"A Prediction" When Chris learned about Kaguya prophecy, he felt somewhat uneasy.

He knows how the power of the oracles works since his mother is one, the universe is vast, similarly hell, paradise and samsara are different dimensional planes that are connected to different dimensions, these special places have their own consciousness with the purpose of fulfilling its duty, samsara is in charge of allowing gods and immortals to reincarnate, while paradise and hell that are connected by purgatory are in charge of rewarding or punishing mortal souls based on their actions in their lives. It will last until their souls are dissipated.

While the universe is different it is more like a system that maintains all the laws that exist keeping everything in balance, what people have always worried about is that like the other places the universe also has consciousness, it cannot manifest in a physical form and intervene with people's actions directly, at first people thought that this universe was the creation by a god who reached the highest level than all currently known existing ones, but also the most powerful gods from GR to Despite the fact that all of them say that there are higher levels that have not been reached, but they verified that the universe was a system that maintained the balance of things and the reason that it developed consciousness is due to the fact that over the eons it was learning of all creation acquiring the knowledge of each created thing until in the end I develop consciousness.

The prophecies that the universe leaves are just the patterns of things that happen in the past that will generate a result in the future and it always does so through the oracles, but the prophecies are not the only thing that the oracles can receive from these entities. , these can also obtain knowledge of something specific, an example is the location of a treasure if the universe could give the information of what one wants to know for free or could put a cost for it to the oracle.

When Chris spoke to the universe in nothingness at first, he thought it was a fraud, but after using his god eyes despite not being able to get any information from the person in front of him he knew that what he saw was not a body but energy. pure that contained a very large concentration of the law and knowledge which took a form, in addition to the fact that nothing is not part of the universe otherwise the universe could not create an energy body to appear in front of him and speak to him in such a casual way.

Everything that has happened to Chris is too complex for there to be so many coincidences, despite the feeling of someone pulling the strings around him, he couldn't consider how the universe managed to plan all of these events other than when he did. he met did not feel any malice or ill will, he could even say that he felt appreciation as if they were from the same family because the current him was something that was born from the concentration of power in the universe, these points could be right.

(Let's leave this point for another time, the important thing is the keys) Chris thought as he recovered from his thoughts.

"Kaguya tell me how is your protector his race and how strong is he?" Chris asked.

"His race is a Kijin when he escorted me I always use the attribute of fire, he uses two weapons one in each mana one is a katana while the other is a spear I don't know much about the weapons, but these didn't seem normal since they were They look very powerful, besides I heard her say that in the worst case her weapons could enter the power state, her strength should be at the beginning of the realm of the immortals but based on the lower laws of this world it should go down its power up to the mystical realm of 5 rank" Kaguya explained everything she knew about the kijin hoping that Chris with this can defeat her and resurrect her again, although she did not think that this information would generate a great change in the situation since it was something that she would notice when he saw the other party.

"Alright this is enough so let's go" Chris said as he looked at Kaguya as if she was going to go with him.

"He expects to know that I can't leave this place or my soul will be dissipated right" Kaguya.

"Of course, I know, you need the natural veins of this place to keep you alive, but who says there are no other ways to preserve your soul besides this method" Chris mocked as if it were something obvious.

At that very moment Chris took out a transparent crystal without any impurity, if a normal person saw this jewel, they would think of it as a pretty gem but when Kaguya saw the gem he couldn't help but scream.

"Mystic god crystal... like... since you have one it shouldn't appear outside of the god realm."

"So that's what that object is called I thought it was something he created by accident" Chris.

"That's a mystic god crystal you know how rare they are even in the god realm, they only appear in places of high natural energy density, plus there must be a mystic lake in the area for the mystic god crystal to be." created you know how hard it is to find that crystal, what do you mean create it by accident" when Kaguya heard Chris's words she couldn't help but scream at how absurd his statement was.

After that Chris explained to him how he was experimenting with his powers, the law of nothingness and the water of the mystical lake which resulted in the creation of that crystal, after investigating it he noticed that it could be used as a home for an energetic body like the soul of a person or the spirits contracted for such, I create several since I would use it so that their spirits against treaties have a place to reside.

After Kaguya heard the whole story, her expression became more downcast.

"You know how absurd your story is, mystic god crystals are not just a special item to allow contracted spirits to reside they have many functions, they are great power cores for artifacts plus it is a great material for reinforcement as well and if you wear it as a necklace it is anger nourishing your soul making your mind stronger" Kaguya explained all the uses of crystals.

Once Chris heard all the uses of Kaguya crystals he thought (So they have all those uses I was looking for cores as material for the infinity sword upgrade) every time one of her swords becomes a living weapon it needs a soul, but more importantly, the sword needs a core as a base for the soul of the sword to reside in addition to metals or raw materials such as the body of the creature used for its refinement.

But what I was most concerned about is the power state of the kijin weapons, all living weapons have a release state called power on or ignition, this state releases all the power contained in the weapon causing it to release for a period of time. higher power than it normally has.

(If what Kaguya said is true and he is a high-level god follower like Amaterasu the kijin weapons will be a great danger) Chris thought.

"Kaguya I'm going to transfer your soul from the mirror to the gem" Chris.

Once Chris stopped talking, he released his magical power towards the mirror, at that moment the projection of Kaguya soul disappeared and a small ball of energy came out of the mirror which later entered the gem, once Kaguya soul entered the gem It showed a figure of a full moon inside it, Chris formed a necklace with the gem and put it on his neck.

"Kaguya, how are you, your soul? You don't have any problems?" Chris asked using his magical power that he poured into the gem.

A short time after doing that the gem released a small imperceptible glow that only Chris could see, and Kaguya's voice appeared in his mind "No problem I can't project an image anymore, but everything else is the same"

Once he confirmed Kaguya's safety, Chris picked up the mirror where he was before and as he took it in his hand, he felt a strange sensation from the mirror as if there was static between the two of them.

"Kaguya this mirror is an artifact, right?" Chris.

"If it is a replica of yata no kagami even though it is not as powerful as the original and it is only a mystic rank item it has the same abilities as the original it can reflect any attack below a certain level plus it can absorb, store and release all kinds of energy, no matter how you look at it despite being a replica the yata no kagami is one of the most powerful defensive god rank artifacts in all of GR so it is of great use" Kaguya explained.

When Chris saw the mirror once more, his gaze changed when he touched it. He knew it was a rare artifact, but knowing that it was a replica of a god rank artifact, in addition to the mystic god crystals he could use to strengthen the mirror, Although Chris doesn't think it can be like the original and become a god rank item, with enough materials and upgrades it could be an ancient rank item and at best become an eternal rank item.