After Chris heard all of Kaguya story he could understand why all things ended like this after all the woman in front of him was so captivating that doing anything stupid to gain her favor was acceptable to a certain extent, but being crazy enough to hurting something beautiful just so other people couldn't have it was something he couldn't agree with.

"Kaguya, tell me who the man who did this to you is exactly?" Chris asked as he was curious of this person to do such a thing.

According to Chris wise, in the god realm the power requirement was more intense than in the vast universe, as he could understand from Kaguya story this person is probably a demi-god, but to lay a hand on the woman that many gods Wanted means you don't really care about people's pay or have great support.

"I'm not sure the only thing he is given is that when he came to earth to take me to the god realm and I met him, as he was a demi-god born naturally from a human woman who was the servant of a faction of gods from mid-rank and since he performed very well, they nurtured him to become a new god" Kaguya replied a bit confused by Chris's question.

"Kaguya what about the guy's father"

"I don't know, I was also curious about that so I asked the other companions if they came with him, but they all answered the same thing and that was that nobody knew according to them his mother did not reveal who his father was even after he died"

When Chris heard Kaguya answer he was able to speculate to a certain extent that a faction of gods would support a servant's child in such a way that it becomes a god, as well as ignore the face of all the gods they left behind. going to Kaguya knowing that it was better to let her go instead of others having her, this all has to be related to the father of the guy who attacked Kaguya.

"Tell me, Kaguya, what about the seal placed on your body, why hasn't it been removed?" Chris changed the subject to leave the subject of the attack for another time.

"The seal on my body is not difficult to remove, the problem is because it requires divine power to break and it is not the divine power that a demigod can use but that of a true god."

If the seal did not have this type of requirement to break, it is likely that the escort provided by Amaterasu would have already broken it long ago since its protector was also a natural demi-god, if it was only divine power, the breaking of the seal would have already been done long ago. much.

"Kaguya according to what you said I should be able to break the seal"

"If it is the lord, it is likely that with only the law of nothingness I can achieve it, but in the time that the seal has been in my body, I have noticed that there is something more than a blockage, so I recommend not doing it."

Based on Kaguya words it's probably something else (It's better not to worry about these things now I have other more important matters) I wonder Chris.

"Kaguya one last question have you seen a gem that looks like this by any chance" Chris said as he took out the red gem from the cave that he had found on her corpse it appeared in her hand.

"...…I don't think there is…. wait could they refer you to this gem" at first Kaguya didn't seem to recognize it, but for now she remembered that in this place when they found it there was a gem, but its color was different and the aura it emitted also differed so she didn't remember it at first.

After Kaguya materialized an image of an ocean blue gem, when Chris saw it he could recognize it as one of the keys, when he studied the matrix he noticed that although the gems seemed the same at first glance they had small characteristics that differentiated them and the image Kaguya displayed was identical to one of the forms on the cave's piety pedestals.

"If it is that, where is it right now?" Chris asked.

Kaguya felt a little awkward as she replied "This gem was found in this place many years ago in the time of my youth even before it was taken to GR."

When Chris heard Kaguya response she knew this was the location on the map, but based on his tone she felt there was something a bit problematic with her narrative so he didn't say anything and waited for Kaguya to continue.

"After being found, it was given to me as a gift and this wonderful place was taken as sacred land by the people who worshiped the moon god Tsukuyomi as she was a moon maiden I stayed for a while in this temple and learned about this place"

When Kaguya saw the frown on Chris's face she thought it was kind of cute, but seeing her impatience she didn't go into the story and told her where the gem is.

"The gem is with me or rather it is stored in my space inventory with my body"

When Chris heard this his face underwent another change these spaces are created as a small marks on one's body which can appear and disappear at will, it is like the door to put objects in and out of space and all even those in the mortal realm they will be able to create one and this space will grow based on the growth of one's strength so the gem will be fine, the bad thing is that only the owner of his inventory can put things in and take things out of it, so to get the gem Kaguya has to recover first.

"Kaguya I'll help you get back on your feet, but in return I want that gem. Sounds like a good deal to you," Chris said determinedly as if doing this wasn't a big deal.

When Kaguya heard this, she felt a little surprised to which she couldn't help but ask "Are you sure that's the only thing you want after all the advantages of having me as your maid are also quite great besides I think my appearance is quite good"

"Advantages, what advantages are you referring to?" Chris asked.

"That reminds me, I never told you the advantages that a god has in obtaining a demi-god as a partner. I already told you why we need a god to stabilize our divine power, but the gods also benefit from this, when the god sends his divine power to the demigod to stabilize the other party's power through intercourse, the demigod refines this power while stabilizing his own once he fuses his divine power with the one he received from the god this sends his power back the which is more pure and dense to the god which recreates the same process, by maintaining this process the divine power of the two becomes stronger, pure and dense as well as constantly growing, improving divine power is much more difficult than magical power so having a maiden solves this problem, but this only benefits the god in the early ranks if he wants the benefits to increase and not decrease the demi-god must become a god so that the two can ascend to king us higher".

After Kaguya explanation, Chris could understand the huge benefit of a maiden even felt that he should get one, but in his current state increasing his divine powers won't give him any advantage as it would only increase the weight and price he will have to pay. bear, so it doesn't bring any short-term benefits for what you currently need.

"It's not necessary, I just need the gem. If I need a maiden, I'll look for her in the future," said Chris.

What Chris didn't know was that his divine power was proportional to magic and life energy, if one is increased, the other will also be increased, the reason why he has to use large amounts of his stamina is due to his low realm which he cannot bear the purity and density of his power.

Kaguya did know about this fact so she was surprised by the refusal, but her interest grew even more for the young man in front of her, so she decided to make a bet if this young man manages to defeat the guardian who guards her body and successfully resurrects her. Not only will she give him the gem, but she will become his handmaiden and serve them with body and soul.

If it was in the past Kaguya would not have considered having a teacher and would go on with her plan to live a normal mortal life but the young man in front of her not only didn't have the same look of lust and greed they looked at her with almost but the current land was not the land she knew even if she wanted to live a normal life it would not be the same as back then so living her life with the young man in front of her would be a better decision besides that for some reason I felt it would be happier and more exciting.

"Tell me where is your body?" Chris asked.

"My body is on the moon, but it won't be as easy to get to it as you think" Kaguya said.

"What do you mean?" Chris.

"I told you that there was a protector who is Amaterasu's servant taking care of my body, this one is not only taking care of my body out of kindness towards me, but Amaterasu ordered it. I don't know why he did this, but his order was, "No regardless of the person, whether good or bad, you must get rid of her, only the person who defeats you will be the one who saves Kaguya" Amaterasu said that in a letter there was also another thing, but I could not read it apparently it is something left by an oracle which was notified of everything that would happen"

"If they were notified in advance because they did not prevent this disaster" Chris asked somewhat confused.

"I don't know Amaterasu gave us that letter that we could only open when we got to earth, she explained this to us, but when we opened the letter everything, I told you had already happened" Kaguya explained with a sour face as well.