An incredible ocean with a deluge pouring down torrentially, while gigantic waves crash in all directions, no matter who was in this place, it is likely that they would end up sinking and being destroyed by the sea with no hope of coming back from this place.

In the center of this chaotic sea countless tsunamis were formed, where you could see two figures colliding with each other causing these tsunamis to form with the waves.

One of these figures was a man in black armor and the other a huge dragon-like snake, the man was Chris and the snake was a storm dragon, despite being called a dragon it was actually a pseudo-dragon it was a simple sea creature that inherited some of the blood of a true dragon.

Because Chris couldn't alter the ground this time like in the past, it was difficult for him to kill the storm dragon that was in its natural element. Asura's could be used as a one-way attack or a mastery AOE I abandoned the idea as it would deplete his stamina in the process.

At that very moment an idea came up and it was to use asura's 5th ability, the asura's manifestation if it uses this it will be able to cover a large ground without depleting much energy.

At that very moment Chris stayed in the center of the sea as if nothing mattered, the snake thought of attacking, but felt a danger, at that very moment a huge arhat asura appeared to detract from Chris, at first he was only the size of Chris , but it continued to grow to the size of a 10-story building once the arhat asura stopped growing he opened his eyes and stood proudly facing forward like a deity ruling over the battlefield, the arhat had colored armor black that covered his entire body while in each of his 6 arms he had a sword of the same color.

*Storm of the Skies*

Chris didn't wait any longer and unleashed the most powerful lightning spell he had and the arhat asura, being connected and controlled by Chris, unleashed the spell as well, both concentrated their power and released it to Heaven creating a huge domain of lightning that spread out all over. the trial space, the lightning in the domain that could no longer be contained was released falling with the deluge as it hit the sea as if it was the wrath of the heavens that was released bringing the tribulation with it.

The sea, being a great conductor of this energy, began to spread lightning everywhere, the storm dragon, seeing how it would die if it remained in the sea, came to the surface and with its power deflected the lightning that was headed for him, but when he thought he was safe a metal cage surrounded it, but the lightning that was hitting the sea before changed its direction and began to reinforce the cage turning it into an electrical prison using the metal as a conductor.

This is the first time that Chris uses his power of the metal element in something other than blacksmithing, this power only has two uses: the processing of some mineral to form alloys or the manipulation of metal to transmute its form, since Chris possessed the law of nothing could make metal without any means and the metal only appeared as long as he knows the composition of the metal, he can create it.

Right now, killing the beast would be very easy, but letting such good stuff go to waste is not Chris's style, at that moment one of the 9 divine rank swords he still had left appeared along with two mystic god crystals, since unlike the titan this creature is not very intelligent refining it into a new weapon would not be very difficult.

At that moment Chris separated the soul of the dragon from the storms and transferred it to one of the gems, at that moment he began to perform the same process as with the titan, he used a gem and the dragon's body as recast materials of the sword while the soul was refined into the other gem like the core of the sword.

Once the process finished the shape of the sword changed a bit, but overall, it was still a one-handed longsword, the sword became lighter while, the blade that was now ocean blue was sharper and thinner, while the hilt was as if decorated by silver.

Once Chris took the sword in his hand, he made a slight sway when a small trickle of water was released causing a sword cut to cut the sea that was under the feet of Chris having fun in half, Chris poured his blood on the sword and keep it inside your body.

"Hey little girl there's no reason to hide anymore"

Since defeating the monster means the spirit can appear, at that very moment Agni who was sleeping suddenly materialized and stood by his side.

(Do you really need to hire this spirit?) Agni asked through the link he shared with Chris.

(I need two contracted spirits and I don't have time to look for another key so yes) Chris.

For some reason Agni was not very happy with the fact of hiring this spirit, at that very moment the figure of a blue-haired woman who had a dress similar to Agni's made of elemental energy in this case of pure water, the Spirits don't have a definite appearance unless they form their first contract and gain a semi-corporeal form like Agni did by pacting with Chris until then their appearance isn't as stable.

"Dear sir I am glad that you have come to make a pact with me so soon, I would love to form a pact with you"

"As you know that I have come to make a contract with you besides Agni, I had not spoken with any other spirit of this matrix" asked Chris.

"Apparently that ball of fire has not explained to you how this matrix works, we spirit, despite being in different spaces, can see and communicate with others, that ball of fire with you had already informed us of its existence, saying that an interesting person came to talk to her every once in a while" explained the spirit.

"I see, so you can talk to each other, but still why do you want to make a pact with me despite the purity and strength of my powers? I know you don't like making a pact with people who already have a pact" Chris asked.

"It's true I would never dare to make a pact with someone who already has a pact with a fireball, but you who possess divine power, such as enormous water elemental power, as well as storm magic are the perfect contractor therefore, I don't care about the pact with that fireball."

"Hey damn stagnant water, just so you know I already have a name and it's Agni"

Agni who had been insulted so many times in a row before could not contain herself anymore and borrowed the lotus of nihility and attacked the spirit of water, the spirit of water countered despite not having a contractor as she had the elemental advantage and was not afraid of it. to Agni.

But the lotus of nihility had the power of nothingness which would allow it to erase anything even if water had the element advantage it was still useless as nihility had no weaknesses or debuffs.

"Stop" Chris.

At that moment Chris released the power from him and stopped them. He knew that the lotus could hurt the spirit so he stopped them before the lotus came into contact with the spirit.

When the water spirit saw the lotus in front of her and turned around as her water was powerless despite being the advantageous element, she looked at Agni with shame and suspicion, Chris, checking the lotus of nihility that had not yet grown, realized Of the enormous advantages of hiring this new spirit, despite the fact that the fire was created by Agni, both the power and the characteristics that were used in its creation came entirely from the contractor and Agni was only a means in its creation.

When Agni saw the enormous misfortune and grievance on the face of the water spirit, he felt enormously happy as he had already shown that she was the predominant between the two. He did not decide to bother himself anymore and just looked at the water spirit with some mockery before returning to sleep on your glass.

Seeing that Agni was leaving, Chris hurt her hand again so that her power and blood essence would flow to the water spirit, forming the pact for her to gain a semi-corporeal body.

Once the process was over, Chris gave her the name of Nerea and let her rest in a new mystical god crystal that she had already refined as her home, where the symbol of water appeared.

On his shoulder this symbol materialized again showing that he was the master of Nerea, as he already had a pact with two spirits, a spiritual Circle was formed which had inside the shape of the fire symbol of Agni as the shape of the symbol of water of Nerea apparently the more pacts formed the symbol of that spirit would be added to the spiritual circle.

When she met Agni she looked like a girl around 14 years old after forming the pact and that her form will stabilize from a girl to a beautiful woman around her 20s giving her a more mature touch to her normal childish self, in At this moment Chris was just wondering what Nerea would look like, once her form stabilized she gained a mature body of a young woman while giving off a feeling of maturity and seriousness unlike Agni who still gives off the same childish feeling.