After hearing all about the differences between the powers of a person and a god, Chris Eighth gained an even more complete understanding of his current situation.

Worse, they had another problem because if they left this space, Visia, who was an eternal being, will not be able to enter the earth, since the laws repel her, so Chris gave her a limit bracelet that he had made and in the same way he gave one to Kaguya, although she didn't need it, Kaguya was a rank 5 mystic realm and she could enter without the limit bracelet, but it would still cause a lot of fuss to let people detect her so it's better to hide her power.

Chris had already received the key to enter the second test space and had managed to convince two powerful demi-goddesses to sign a pact with him, but there are only 2 hours left until his meeting with the government, as he promised Beatriz, for so he had to postpone the test.

First Chris would solve these issues and then he would hire his 2 spirits, once he solves the problem with the upper worlds, he would be in charge of creating his divine sparks and finish the process of becoming a true god in order to exercise his true power.

Once Visia and Kaguya limited and hid their powers they left the moon and returned to the villa in the city of stars to prepare for the meeting.

*** *** ***

In the center of the city in a luxurious limousine there were five people, these people were Beatriz, Chloe, Maya, the president and a young girl around 16 or 17 years old with a tiger cub on her lap.

The president did not know who the young woman was, but the elders told him that he should treat her as if she were themselves, when the president heard this, he felt a little upset, but he did not show it and instead followed the instructions to the letter. Orders from the elders, so much time in the bureaucracy had helped him develop a keen sense for judging people and he knew that the young woman who was in her mid-teens was someone he shouldn't mess with and should only be on good terms. terms.

Beatriz, on the other hand, knew of the true identity of the young woman as someone whose strength is equal to the 10 and 9 thrones of the council, in addition to the fact that she was much younger than these elders that some have even lived since the times of before Christ.

"It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other Meiko" greeted Beatriz.

"That's right, Beatriz, you have even improved a lot in these years, you even broke the barrier of the second rank and entered the third rank, I thought it would take you at least another decade of time to achieve it" Meiko.

"I had some luck and managed to break" Beatriz.

"If with any luck anyone could break a rank of the mystic realm the planet would already be a higher rank world, don't you think so, it would be nice to know how to get that luck" Meiko said sarcastically.

Once Meiko said this Beatrice's face turned cold, the fact that she broke a rank a few years after breaking into rank 2 attracted a lot of attention including from the elders, but this was not all since not only progress, but his Prana and Mana became denser and purer than it was already even better than the energy of most of the elders occupying the thrones, such a high level of enhancement could not be normal.

Many people always asked her how she achieved it, what method she used, what miraculous elixir she consumed, but she always ignored the question or simply united people so that they would never talk about it again, in the end Beatriz only said that she gets a mysterious elixir unknown that helped her advance, although the most important people did not believe her.

When the elders asked her this question, she only replied that she managed to move forward when she was asleep and hid everything that happened with Chris, since it was not a lie, the device used to confirm if what one said is true gave her the green light for which they could not continue investigating the subject further.

Beatriz always avoided the topic as she couldn't tell that it was due to taking Chris untouched virgin essence which was combined with her divine power, even to this day she hasn't been able to fully digest all that power.

What Beatriz does not know is that the energy inside her is so massive since Chris used a special technique engraving a seal inside her that would prevent the energy from damaging her and also the power of the essence would be refined and would constantly become more intense. strong, as an apology for her, according to what Chris calculated the power he gave to Beatrice is more than enough for her to reach the ancient kingdom, but this calculation was before knowing that she also had the powers of a deity, so that the scope of Beatriz was still uncertain.

"Not all of us can be lucky or be monsters to be able to advance quickly or else there would be no balance in this universe, don't you think so, after all little monsters are rare" Beatriz.

Beatriz's words sounded simple and coherent that anyone could accept that she was right, but Meiko face turned ugly the nickname of little monster was something that she had always hated Beatriz's words were obviously to annoy her.

"We have already reached the entrance of the villa with whom we should communicate to enter General Beatriz"

The president, seeing the bad atmosphere of the two women, could only take advantage of the fact that they had arrived and stop them.

Although Meiko was upset, she calmed down the other person was the key for her to enter the ancient kingdom, arguing with Beatrice was of no importance.

In Beatriz's case she was somewhat nervous, even though she knew that Chris would not be irrational she was still somewhat doubtful.

When the group entered the village, they were surprised that the scientific and magical technology of the village was at a level that the current planet would not be able to rival, although it seemed normal on the surface with the senses beings in the mystic realm could feel. and seeing that this village was not normal, even the maid-shaped automaton guiding them was no different from a real person.

Once they came to a study room which had a desk in the back surrounded by shelves with luxurious looking wines which they have not seen proving that they were produced in this villa, there was also a second floor which was a library full of books. , in the center of the room there were some armchairs surrounding a table where people could place any drink, the group sat in one of the armchairs leaving the one in front free for the other party.

10 minutes later the door opened and a beautiful woman with black hair and red eyes entered the bedroom, this was Mana instead of wearing her kimono which she wore when she was with Chris's mother, she was wearing a black maid outfit with red.

When Mana entered the room everyone's expression changed.

The president, who was the only normal man, couldn't help but show his desire for a woman in front of him, but he quickly composed himself.

Maya and Chloe seeing Mana's devastating beauty could only admire her and have a little envy, they have always been considered beauties by those who looked at them, but they were never considered number one, since there were people like Beatriz who was a beauty without no matter who they looked at her for, but she exuded coldness and dignity which didn't give her much charm, despite having a great figure only slightly inferring the woman in front of her.

In the case of Beatriz, her expression remained the same, but you could feel something annoyed and offended in her.

And in Meiko case she could only see Mana's huge chest with a foolish expression, as she put her hands on her chest that seemed like it was still in her growth period, although it's over. several centuries ago.

When Mana saw the people in her room her expression had some pride in it.

She knew that Chris would never agree to this unless someone important to him asked him to.

When she met Lillia and Kira she accepted them without further ado since she saw them as her younger sisters but when Chris talked about Beatriz, he felt somewhat annoyed since he had the same feeling about her as he felt about Astrid, but seeing her today and seeing that her beauty and charm were a bit similar to hers she didn't see her as a danger, in Astrid's case, Mana knew that her body was much better than Astrid's but as her opponent was a people who had a part of succubus blood which exuded charm, besides her position as a noble was a nuisance to her, at first she didn't pay attention to it since no matter that Chris would always take care of her, but Astrid's incessant war with her had always bothered her, so she had always aimed to be the top so as not to suffer any more hassle.

"Dear guest, my teacher will arrive shortly since he is fixing some things, I hope you don't mind waiting a little longer"

Mana said in a courteous manner to her guests as she bowed, but this gesture only made her charm even more intense as her chest swayed.

Making the expressions of the guests become even more serious in many ways not knowing how to respond to the beauty in front of them.