Once Chris finished testing his newly evolved Fire of Nihility, he decided to change his name to the Lotus of Nihility.

Regaining consciousness, Chris was about to start reviving Kaguya when suddenly the voice of two women sounded in her ears totally in sync.

""Exactly what was that""

Turning around he saw Visia looking at him as if seeing some kind of extinct creature, in Kaguya case she knew more about Chris's secrets like the power she had obtained through a very unconventional resurrection process so retaining his powers seeing him releasing 20% ​​berserk power for the first time, which was something even the gods didn't dare to do so easily left her out of common sense, after all for someone from the divine realm like Chris taking into account Considering the immensity of his power and tyrannical body, the most he could bear is 10% of the berserk power for an hour or so, but right now he releases 20% like it's nothing.

In Visia case she didn't know about Chris and she was in an even worse state of shock.

"If you have questions, I will answer them later first I have to resurrect Kaguya since I can't keep my divine powers for a long time" Chris.

Once Chris said those words, he ignored Visia and continued with Kaguya resurrection. He took the gem around his neck and released Kaguya soul from her. When the gem came out, the symbol of the moon disappeared. At that moment, the soul Little by little, Kaguya body fused once again with her body, at the end of this Chris stopped using her divine power and let Kaguya finish the process herself.

Chris withdrew his power and returned to his usual state, due to the constant abuse of his divine power his resistance was already at the limit and he couldn't face the 2 tests of the spirits today, so he decided to rest since Kaguya would take a few hours to recover. regain consciousness, he could talk to Visia in that time.

"Tell me what you want to know?" Chris.


Visia didn't reply as if she didn't know where to start.

"In that case let me tell you about my story in that case" Chris suggested.

When Visia heard this, she nodded approvingly, she wished to know about this person so if he told about his origins to the point today she would know why there are so many weird things about this young man.

Having said this, Chris told from his birth, family and all the experiences he had experienced in the hundreds of years he has lived, until the fact of closing his heart was explained to Visia (all this was done through telepathy so that Visia could see his memories).

When Visia saw all this, she was surprised at everything the person in front of her had experienced. She knew that the asuras were beings who pursued power more than their own lives, but the person in front of her was the same, the difference is that he was never raised. So, he had a family that loved and protected him, they never pressured him, but what led him to seal his heart and pursue power in such a mad way Visia was very curious about this fact, but since Chris didn't say the reason, he didn't he asked and kept looking at Chris's memories as he listened to his narrative.

After that came the betrayal 16 years ago, the unexpected resurrection and what has happened in the last 16 years.

After finishing many of Visia questions were answered while other doubts were born, the person in front of her was perfect to be her teacher, but she didn't know if he would accept her due to her complex situation, but a sudden idea came to her mind. of Visia in a way that could make him accept her, the person in front of her doesn't know anything concrete about the gods and his information of his powers is very fragmented she could give him all that knowledge in exchange for him becoming her teacher.

While Visia di vacillated in his thoughts Chris looked at his expression to be able to read his thoughts, at first Visia looked at him in a curious and interested way, but the more time they spent together his expression changed to one of desire and greed.

At that moment he remembered what a friend told him that the Kijin were a race that craved for strength and usually fall in love with someone who can defeat them with a great temper and tyrannical strength, at first, he did not believe this, but seeing Visia he began to believe it, taking a new look at Visia he could tell that she was a first-class beauty, if he accepts her, he would have to sign a master servant pact between a god and demi-god so he would not betray him no matter that.

Since he freed his heart, he noticed that his desire for women had grown exponentially, what Chris did not know is that due to so many centuries of abstinence from his desires, his desires would explode in an unbridled way and would only calm down until they were satisfied, after your whole body may be satisfied but your heart is not.

"Visia, can I ask you a question" Chris.

"...ehh what...what would it be?" Visia who snapped out of her reverie was confused since she was so abruptly interrupted.

"Tell me you like me" Chris.


Visia replied, Chris expected to see a cute reaction like Beatrice's a year ago, but seeing the direct response with a strong dignity he knew that Visia pride was engraved in her bones and it is something that he would always carry with her.

"In that case, how about we form the pact of God and demi-god" Chris.

The previous question left Visia very confused but her current proposal left her even more strange and she couldn't help but ask.

"I would really like to, but why would you make such questions and proposals out of the blue?" view.

"Two reasons the first is that I liked you, the second is because that's what you wanted isn't it" Chris.

"How do you know?" Visia.

"It's my sixth sense" Chris.

Chris's sixth sense is very special because when he predicts a fortune, if it selects a person it has to be deep and true if the other person is not sincere or has a bad thought his sense will not only not detect it as a fortune, but he will see her as a danger in the case of Visia and Kaguya expel the same feeling he feels from Mana.

But this wasn't the whole reason why Chris was truthful enough to tell the secrets from him, Chris used soul magic to put restrictions on Kaguya and Visia, when they weren't aware.

Visia did not doubt the sincerity of Chris's words, but she knew there was something hidden in them, but she ignored it for the time being, if she wanted to tell him, her new teacher would tell her.

"In that case, how should one sign the master and servant pact?" Chris asked.

"For that you first have to become a true god" Visia.

"What do you mean" Chris.

At that moment, Visia explained to him about the creation of a divine spark and its characteristics, I also talked about the advantages of the pact, such as the growth of his divine power would be equal to that of his Mana and Prana, and he would not suffer any disadvantage or effect. secondary.

Knowing this, Chris regretted not being able to sign a pact with Kaguya.

"In that case the divine sparks are not like the principles of law" asked Chris.

"Actually, the principles of law are divine sparks that have lost their power and were degraded, a god can use a principle of law as raw material to create his own divine spark" Visia.

When Chris heard this, he finally understood why people were so madly searching for law principles, the old elder always talked about these things their advantages and why everyone always pursued them, unexpectedly this is because it was traces of divine power from some god that was killed or committed suicide these things could not only be used to create one's own divine spark but would provide assistance for one to break through the barrier of an eternal being and become a true deity.

"I see tell me a person can create or have more than one divine spark" Chris.

"If the first one you create is the core of his power, but you can create more and these powers will enhance the one you already have as a core" Visia.

By this time Kaguya had woken up even though his body was still motionless, but she could see everything that was going on in the living room and heard Visia and Chris's conversation.

"Since you are going to form your Divine Spark you should use your power of nihility as the core since it is the strongest of your powers and how about you sign a pact with me too, after all the more people who can reach deity status and being by your side will be even more advantageous when we go to the god realm" Kaguya.