Since Mana appeared in the room there was a dead silence until the president couldn't help but ask feeling uncomfortable.

"Miss, could I ask you what her relationship with the esteemed sir would be?"

The president knew that the question was rude, but the curiosity of knowing who the young woman was in front of everyone won instead of courtesy.

Mana didn't mind the question and answered.

"I was born in the same upper world as my teacher and we have been together since 10 years of our childhood, our relationship is that I belong to him and he belongs to me"

Once Mana's answer reached the group, they were surprised again since obviously Mana was saying that she was from the upper worlds and that her relationship with the person they were looking for is not normal.

"Those words are very big tell me is there someone who can testify for you" asked Beatriz.

Mana smiled and replied "anyone in the upper worlds who doesn't live under a stone or has been in seclusion for the last two thousand years could testify to my words."

When Meiko heard this answer, she felt something strange, she stopped looking at Mana's chest and asked.

"You said that you and your teacher are the same age and have been together for 10 years, so why can only people who have been active in the last two thousand years testify?"

From Meiko point of view the person she is looking for must already be more than several million years old so this point seemed very strange to her, Beatriz and the others thought similarly.

Mana understood the misunderstanding of these people after all she knew that her beloved master, it was an irregularity difficult to understand, even she and Astrid who entered the Eternal realm at a very young age and are called geniuses by everyone does not have the slightest sure to be compared to Chris, when it comes to cultivation speed.

"I think you guys have a misunderstanding at this point the real age of my master and mine is 1816 years old" Mana.

Once Mana answered these people's doubt, but her expressions changed once again.

The president who was not a warrior who cultivated and was a normal person was able to feel the abnormality in the other person's age, although not fully, even though he understood that the man is young from the point of view of normal people 1816 years old was still an old man, although for cultivators the seriousness of this matter was different as they could live up to a hundred thousand years, less than two thousand years is no different than a child in their eyes.

Meiko on the other hand was with a more absurd face than before to find out that the person they are looking for is much younger than her, leaving her out of common sense.

Beatriz, on the other hand, already expected Chris to be older than her, but knowing that they were only a couple of centuries, when she expected several millennia of difference, she left her somewhat out of reality.

In the case of Chloe and Maya, they did not know how to respond, they were a few decades younger than Beatriz, but they were already in the mystical realm, from everyone's point of view they were geniuses who are only born once every thousand years, but people do not. volume very found because, their rapid advance is due to many factors, they were nurtured both by their families and the government, they had holy physicists and the best teachers of mystic ranks to guide them, instead Beatriz was of humble origin, her body divine had not woken up and always had to walk the path on his own, when it was revealed that Chris was so young, they did not take the news so hard since they were already used to there being a higher sky.

"My teacher is a very irregular anomaly even in the upper worlds, it is possible that even the lower worlds know about him" Mana said as if she was used to seeing such reactions in people.

"Could you tell us who he is?" the president asked, despite the fact that he is considered the highest authority by the people on the planet, in this meeting he is the one who occupies the lowest position, so he has to ask the questions for the others.

"My teacher's name is Chris Dies Irae Caelesti I think I should know about the Caelesti family" Mana replied.

Once everyone heard this surname they were astonished who did not know the Caelesti were one of the 10 strongest and most powerful families in the universe, it is said that they are ranked sixth, since the first 5 are said to have a sponsorship of some god in the god realm, but if the Caelesti family has really produced a god it is likely that this order will change once again, after all having a sponsor and a god as part of one's strength are two totally different things, after all of all the gods cannot interfere in the things of the universe unless they are directly related to one of these matters, being born on the planet Caelesti is the same as making it your territory you can release as much of its power as you wish and the laws they will not interfere with your actions.

One of the examples of this is Meiko being born on earth and being a native, although her strength exceeds the fifth rank mystic realm that is the limit of the planet, the laws of the planet will not disown her as outsiders.

At that same moment the door opened again and a young man with black hair and blue eyes entered. There were 4 people accompanying him. On his sides were Visia and Kaguya while Kira was further back with Lillia.

Once they entered everyone sat down and Chris placed a Crystal ball on the table and suddenly the space vibrated a little.

"What is this crystal ball?" Beatrice asked.

"It's an invention of mine, it creates a space around us that isolates us from everything, so that way we can talk without reservations" Chris.

Although what Chris said was the truth, what he did not say is that space is the size of the city and that they were in a mirror dimension, this invention was very special since in this dimension one is isolated from the laws even an eternal being he will be able to unleash all his power undetected this way in case he starts a fight, Mana and Visia who are eternal can use all their power, Chris created this artifact thinking that one day he would have to attack another faction and be held by the laws of the world was something that he did not want to suffer, he was a god so the laws could not hold him now but his companions were something else, another thing that Chris did not say is that the artifact was incomplete, currently he had barely made it work after getting the information from the isolated room where Kaguya body was sealed.

"Since we're all here how about we get down to business" Meiko.

"I like that we go straight to the important thing, how should we continue Miss Meiko or do you prefer the name Zero" Chris.

"The gods really have a high ability to gather information, with respect to people from higher worlds since they all come for the same purpose, the answer is simple, the earth will only receive guests, like them, and you resolve your exchanges will be completely up to you." decision" Meiko.

"If your elders decided to be neutral and see how things develop why look for me" Chris asked.

"That's to make a trade" Meiko.

"An exchange of what kind" Chris.

"I have found a bottleneck in my advancement to the ancient realm, the land needs to be promoted to a high-ranking nether world in the fastest time possible and I should know that the minimum requirement is that a warrior is needed in the ancient realm." Meiko replied.

Chris thought for a moment and said "Although the minimum requirement of a high rank nether world is that it must have an ancient warrior, it also takes at least a thousand mystic warriors as well and the land only has a little over 300 still far from it." become a world of high rank" Chris.

"It is true that what you say is true, but you should know the advantages that there are when the first warrior who crosses the kingdom that is considered highest is born" Meiko.

Since he could not know this truth, when a warrior from some world arrives for the first time in a new realm, the world recognizes him and the energy becomes purer and denser, and other people will have an easier point of ascending to the previous realm.

When Mana arrived on earth, Chris asked him about his home world. He was still a Caelesti-born citizen despite his unusual resurrection. He was still connected to his world. Passing the deification half, a month ago caused the Caelesti aura became thousands of times stronger than it already was, in addition to the elders of his family as well as his servants who were trapped at the top of the ancient kingdom were able to advance to eternal beings making the strength of his family will triple overnight.

What the land wants to do is for an ancient warrior to be born so that it can produce many more mystical warriors.

In the lower worlds due to the devastation of two thousand years ago, almost all the ancient warriors have died and those who remain can be counted on the fingers of one hand, for one to be born at this time would be the same as making that world fall apart. Return a high-ranking world in a short time by placing yourself on top of the other lower worlds.

"What do I gain by doing you this favor?" Chris asked, doing this would not give any disadvantage, but doing a favor without anything in return is not his style.

At that moment Meiko takes out some documents and places them in front of Chris, once she reviews them, she begins to think.

On earth there are certain mysterious places such as the test matrix where the spirits are, the folder that Meiko gave her shows photos and descriptions of these things, many of these are inheritances and incredible things for lower planets, but none would attract the attention of a upper world, since these types of inheritances exist everywhere, the earth has designated these would as treasure ruins, but since they have not been able to open them, they can only study it and see what they obtain from them.

"You can choose any of these places as your payment" Meiko.

"These treasures and inheritances could help any lower world become an upper world by becoming priceless treasures, but for the upper worlds they are not very new things" said Chris.

While Chris was reviewing the documents, he had found an interesting place that she could not recognize, but seeing it she knew that it was not something normal, unexpectedly the earth designated it as a place of low priority.

"I have already made my decision; I want this inheritance and I also want the government to help me gather some certain objects that you think this condition" said Chris.

When Meiko saw the inheritance that Chris chose and that he asked for items she had a bad feeling, the place was taken as something of low priority so it wouldn't be difficult to give in, but the items were something else.

"He could know why you chose this inheritance from all the others and what objects he is looking for" Meiko did not reject him, but she did not accept either if the answer he gave her was satisfactory she could renegotiate the terms.

Chris answered knowing what Meiko was thinking "All other inheritances are useless to me this is an inheritance of knowledge regarding the magic runes used by fairies since I don't know much about that subject, I want to learn it, regarding the objects you should know about the sealing array in the star forest or am I wrong"

When Chris understandably explained things, Meiko nodded.

The heritage that Chris mentioned had much more than just a bit of knowledge, but he said this detail to calm Meiko curiosity, regarding the array in the forest the group of three already knew about them so the government will soon know or I already knew that so he explained about the ancient beasts that were sealed inside and can come out at any time leading to the destruction of the planet, but hiding the fact of the spirits, and only dojo that he wanted the corpse of the rare beasts as research materials.

One of the inheritances that the land had found is a divine rank item that could tell if a person is lying or telling the truth and Meiko was using it right now, as what Chris said had no falsehood despite hiding most of it. Of the things the article gave the green light indicated that it was sincere, making Meiko unable to believe how sincere this person was who wants to help them without anything in return, the materials of the monsters were normal to be taken by the person who killed them for it wouldn't be bad if he took them as the reward, but still not asking for an additional reward, it was rare for people who always tend to take advantage of other people's moments of weakness.