
"Damn brat, since you don't want to understand reasons, let's do it the bad way"

Once the old man saw the changes in Chris, he no longer thought about escaping and released all his power, covering himself in a layer of darkness that would fit his body while a scythe appeared in his hands, while a hell-flame appeared. on the blade of the scythe.

"I see so you are a grim reaper (grim reaper) but tell me what is a race that obeys the gods of death doing with a clan that is ruled by gods of fire" asked Chris.

"How do you know that the adolebitque are a clan of fire gods" surprised that Chris knew such information, since he knew that Chris has never set foot in the god realm.

"I may have never been to the god realm, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about him, especially the reputation of that idiot young master from his clan," Chris sneered.

"You brat I really don't know if he was brave or really stupid to insult the clan master's adopted son."

Chris, I knew about the adolebitque since it was the same clan that the idiot who attacked Kaguya and split her soul from her body belonged to, she didn't have a good impression of this clan and now that she knew they had something to do with what happened 16 years ago I went from a dispute to a blood debt.

Chris would always pay a debt no matter what, even if it was for something meaningless, this didn't change even without his emotions he would always make people who attack him suffer no matter how much blood he has to spill.

"Okay grandpa since you want to finish things quickly I will oblige you" Chris.

The grim reaper knew that he had to drag out the battle as long as he could since the person in front of him couldn't use his full power for long for some reason.

The grim reaper released his dark domain to increase his powers and destroy the water barriers that covered him preventing him from escaping.


At that moment, with the roar of the dragon, a sea formed on the floor of the dimension while several water dragons appeared and counterattacked against the attack of the grim reaper, repelling it for a few moments, but without stopping, the old grim reaper advanced.

"Brat with this cannot stop me prepare to die"

"You're getting too far ahead of yourself, old man, but don't worry, this is just the start of the show" Chris.


A new dragon roar was heard on the stage, but it didn't come from elemental essence or water dragons, but behind Chris a dragon-shaped body of energy formed.

This was nothing more and nothing less than the domain of the true dragons, the domain of the normal dragons only generates a mental pressure causing coercion to their opponent, but the one of the true dragons, they can not only do this using their dragon fear but in their domain they can create energy bodies that can be controlled by the owner, each attack made by the dragon of the domain will cause soul damage to those who receive the attack, when the dragons enter the mystical realm and form their avatar, the avatar can merge with the domain and create a sanctuary where the design can control space and the dragons formed by the domain can deal both physical and soul damage, Chris didn't know what kind of avatar she would have in this life so he couldn't extract the full power of the dragon domain which caused him great defection, but now with the new elemental essence, that regret was gone.

"Grandfather, the Grim Reapers are a very dangerous race due to their ability to wound the soul and shorten life expectancy" Chris.

"What are you trying to insinuate, brat?" the old man shouted as he didn't move his gaze away from the dragon behind Chris. He knew how dangerous the realm of true dragons was for the grim reapers, the grim reapers are a race that has semi-corporeal bodies, being able to change between a solid and intangible state at will, which classifies them as spirit lifeforms also called death spirits, but this incredible advantage comes with a weakness, soul-damaging attacks are 10 times more damaging than they should be for they.

"You should, realize that you have no escape now, Old Man" Chris,


At that moment, the elemental essence of water in the form of a dragon that surrounds his body and the astral form of a dragon on his back merged to form a single creature, when the grim reaper saw this, fear took over him, but remembering that the speed of him was superior to that of his opponent relaxed a bit.

"Tell me, brat, what good is a powerful weapon if it can't touch its target?"

"You're right if you can't hit it's useless, but don't worry these problems can be solved with quantity, because if you can't dodge an attack what is your speed good for" Chris.

Chris didn't let the old man speak when the dragon's domain began to create more dragons that merged with the water dragons that were created, they were not as powerful as the first, but each one of them would cause great damage to the reaper.


The Grim Reaper has experienced all kinds of oppression in his millions of years of life from people who suppress him with pure power, speed or techniques, but the person in front of him has so many powers and abilities that complement each other, making him feel like he was better. to be dead than to continue seeing the monster in front of him, from the spirits, the elemental essences and the domains each of these powers that Chris demonstrated are trump cards that everyone would keep but for Chris instead he was taking them out one by one making the old man want to die from anger that all these divine gifts would end up in the hands of a mere brat who doesn't even have 5 thousand years to live.

"Don't worry, we'll finish quickly" Chris said as a beautiful smile appeared on his face, all the people present would be delighted to see his face, even if he only focused on his face and ignored the rest of his body, they would probably confuse him with a woman, but in the old grim reaper's eyes seeing her smile was like seeing the demon gods in a state of madness.

*** *** ***

10 minutes later.

After making the old elder suffer for a while Chris didn't kill him instead he used a mystic god crystal to imprison him, mythic god crystals can be smelted and used as material for crafting or refining weapons and artifacts or refined to become cores that can store all kinds of energy or spiritual life forms, so spirits and souls could be sealed in the crystal by inscribing magic sealing circles inside it, discovering that it could be used as a prison for souls and spirits that they wish to imprison and the old grim reaper was his first test subject for this use as Chris wished to interrogate him and get all the information that Visia and Kaguya cannot provide him, as well as learn more about his future enemy.

Now that his scares were over, Chris knew more about 16 years ago plus one of his six enemies had died, plus now Chris wanted to know more about the other five's point of view as to why they betrayed him and what they did. reason to do it to put an end to their lives and to know the circumstances since from what he saw Yuna situation was not normal, although he did not care if he had just reasons to betray him or not he would still put an end to this matter, but Chris he also didn't want to waste himself in a simple revenge, now that his emissions were coming back, his EQ had developed quite a bit, now he could think things more clearly, and not act like a robot that only performs its actions based on achieving a specific goal, without to be able to learn from the process that led to that result.

But now he had other problems, both the elite soldiers of the earth and the representatives of 8 superior worlds have seen him unleash powers that surpass the common sense of the people, dealing with them will be difficult.

At that moment Chris stopped the sphere that creates the mirror dimension and everyone returned to the normal world, he was going to use his power to transport his group to the village without anyone tracking them, but leaving these people without knowing their true interests would be an annoyance in the future, so it will give them a chance to talk to him at least once.

"If any of you have a matter with me you can look for me in the central village of the northern district of the city, if you ask the president of this planet, I think he will gladly give you the information" said Chris, at first, he thought of just giving him his address, but on second thought transferring the problems of scheduling appointments and meetings with these people to the president to avoid feeling a headache would be best.

When they heard these words from Chris, everyone understood this matter, if it was a higher world they would probably try to win the favor of the president or regent of that world since it seemed that the god they were looking for showed favoritism for that person, but since it was a lower world nobody He would lower himself so much, since although Chris showed favoritism everyone was aware that he was throwing the problematic issues to someone else, after all Chris agreed to meet with all of them so it did not matter the order of who went first.

At that time Chris only used telepathy with Meiko and Beatrix to give the president the message of the task that he gave him, once he solved this problem he transported with his group back to the village.

*** 65,5 ***

"Where are the others?" asked Mana.

"I left them in the living room," Chris replied.

After capturing the old grim reaper, Chris teleported back to the village, but upon arrival his face was red as light steam rose from his body.

"Chris, you're fine" Mana.

"I'm fine, I've overexerted my power and my body is overloaded" Chris.

After leaving everyone else in the room, he and Mana transported to a different room.

The weaponry had already disappeared, so only the clothes she had on previously remained, but the energy spinning inside her body at high speeds was slowly stopping her as doing so immediately would cause her to suffer a counter hit and it would damage his body, so the steam came out of the pores of Chris's skin, since that enormous amount of energy was overloading his body, if he didn't get rid of that energy, he could create great consequences in his body that would affect him in the future.

"If you don't stop your energy, your body will gradually overload and you could get hurt"

Mana could see the current situation of Chris's physique so she reminded him to rest, but unlike her words a mischievous smile and eyes like a hunter looking at his prey could be seen in Chris's expression. Manna.

"Little devil, you know very well that I can't stop the flow of my power, or else I'd be hit back," Chris replied as if he wanted to punish a bad girl who was behaving badly.

"Fufu, what could be done, if only there was a way to release that energy without hurting you" Mana said while showing a seductive expression, without repressing herself in the slightest Mana sat on the legs of Chris who was sitting on the bed of the room"

"You are even more spoiled than before her" Chris said as if he wanted to admonish her, but her expression was warm as he caressed Mana's head patting her lightly in the most delicate way possible.


Without saying another word, the lips of the two came together, at first it was a slow and sweet kiss as if he wanted to enjoy the moment as slowly as possible.

But while the kiss was prolonged the heat increased, little by little the kiss became more passionate, while the flame of desire was lit.

"*PANTING* From what I see you've really been holding your lust in these 16 years Mana" Chris said without hiding his lust while his burning gaze was like that of a beast that can attack at any moment.

"And whose fault is it, disappearing for 16 years without saying a word, even if I indulged myself, it wouldn't be the same." Mana's face turned into a pout as she said those words, evidently, she still had some complaints about the Chris's disappearance.

"I guess, today I have to make it up to you" Chris said as they joined her lips again, Chris's hands that hugged Mana's waist began to move towards her chest and the other towards her most intimate place.


(My clothes when I take them off) Mana thought as she noticed how her clothes had disappeared, without stopping the kiss as she felt how Chris's hands played with her little moans escaped from her mouth.

"They've gotten a little bigger than I remember them, even my hand sinks every time I grab them," Chris said as he played with the mana chest, sometimes stroking them gently and then gripping them tightly, the soft but firmness of Mana's chest spread throughout Chris's hand, making him not want to let go of them.

"Wait there's no… *gasp*… … not on the nipples"


Chris, without giving Mana time to react, his hand that was on her breast pinched her nipple with some force, causing Mana's breasts to begin to release a little milk, to which Chris quickly bit her nipple to be able to take the milk. maternal.


"I haven't had your milk in a while, it really tastes good," Chris said after enjoying the taste.

"BAD, you know I don't like this... Kyaaa..." Mana complained really annoyed, but without giving her time to finish, the other hand that was on her lower part, gently played with her clitoris like a finger as if it were a vibrator, while his other fingers delicately caressed her vaginal lips, pointing to her most sensitive areas, causing her love nectar to begin to trickle down her legs.

Mana being harassed as electric shocks of pleasure ran through her body due to Chris's actions, a normal woman would already be drowning in pleasure suffering an orgasm or two in the process, but Mana had always hated the fact. that her breast would lactate, due to the cow nickname Astrid always used with her.

But she knew that despite Astrid's words, the truth was that she liked Chris playing with her breasts as it helped Chris too.

Mana and Chris, although they have made love many times, Mana had never gotten pregnant so she shouldn't be able to produce milk, the reason why she could be due to her divine physique that was very capable of double cultivation, so her mammary glands developed and the milk it produced was not normal as it produced various effects for those who took it.

"I see how you don't like me playing with your chest so I'll play down here" Chris.

With almost instantaneous speed Mana was placed on the bed, while Chris spread her legs.


Although Mana was already wet enough, Chris still wanted to tease her some more, when her tongue like a snake invaded inside of Mana, while she was trying to make a mess.


When Chris withdrew a little, Mana legs wrapped around her neck, pressing him to continue. But a little while later Mana grip on her legs loosened a bit, allowing Chris to break free of her.

Mana's face was red, while her expression of lust was more intense.

"I can't take it anymore, give it to me" said Mana without hiding her desire, but with a slightly red face.

Chris was already really hard and did not want to delay things any longer, while his penis that he was erect like a dragon looking at the sky entered the Mana's vagina, when a comforting sensation could be felt throughout her body.

Mana's interior was perfect for him, it was tight and steaming from the love nectar that dripped, but he could move without problems, every time he was about to come out, Mana's vaginal walls tightened and sucked them in, making him enter a reaching the bottom again while the glans of his penis kissed Mana's womb.

"I feel as if what was blocking me down there, was released at once" said Mana who was drowning in her lust, pushed Chris and placed herself on top of him, while her hips moved faster and faster with Chris.

"Fufu... Apparently I'm not the only one who's grown up, this little friend here is bigger than I remember" mana mocked using the same words as Chris with him.



But after a while, unable to take the pleasure anymore, both Chris and Mana climaxed and came at the same time, while Mana who was on top lay on Chris's chest, which gave her a comfortable and safe feeling that she hadn't felt before. in a while.

"It seems that you are no longer tense and you have relaxed" Chris.

"That's just the warm-up, plus there's still a lot of energy that's overloading your body, so we can continue until tomorrow, let me clean you up this time" Mana.

Mana who was lying on top of Chris got up and got into a 69 position.

Mana began to clean Chris's penis seductively as if enjoying an ice cream while licking the semen and love nectar that was in it, while Chris continued to invade Mana's vagina with his mouth while drinking his love nectar.

No longer caring about timing and decorum, the same scene of give and take was repeated over and over again, each time trying out new forms and positions each time.

Since the couple had lost themselves in love and pleasure, it made their ever-alert senses relax and they hadn't noticed that the room had been partially open.

On the other side, 6 beautiful women watched as the scene unfolded, becoming more and more intense.

"That damn cow is very lucky" Astrid.

"Miss, for you who are part succubus you are too innocent" Lulu.

Astrid could only watch what was happening in the room in annoyance, while Lulu seriously observed the situation, but her face had already turned red.

"I wonder if I'll be able to do those things?" Lillia as the youngest of the group could only watch with interest as she tried to learn how Mana did things without being able to hide the red and shy face of hers that she had from embarrassment.

(I can't believe he did those things) Kira thought seeing the bestial scene, but she could only redden her face in shame remembering what happened in Chris's internal universe, after the battle in space, Kira thought that What she did that time was already wild and embarrassing enough, but seeing the scene in front of her, she understood that she still had a long way to go and was being innocent in her thoughts.



Visia as Kaguya didn't say anything and watched the whole show with a smile as they enjoyed the whole process, although they could keep their cool, inside the two women were still quite shocked to see such a show.