"Something is not, right?" Meiko.

"What do you mean" Maya.

After Meiko accepted Chris's demands, the meeting ended and the group of five people left, they were already in the hotel that the government designated for them, the president, as he had to welcome the superior worlds that would arrive tomorrow, said goodbye. and went to her bedroom, leaving the group of women alone.

"I have gone to the upper worlds to do certain expeditions for short periods of time and I know more or less about the Caelesti family and their young master" Meiko.

"What does that have to do with this?" Maya.

"The Caelesti family is well known for their generosity and magnanimity, but they have never done anything for free. Calling them the richest family among the upper worlds would not be a lie, and worst of all is their young master who is called asura by the people, who him being so generous and asking for such a little reward is not normal, if he really needed materials from ancient beasts, he could marry them in higher worlds easily and he wouldn't do something as annoying as helping us solve a potential crisis" Meiko replied to everyone's question.

Everyone thought it was weird that Chris would be so nice especially when everyone knew that he could wipe this planet out with just the blink of an eye.

Meiko, despite her young appearance, had a very sharp mind, from more than 5 thousand years of her life accumulating experiences.

"It won't be that she's doing it for General Beatriz" Chloe.

Since Chloe didn't know the vastness of the upper worlds like Meiko or how bad a reputation Chris had, she just thought that Meiko was paranoid and that Chris's good intentions were due to his intimate relationship with the general.

"What are you talking about".

Meiko asked with some curiosity, but she thought that this was nonsense since for her Beatriz was an emotionless woman who could never find a man and the other a monster from the upper worlds who would never do anything without a benefit, moreover even with Beatrix's beauty, and even if Beatrix voluntarily gets into that guy's bed, she's likely to be rejected, were Meiko thoughts after thinking about the 5 women accompanying Chris at today's meeting.

What Meiko said wasn't so untrue if it was the Chris who had sealed her heart it's likely that even if she took Beatrice as her property, she would only receive the same treatment from Mana at that time.

At that time even though Mana's treatment was fair and Chris treated her with respect and indulged her to a certain extent, the truth is that the aura of death that surrounded Chris as well as his poker face that looked at everything as if were tools, he could push away anyone around him, if it were not because Mana knew the Chris who did not seal his heart, it is likely that the pain she felt every day seeing her loved one in such a state had forced her to close her eyes. heart too.

At this time Meiko was listening to Chloe's story of what they saw of Chris and Beatriz's relationship, Meiko was still paranoid as she thought Chloe was exaggerating, but when she mentioned that Beatriz and Chris had known each other for over a year.

Something crossed his mind, Beatriz's advance coincided with that date, but that was not all, although her advance was hasty, she did not suffer from any secondary effect and the worst was the base of her power, as well as the density and purity of her energy. they were 10 times larger than they were before.

After thinking about these facts, as well as Beatrix's reluctance to say what their fortuitous encounter was to advance in such a way and reap so many benefits, she began to think that Chloe's words weren't so far-fetched, but that only baffled her even more. Exactly how Beatriz managed to create such an intimate relationship with this person, no matter how she looked at it, it was difficult for her to come up with an answer because she didn't know the whole story of how they met and what led them to become so intimate.

At that same moment, Beatriz, who had gone out for air, entered the room. Once inside, she greeted the group of 3 and then went to the shower. She had to accompany the president to receive the people tomorrow, so I already wanted to sleep.

*** *** ***

"There is something strange in the land"

After their meeting and seeing all those treasures and inheritances hidden on earth Chris knew that this planet is not as normal as it seems, he has already investigated the earth with his power, this planet is only a little over 500 million years old, which is nothing compared to the eons that the upper worlds have existed.

Since then, Chris has thought of many possibilities, but none of these blocks and leaves many gaps in the hypothesis, he also asked Kaguya and Visia, but they didn't know.

The inheritance that he chose, seemed very normal but his sixth sense went crazy when he saw it showing that it was a great fortune, besides that it was not what it seemed on the surface, he studied it with the photos and the information that Meiko gave him. brought, but apart from some magic architecture methods used by the fairies that were used in the temple, which was very rare information even in the upper worlds, he couldn't notice anything else.

The elves were called the race of the forest fairies, while the dwarves are called the fairies of the earth, but the truth is that they were only descended from the true fairies, the closest thing to the true fairies being the higher elves.

The fairies are said to have abandoned the vast universe and went to the kingdom of God to live in peace, the fairies were a race that did not have much combat strength, being a really weak race in this aspect, but they were very loved as artisans, their magic and craftsmanship was so good that it was said that it surpassed even the dwarves and the elves, this led them to be persecuted as the target of many people to turn them into slaves and use them as craftsmen and steal their knowledge, leading to many conflicts between all the powers, the conflict was said to be so serious that almost the balance and order of all things was threatened, until a goddess of life and a goddess of creation descended from the god realm to take away the fairies and protect them for good. stop the cutting massacres.

Aside from the top elite dwarves, fairies were the only ones capable of creating Ancient and Eternal rank artifacts, with the gods of the forge being the only ones capable of creating god rank items.

The Caelesti family could also make Ancient and Eternal items, but this is because an ancestor who in the past managed to find a place that had two inheritances, one from the god of forging and another from the god of alchemy despite the years These inheritances have helped the Caelesti to progress to their current power as their core, that even in the family almost nobody knows about this and outside they were deceived that they discovered some practice methods that the fairies left behind before going to the kingdom. of God.

Although these inheritances have not been completely deciphered, the information that has been obtained has been very vast.

Remembering the place in the photos, he began to think that perhaps it was an inheritance from some god, but he could not find anything that equaled or represented any type of divine power in what he saw.

Not being able to come to a consensus, Chris could only leave things for later when he sees the place and can get a much better idea by being there.

After that he took a bath and went to sleep to rest for a few hours before going to the womb again and hiring his second spirit.

*** *** ***

While everyone was resting far away from the earth on a luxurious space cruiser, in a room there was a man with brown hair and brown eyes, he was naked while surrounded by the bodies of countless women, he had the appearance of a straight and sensible man but his aura vulgarity around him made him look unpleasant.

This guy's name is none other than Cesar Arbitrium he was one of the sons of the Arbitrium family ranked as the 7th most powerful family in the universe and also one of the traitors who attacked Chris 16 years ago.

16 years ago, when Chris was escaping, he was responsible for leaving the most horrible wounds among the six even to this day he suffers from sequelae.

"Chris old friend 16 years ago we couldn't do anything to you, but who says that this time he can't kill you"

All the people heading to earth knew that Chris was injured after coming out of nowhere as it is a report, they got from the scouts they sent to earth beforehand.

Among the 6 traitors 3 came from the 10 most powerful families, if the Caelesti challenge one of these forces or fought with the other 3 forces that did not belong to the 10 families, it is likely that one of these forces will take advantage of their moment of weakness of the Postwar period and they would reap the benefits, attacking them once they are exhausted and if one by one of these three powers breaks down, they could be attacked by the others, taking advantage of the fact that they have already suffered.

Although none of this familiar spoke again, they all knew that it was the cry before the storm, it was planned that they would accumulate resources for 20 years before starting a battle unexpectedly, if Chris went through deification, it caused the power of the Caelesti to multiply many times. times having enough strength to decimate the 3 traitors that were not part of the 10 familiars without taking damage or being able to deal with the 3 main families one by one.

Cesar came on behalf of one of the worlds under his control to get rid of Chris since with his injuries it should be easy to kill him. He even tried to gather the other traitors to accompany him, but he couldn't really contact them.