"Hahahahahahaha you should have died 16 years ago, but now it's my turn to take all the reward"

Seeing Chris body, Cesar could only enjoy his victory as if everything was already resolved.

"You think this is over now"

When Cesar was leaving, a voice even colder than the one before was heard, when he turned around, he could only see Chris being pierced by the claws of his avatar, but at that moment Chris raised his head for the first time, when Cesar saw him. saw felt fear once more.

Chris eyes were crimson red like blood, ever since the mutation of his asura powers caused by the mystic lake, his eyes never turned fully red and instead each day the red part of his eyes gradually disappeared returning to his normal sapphire blue color, even when he released his Asura power his eyes didn't change and remained blue, but right now his eyes that didn't change before were totally red with a much more intense color than before, while the oppressive aura of the asura overflowed from his body this was certainly the first time that these changes happened without Chris entering the Berserk state.

"That how is it possible I shouldn't be able to use any power for my domain… Ahhhhhhh"

Cesar shouted desperately, but at that moment his control was broken causing him to suffer a counter blow, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Your domain never worked on me it just accelerated the flow of power in my body to the point where you couldn't feel it that's why you thought your domain worked when it was useless" Chris said with scorn in his voice.

"What the hell is that, you must be lying it's impossible that you can accelerate your power to that point, you always put a great weight on your brain by doing it normally, that you can accelerate it even more and maintain it for so long is not possible" Cesar said with disbelief.

"Maybe in the past I couldn't, but now it's a different story, since you had the courage to show me your domain let me thank you and show you mine" Chris said with a confident smile.

At that moment the entire area turned dark while all the surrounding energy disappeared as if it didn't exist.

"What… this is… it can't be…"

At that moment Cesar felt as if all his power disappeared without leaving any trace, while a pair of chains bound his limbs.

"How is this possible… this is my domain… how do you have my domain… this is impossible… nooooo"

When Cesar saw how Chris manifested the mastery of the fall his use of reason was breaking, after Chris's death he returned to cultivation from the beginning, not only his weaponry changed from him but also his mastery.

His current domain is the domain of Nihility (nothingness) which I call absolute domain, he currently only knows two abilities, the first is that he can erase anything from existence within the domain by recreating the non-existent void of nothing around him and the second is domain alteration (Copy) which is capable of duplication, it can copy the powers of any domain and make them their own, a while ago when he pretended to be helpless at the hands of Cesar, he actually did it to be able to have the power of his domain Since it takes some time to copy domains, currently Kira, Visia and Kaguya domains could be copied, counting Cesar now has the power of four different domains which he can use simultaneously.

"What… nooooooo… this is a lie… this shouldn't be happening… this is a bad dream" Cesar could only scream like crazy since he didn't believe that everything that was happening was true.

"Now let me ask you one more question before erasing your existence from this universe, after all it would be bad to let you reincarnate" Chris said as he looked at Cesar's pathetic figure, that guy had always been this pathetic, a worthless scum person, among the few acquaintances that Chris had really never trusted this person and only kept him because of the benefits he brought, unexpectedly due to this cheap and cowardly personality of Cesar, where one could only see him with contempt, Chris did not hold much of a grudge against him You can't resent the betrayal if you never trusted the other person in the first place.

"Little boy you have barely become a god and you haven't even formed a divine spark and you behave so arrogantly"

At that moment an old and hoarse voice sounded in space.

"Who's there" Chris.


In that a figure in black robe appeared and stabbed Cesar with his old and wrinkled hand covered with an energy blade was formed.

"It would be bad if you talked more than necessary" said the old man as he withdrew his hand.

"Don't think you'll go that easily" Chris said as he concentrated his divine power and summoned the lotus of nihility once more and a firestorm was created around the cloaked old man.

"Child you may be a god, but you haven't formed your divine spark yet, until then your strength is no different than someone in the demigod realm, I can't defeat you, but you can't stop me from escaping."

Said the old man as he released his power against the fire of nihility, but the moment the power of the old man and the fire collided, the fire that had the power of nothingness felt the power that was in front of it, like a lion He sees a servant pounced and consumed all the power in front of him and attacked the old man in the robe.


"What the hell is that fire and why do you have such dense power?"

The old man shouted as he walked away from the fire worse with one of his hands completely charred from coming into contact with the fire of nihility, seeing how the fire that spread from his hand the old man did not hesitate and cut it to prevent the fire spread more.

"Nerea, it's time for your debut"

At that time a mature woman around 22 years old with ocean blue hair and eyes wearing a low-cut dress showing off her abundant chest while at the bottom of the dress on the skirt of the one-piece dress there would be a cut showing her slender Miss that her jade skin shone, the dress is ocean blue with gold decorations in some parts, the woman's hair was long covering her entire back, but on her head there was a molo of hair held with a gold crown , no matter who saw her, they could only see an empress who rules over other people.

When Chris saw Nerea he was surprised unlike Agni that only her mature body, Nerea gave off a mature and dignified feeling and aura like that of a regent that not everyone can achieve, in order to have the presence of a deity that governs everything, Chris she had to cultivate it throughout her life, but Nerea paresis as if this were her natural atmosphere and not something formed over the years.

"It's time to show you our elemental essence that was created, this will be much better than that lotus, just look" Nerea said with pride in her voice.


The moment after Nerea spoke, a dragon's roar was heard throughout the house, a dragon began to form around Nerea, it was blue, showing its attribute of water, it had 4 claws and two wings, and a pair of horns, showing all aspects. of a true dragon, unlike the lotus of nihility, which used the asura aspects plus the power of fire and nothingness to form the lotus, Nerea used the powers and characteristics of a dragon plus the power of water and nothingness from Chris already that she felt that asura characteristics were too vulgar, when Nerea said this Agni got angry as she hated that Nerea called her vulgar.

(This elemental essence is perfect for the power of those two domains, Nerea you want to try something) Chris.

(What are you trying to do?) Nerea.

(You'll see) Chris.

As Chris looked at his new powers the old man who had a problem recovering from his injuries caused by the fire of nihility was searching for a way out of the fall domain.

(As long as I remain in his domain, I won't be able to escape, plus I have to protect myself from that fire, I could feel the power of the asuras coming from it) the old man thought.

"Hey old man let me ask you who are you and why are you after me, I'm a demi-god I have never offended anyone in the god realm because this teenage family is after me" Chris.

"Brat you who are someone who was born in this small universe will never be able to comprehend the immensities of the god realm I recommend you let me go right now if you don't want to draw a calamity towards you"

"Apparently you don't understand with words, so I'll have to get the answers out of you the hard way" Chris.

At that moment the domain of the fall disappeared, but a new domain appeared, the mirror space that was totally white with nothing inside it began to darken as if night had come while a moon appeared in the sky, this was the domain of Kaguya the lunar domain once this domain is used all the powers of the water, ice, dark and lunar attributes will be boosted at least 10 times, while the fire and light attributes will temporarily lose their power or those that are very strong will be They would gradually weaken.


Once Nerea and the new elemental essence felt the increase in the attribute of water in the environment, their auras underwent a radical transformation.

"This is what you were trying to do" Nerea.

"This is not just the first step now we see the second" Chris.

At that moment Nerea merged with Chris making Chris's body return to a Semi-corporeal state, his wings saw a crystalline state, but instead of the fire that gives them a touch of scarlet now the water that surrounds him makes his wings as if they were blue as the sea.

The elemental essence, seeing how Chris power increased, placed itself around him, recognizing his master.