with other people and don't seem upset."

"Well, based on your reputation, I already expected this kind of thing" Kira.

"What reputation do you mean?" Chris.

"Don't play dumb, all the people from the higher worlds know about your actions, even I, who am only a little over twenty years old and don't interact much with people, know about your exploits" Kira said with a look that said that he was guilty of some crime, even if there was no evidence.

Chris's reaction was not unusual since he had done many things in the past, many of these things would be more than enough to make a fuss in all the upper worlds.

When Kira saw Chris's confused look, I couldn't help but ask "You really don't know what I mean"

"I've done a lot of things that I don't know what you mean specifically."

When Kira saw that she really didn't understand, she concentrated her magic power and transferred some memories like Chris did in the internal universe, after all explaining with words was very annoying and this way the other party would understand faster.

When the memory of a lot of people talking about the latest gossip popped into his head, Chris finally understood everything, this was all from him, in the past he used all kinds of cruel tactics no matter who he was, but there were some women who to convince them he had to seduce them, despite the fact that this number was so few that it can be counted on the fingers of the hands, each of these women were a great character, to the point that each of their actions would cause a great wave , but what Chris didn't expect was that doing this unknowingly would create a reputation as a womanizer that was known to everyone but him.

In the past, Chris's actions were so varied and unexpected that no one knew what he was going to do, since he never paid attention to people shorter than him, everyone took him as a magnanimous person who would not hurt the weak, but when he actually faced a person head-on, everyone saw how cruel and ruthless he was to the point that they even called him the reincarnation of asura, even the race of the shura who are descended from the same asura gods dared to say that none of They were as cruel as he.

At first, he thought to resolve this misunderstanding, but seeing how thanks to this gossip, Kira got along so well with Lillia, Chris decided to keep quiet.

"Leaving this aside, it is better that we talk about what really matters, Kira, exactly what happened to the ancient clan of the dragon of space time, who knows they disappeared almost 800 years ago, but their disappearance was so sudden that nobody knew what happened, everyone thought it was because the clan was closed from the outside world for many years and was cultivating in some sealed dimension" Chris.

When Kira heard this her expression turned somewhat strange, she knew that this question would be asked of her sooner or later so she was prepared.

"It is true that our dragon clan disappeared almost 800 years ago, but not because they voluntarily isolated themselves, since the reason for this is linked to something that happened in the realm of the gods" Kira.

When Chris heard the answer, he was surprised, since he expected all kinds of answers, but none of them were related to the god realm, to which Kira continued speaking.

"In the kingdom of god there are many factions among the gods, many of the mythologies and religions of the many planets are based on these factions, all the dragon gods despite being divided into clans and some are present in some mythologies, they have always been a very united faction, but no more than 5 thousand years ago in the kingdom of god a new faction was created, despite the fact that they seemed normal and the only thing that caught the attention of the other factions, was that even being a new force , was made up of incredibly strong people, even by gods' standards." Kira.

"I understand but what does this have to do with the crisis of the ancient dragon clan and why do they know so much about the kingdom of god" Chris.

"When this faction was created they were neutral for a millennium, only after the millennium did they show their true intentions since it was a cult of dragon slayers attacking the different dragon clans in the god realm, this generated many casualties in the dragons , the enraged dragon gods unified all their clans and attacked the cult of the dragon slayers, a huge battle in the god realm that would last a millennium broke out, the dragons being superior exterminated the majority only leaving a few who escaped. this universe leaving the kingdom of god since they were not gods"

"The dragon gods thinking that these people would not last long and ignored them since in the vast universe they could not do much damage" at this moment Kira stopped as if the next part would be the most important, seeing Kira's hesitation, Chris said.

"Continue if we don't understand the whole picture, we can't take an action that solves the problem" Chris

When Kira heard this, she thought that Chris was a little impatient and something searched for his words, but she knew he had to continue so he kept talking.

"After this cult was expelled from the god realm it took more than 2 thousand years to stabilize from their damage once they recovered, they began to gather strength to be able to return to the god realm, because their hatred for dragons grew, they decided take it out on the dragons in the universe and the first clan they attacked was the Ancient Dragon of Space Time."

"That doesn't make sense if they started such a huge conflict, the factions from the upper worlds would notice, even if they were powerful, it's impossible for that cult to be able to get rid of a powerful ancient dragon clan without leaving traces." Chris said in disbelief that a clan like the space time dragon had lost in a confrontation with other people, to the point where no one would notice.

Understanding Chris' doubts, Kira explained "At that time they didn't fight the cult used another method to get my clan out of their plans they used the abyssal prison".

"Abyssal prison, what is that?" Lillia asked since she is the only one who didn't know what the abyssal prison was.

"The abyssal prison is a space created to trap people in an environment no less than purgatory since the conditions of survival are so horrible that every second that passes there is a second that one would rather be dead, plus this prison has an inequality of time a year in prison is 10 years in reality, it is also said that it is impossible to escape" Chris.

"I understand, but if that's the case, what I don't understand is if the whole clan was locked up how is Kira out" Lillia.

"The clan erected a barrier to keep everyone safe, after 50 years locked up a part of the magic power collected was used for two people from the clan to escape and look for a way to rescue them, but due to bad luck the cult was realized this and chased them as they were afraid that even a member of the clan would be released for some strange reason, these two people were my parents at first they managed to hide and looked for a way to free our relatives but my mother got pregnant with me"

Once again Kira stopped when Chris and Lillia saw this they realized what was coming was not a very good memory.

"After I was born my parents raised me with all their love for a few years, I lived the happiest moments of my life but after I turned 18, those people found us, my father knew that if they kept running they would realize my existence, so he transferred all his knowledge to me and then used all his space power to send me to a place where I would be safe, after getting everything my father knew he left me a message that told how to save our clan and that no matter that I had to keep my origin hidden from everyone" Kira.

"What happened to your parents after that?" Lillia.

"I don't know maybe they escaped or were killed; I don't know I've tried to find that answer for a long time" Kira said as she gritted her teeth due to the hatred she felt.

"And why did that cult first attack the clan of the ancient dragon from space-time" said Lillia without being able to understand, if they were really going to start a conflict with the dragons why start with one of the most powerful, Kira also asked herself this same question.

"This is because the ancient space time dragon clan are the only ones who can enter and leave the god realm on their own whenever they want" Chris replied to the question, as if it was obvious.