Star City Airport.

At this time the president as well as a welcome group was on the dance floor awaiting the arrival of the guests.

"They should be arriving in a few minutes" said the secretary next to the president.

Shortly after he said those words, 10 luxury space cruisers appeared in the sky slowly descending to the runway, once the 10 cruisers landed, 3 people got off each of the ships, after the descent the ships went to the hangar to park them, a short time later another 10 ships arrived and the same process was repeated.

A welcoming ceremony was held and the guests were allowed to be taken to the hotel where they would stay.

*** *** ***

Hotel room 1308.

A woman with golden hair like the sun and matching eyes was sitting waiting for a person.

At that moment the door opens and a man in a lab coat with the same color hair and eyes enters.

"Sonia where do you think we should start looking for our target" said the man.

"Brother Solin, we are looking for a god, not a lost pet, it will not be easy to find him" Sonia.

(Note: he had already introduced these two characters a long time ago, but he hadn't given them a name so I decided to do it this time).

"Don't worry, I already have a way to track him. The technology level of this planet is only level 5, but it is well known that the young master of the Caelesti is a genius in almost all fields of technology since he is a great smith if he has been staying on this planet tracking tech above level 5 with a scan will be easy" Solin.

Once Sonia heard her brother's idea, it seemed like a very good idea.

"Even if it was a good idea, it would be bad to do it if we are being watched by the government of this planet" Sonia.

Even if the earth was a bit behind technologically, scanning the entire planet for traces of Chris without them noticing was problematic.

"I have already found that out while you were getting ready here in the room, the government of this world has given us total freedom to do what we want as long as we don't make any mess and we won't attract attention" Solin replied to Sonia's insecurity.

"Why do they give us so much freedom despite being foreigners" Sonia.

"Apparently they know the reason why we all came here and they will take a neutral position and be fishermen of all the benefits they can get from this situation, it is simple but also the best option they can take" Solin.

*** *** ***

Room 1015.

A red-haired woman with horns and purple eyes was sitting on a sofa while staring into space as if trying to find something on the horizon while lost in thought, while a maid in a maid outfit similar to the one Mana wore stood behind. of the woman on the sofa, the maid had black hair and eyes.

"Got it" Astrid said.

"What did you find miss" Lulu.

"I managed to find a trace of Chris's energy in the body of a person, but what I could feel from it is that it is someone from this planet and not that cow" Astrid.

The person who managed to detect Astrid is none other than Beatriz since as Mana had not been able to consume Chris's essence in the last few days, she could not track it down and in Beatriz's case, Chris sealed all her energy inside her so that it would not be detected. dissipate and that Beatriz could consume her little by little so that Astrid can detect her.

"Miss, don't you think it would be better to track the young master's energy directly instead of someone holding a bit inside her" Lulu.

"I already did, it's in the northern part of town, the only reason I'm mentioning this person is because she's heading to the same place, I tracked Chris down" Astrid.

"Since the lady has found him why don't we go looking for him instead of staying here doing nothing" asked Lulu.

"When we arrived on the planet, I used a secret transmission method that only a few people know and Chris is one of those people, he should be able to find us in just a few seconds and come because I should look for him, besides, even Cesar does not know this method of transmission. transmission so no problem" replied Astrid.

"Wait, Cesar just said, he refers to Cesar Arbitrium of the great Arbitrium family" Lulu asked, somewhat confused as to why her teacher would mention this person.

"It's because he's on this planet for sure he came looking for Chris too, but he's undercover representing another higher world just like us" Astrid.

Once these words left Astrid's mouth another voice came out of nowhere.

"I see so one of those damned traitors is in this place that's wonderful news"

"Who's there?" Lulu yelled as she released her aura.

At that moment a black-haired woman with red eyes appeared from the shadows it was none other than Mana.

"It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other Astrid, it seems like you're fine" Mana said even though the words were clear and simple without any emotion you could see that she didn't care much about being courteous to the person in front of her.

"Mana damn cow apparently my assumption that Chris released the power from him two days ago because of you was correct how did you know he was here" Astrid.

"Apparently that head of yours is not only for decoration since you were able to deduce the reason for the release of the master's power, regarding its location and I already knew it a while ago since the lady gave it to me" Mana said and made a pause.

Astrid was upset when Mana called her an idiot, but the anger stopped when she learned that the lady had given Chris's location so easily to Mana, but before she could ask Mana she continued speaking.

"I don't like being called a cow, but I guess it can't be helped since the young master plays with them every day, it would be hard for them not to grow so much" Mana.

Once those words left Mana's mouth it was like the straw that broke the camel's back as the auras of two overlords came out from Mana and Astrid's bodies as if two fierce beasts were about to go into a frenzy.

"""Stop now"""

At that moment three new auras appeared in the room, one was Chris's others was Visia and the third was Kaguya.

Once Mana and Astrid saw Chris they stopped their fight, when Chris arrived, he had activated the Crystal ball using the mirror world so luckily no one noticed the small conflict between the two women.

*** *** ***

When Solin and Sonia were leaving their room, their scanner detected the activation of a mystic range device and according to their tech rank it was level 15, but that was not all, the scanner also tracked and detected Chris's wavelengths. that Solin scanned during the great phenomenon that covered the world.

Since when Chris performed his deification and spread his aura throughout the universe, he was able to scan the wavelength of Chris's power, Chris knew how to alter his wavelength to hide, but as a tube he used his energy quickly to activate the sphere. I didn't alter it to prevent people from detecting Astrid and Mana's clash and the scanner was able to identify it.

"Looks like our target is only 3 floors apart and we don't have to look too far" Solin laughed as if he couldn't believe in luck.

"What do you mean brother" Sonia.

Once Sonia asked Solin just showed her the scanner and they went to the elevator and went down 3 floors to find the room where the signal came from.

"Brother, this Asura you spoke of is always doing things that seem to contradict what we know about him" Sonia.

"All of his actions don't match up, but he always seems to have a reason for doing it just by seeing the big picture or taking another angle of view, is that these incomprehensible things will be answered and the answer one seeks will come" Solin.

*** *** ***

"General because we are going back to the villa of that person that I know he hasn't called us" Chloe.

"I already know that and we are not going to his villa, one of the elders asked us to buy the villa next to his, so that we can stay close and be able to contact each other since we would attract the attention of the upper worlds if the government does directly for that reason, we will buy it as a personal property so as not to attract attention" Beatriz.

"General I feel something bad as if someone is following us" Maya.

"What do you mean?" Beatrice.

At that moment a man with brown hair and brown eyes appeared a few meters from the group of 3 women.

"Inside that woman I can feel the power and essence of Chris, I thought I would have to send the other 5 envoys that I hid as representatives to look for him, I never imagined that I could find such a good bait besides that I could play with her while he arrives"

Cesar said as a really macabre distorted smile appeared on his face.