"What does this have to do with him attacking you?" Lillia.

"Kira, what is the method your father gave you to help free your clan members?" Chris asked.

"He asked me to reach the level of power of an Eternal and to go to a place called the lake of dragons so that there I could find a woman named Kazumi, he said that if I did not become an eternal being, it would be impossible to go to this place." Kira.

"Know where the lake of dragons is." Chris asked to which Kira shook her head.

"The lake of the dragons is in the kingdom of god, in order to break the abysmal prison a lot of power is needed, something that only a god can do, although it can be broken in other ways these consume a lot of time and because of how the clan of the dragon who are imprisoned this is what they lack"

Chris had many ideas regarding this matter, he thought that maybe if he released his divine powers, he could break the prison, but since he was weakened not only, he couldn't use his powers without getting hurt, there was also the fact that he couldn't extract enough of his power to break the prison, he would first have to recover his injuries and increase his power.

(n.t: the mc has the power of a deity, but because his base is weak, being only a divine realm, he can't fully use it, plus he got hurt using it).

"I understand that we need a god to break the prison, but how is it possible that my clan has the power to open the barrier of the god realm, something that only gods can do" Kira.

"Know why there is the barrier that divides this universe and the god realm" Chris.

"No" Kira.

"It is the same reason why the upper worlds do not interfere with the lower worlds, the gods cause a lot of damage in the universe just by their presence, so in order to avoid harm and loss of innocent people, the gods of the highest order I create a barrier that will only allow everyone who becomes a god to enter the god realm but not leave, most gods are not interested in leaving the god realm so this restriction does not affect them, but the barrier only prevents gods from leaving, mortals can leave the god realm whenever they want but they won't be able to enter unless they become gods" after explaining this point Chris stops and takes a breath to continue.

"But there is an exemption and those are the most powerful members of your Kira clan when they manage to fully awaken their powers and manipulate both space and time at will, not only will they have enough strength to break through the god realm barrier and enter, but since they are mortal since none has ascended to divinity, they can leave whenever they want"

"Wait a minute, you said that, to break the abyssal prison, the power of a god is needed, but even if Kira has the power to enter and exit the god realm, it doesn't mean that she can take out some dragon god from the god realm." god to break the prison then what would be the use of going to the kingdom of god" asked Lillia since this point was not clear.

"She's right even if I have perfect control of space and time with just this it's impossible to break the barrier of the god realm and bring a god" Kira cautioned because if with only these laws she could break the barrier by now tried a long time ago.

When Chris heard his doubts, he understood how difficult it was to understand what he was saying, when the old man explained this to him in his childhood, he didn't understand it at first either.

"Just because the gods are forbidden to go out doesn't mean they can't, if the dragon we seek is some ancestor of your clan who became a dragon god, the rotten one can easily break through the barrier with his powers and enter this universe, in case he is not a member of your clan it is possible to ask for permission from the gods of the highest order, in the past there were many conflicts that almost damaged the balance of the universe, one of these was when the fallen angel lucifer revealed himself which caused the sky to suffer a lot of damage in many lower dimensions, the Hebrew god also called the biblical god, being one of the highest order gods asked for permission to leave the god realm and solve this problem, other exemptions is when a new god is born, a god is appointed to come down and lead this new god to the god realm and not stay in a small universe causing trouble, if the conflict between this cult and the dragons is so old one or two dragon gods could come down to the universe to solve this problem" Chris.

(n.t: shit I had never written God so many times in such a row, after this chapter every time I want to refer to the kingdom of God, I will put GR which is the acronym for God Realm).

(n.t: I will put all the mythologies that I can in the story so it is possible that well-known gods such as the Olympians and the Nordics will appear, in addition to the fact that I have already mentioned the asuras that are from Hinduism)

"Also, by passing through the barrier of the god realm you are not really using the laws of space time alone, but also using the law of reality" said Chris.

"What is the law of reality? It's not supposed that there is only 12 natural laws" Kira asked, confused by something she didn't know.

After hearing all of Chris explanation, Kira and Lillia felt better, but hearing a law that they had never heard of made them confused, even Kira who had her father's knowledge in her head didn't know about the law of reality.

"That reminds me I had never explained to them about compound laws"

"Compound laws, what is that?" asked the two.

"Compound laws are also those that are born by combining two or more of the 12 natural laws that you already know, but not all combinations will generate a new law, some will result in certain powers that, despite the fact that it is the fusion of two or more natural laws remain within the 12 main laws and not a new one"

"I still don't understand" Lillia said, even Kira with her father's knowledge didn't really understand most of what Chris said.

"Let me give you an example with the flames of hell, the flames of hell even though it contains the elements of fire and darkness is just a new power and not a new law since it can be easily classified as the law of darkness, then we have two other elements like water and fire, combining them will only cause the water to evaporate and create steam this is neither a new power nor a new law, but if I take the basic aspects of these two laws and combine them as one , a new law will be created called the law of the fog". Once Chris said this the entire room was filled with mist making it difficult to see the surroundings.

"But if that's the way things are, the mist wouldn't be another aspect of the law of water like ice instead of being a new law created by working two" answered Kira incredulously thinking that this is a new law.

When Chris listened to Kira, she was not surprised to hear her denial and continued from her.

"That's what people thought at first but it's not like that because if you use the first method that I said, which is to evaporate water with fire, it will only create normal steam and if you try to manipulate its composition with the law of water, it will only make it become to condense back to its liquid state, while combining the two laws at an atomic level even if one manipulates it with their magical power it will remain in its gaseous state even if the temperature of the mist is increased or decreased it will always maintain its state An example would be if one uses the power of ice to freeze a person, a layer of ice will be generated around it, but it will leave the person's body intact inside, but with the fog it is different, when freezing the person it does that the cold passes through the pores, while the fog enters the body it can continue to be manipulated, it is the same if it is a burning fog or a frosty one, it will keep the same composition but one will have control of the temperature of the This is why it is considered a different law"

At that moment the fog that was in the room seemed a little more translucent when suddenly half of the room turned into a burning inferno and the furniture began to melt while the other side looked like an icy purgatory causing the decorations to crystallize. and began to crack, despite the fact that there was no fire or ice in the room the heat and cold expelled by the mist was not inferior to any of these aspects besides being able to do it simultaneously something that could not be done with fire magic and ice, one could do the same thing using two simultaneous magics of different attributes but doing so would only deplete Mana faster.

After the explanation and demonstration of the power of this magic to make it as simple as possible to understand, the two women nodded so as not to get stuck at this point any longer.

"In that case what is the law of reality" Kira.

"The law of reality is different from all other compound laws since it could be considered as the combination of all the laws of the universe being almost on a par with the law of nothing"

"If that's the way things are, that law has to do with my clan" Kira asked, still unable to understand.

"The law of nothing is the origin and the end of all things while the law of reality is everything that already exists, an example would be, my power, in addition to being able to make anything cease to exist, can also create them without no cost, let's take as an example the creation of a diamond as a starting point if you wanted to create a diamond with any other law such as the power of manipulating the minerals of the earth you would have to pay a cost which would be a piece of coal that would be the raw material to later transform it into a diamond, using the heat of the fire and the pressure of the earth" Once Chris said this, a carbon appeared in his hands and began to slowly transform into a diamond in full view of everyone.

"But the law of nothing is not like that, since it is the origin, it does not need a cost or raw material to create the diamond, the diamond would simply appear without the need to use carbon or any transmutation process" At that moment Chris extended his other hand and his energy concentrated and another diamond began to form, once it was complete no matter who saw them, they were identical without the slightest difference.

Seeing how the two women in front of him looked at him in silence, Chris continued to explain "The law of reality is equal to the law of nothingness. It goes against common sense going back to the example of the diamond, no matter what method one wants. use to create a diamond will always have to use a carbon to transform it into a diamond, but the law of reality is not like that, as it represents everything that already exists you can simply take any object such as a stone, a plastic ball or paper and by using the law of reality they will turn into diamonds."

Once Chris finished explaining, Kira and Lillia managed to understand him slightly with the example.

"If the law of reality is so powerful that it is compared to the law of nothing because it is a compound law and not a normal law"

"That is because the laws of space time have to exist for this law to exist, if there is no time and space making up the universe, reality will not exist, in other words this law needs the other laws to survive being the combination of all laws that's why it's a compound law" Chris.

"So, if you use the laws of space-time and reality together, you can break through the barrier of the god realm allowing people to come and go at will" Kira.

"Exactly, the law of nothingness could do something similar, but it would be more complicated than using the law of reality to get through the barrier" Chris.

"Wait doesn't mean that if a person had the power of nothing and reality at the same time, they wouldn't control everything" Lillia asked.

"Yes, but it's not as easy as you make it seem, the law of reality is almost as difficult to obtain as the law of nothingness, so even the people who know of its existence are very few, for example the Kira clan Although it is said that they can come into contact with the law of reality, it only applies to their powers of controlling space-time, which allows them to cross the barrier of the god realm, but not use the law of reality itself and much less exercise that power" Chris.