"What are you talking about?" Chris asked.

At that moment the black space just like last time turned totally white and the figure of a person appeared in front of him.

"You possess the power of an oracle from birth, but since you were also born with the power of nothingness your oracle powers mutated so you can start a conversation with me, this white space is just an imaginary space created by your mind"

When Chris heard this, he was shocked and uncomfortable knowing that he had the powers of an oracle from his mother, she always described what she felt when she used her powers, even he had felt some strange things as his mother described.

"Well, tell me what about my sixth sense that can predict fortunes and calamities" Chris.

"It's a sub ability of your oracle powers you should be able to easily see-through people and tell if they're lying or not with that power and not just predict fortune and calamity"

"Okay let's stop things here, I just want to know some information and I think I already know what my questions are, after all that is what you are the system that rules and knows everything or am I wrong" Chris.

"That's true, but what people say about me is wrong about certain things"

"Like what?" Chris.

"It is true that I am a system that originally had no ego or knowledge, I developed it over time, but if I have a body, the entire universe is my body, that is why I cannot take a physical form within the universe because the whole universe is my body"

"If so, why can't you directly interfere with people if the entire universe is you?" Chris asked if the universe really is the body of a cosmic being, he should be able to manipulate it at will.

"I can manipulate the laws and everything in the universe as I please, but there is a cost to doing so if I interfere the balance of the laws will be disrupted and the system that governs them will restart, in other words, my ego and consciousness will be will destroy and my existence would disappear, that's why I only interfere indirectly through the oracles to prevent the balance from being broken and me dying in the process"

When the system of the universe gave the answers that Chris wanted, he knew that what he said was true, the ability to detect truths of the sixth sense that the universal system mentioned Chris knew that he could believe in his word, but it gave him a bad feeling he felt that although the information was true it may be incomplete for the information to be distorted, even though he still hasn't gotten used to his new powers, this feeling made Chris understand that he couldn't trust the other person even if they told the truth.

"In that case I have other questions?" Chris wanted to continue testing his powers and use the consciousness of the universe as a test to know the extent of the truth detention, it will be an excellent test to know what is wrong with him.

"Tell me what you want to know"

"It's about the prophecy, the regents and everything about 16 years ago" Chris.

"If he wants to know about the prophecy, he would have to tell you a story that goes back to the origins of time"

"It doesn't matter if this is an illusory space a year here is equal to a second in reality or I'm wrong" Chris.

"What you say is true"


"When the Big Bang happened, the kingdom of god appeared, but not the universe we are currently in, the universe was created some time after the kingdom of god"

"How is that possible" Chris.

"This universe is a plane inferior to the kingdom of God which is confirmed by all the fundamental natural laws which are the elemental ones, those of order and chaos that form a balance between good and evil, life and death, light and darkness. , creation and destruction these aspects were compressed as just one law you should have noticed how you could create 3 divine sparks from just one law, these unnatural disasters that come out of nowhere cause new lower dimensions to be created as extensions or annexes of the god realm , but it can be said that this universe is something special since it was born artificially"

"What you mean is that the universe was created by a god who had all these powers right" Chris.

"Exactly the universe was created by someone unlike the god realm or other lower planes that appeared naturally"

When Chris heard this, he was surprised that a person who could do such a thing existed.

"In that case let me change my question who would be able to do such a thing" Chris.

"At that time, as this universe did not exist, the kingdom of god was somewhat unstable since the energy of nihility accumulated and overloaded, which led to unexpected things being created, in this way the progenitors of various races appeared, due to At the crossing and mixing of these races, even more races of these combinations appeared, which leads us to the current situation where there are millions of races, at that time a very powerful being appeared and became the first omnipotent god to appear of all, he was called the absolute god due to the fact that he possessed almost all the divine sparks in existence"

"When you mean 'almost' all divine sparks, you mean he didn't have the divine spark of nihility (nothing) right" Chris.

"Exactly even with all the power this god had he could never come into contact with the power of nothingness, instead of saying that he couldn't come into contact with this power it could be said that the power of nothingness repelled him, but this was not the important thing, back then the power of the god realm was becoming more and more unstable every day and would eventually lead to a collapse, the absolute god as the ruler of the god realm back then, used all his power to create the universe a reality inferior to the kingdom of god so that the excess energy that overloads the kingdom of god flows to the universe and in this way achieve the stability of the universe as well as of the kingdom of god".

The more Chris listened to the story, the more he felt that it would not end in a good ending and let the ego keep talking.

"Unfortunately even though this brought prosperity to both the universe and the god realm, the absolute god did not come to a good end, the absolute god had ten disciples when he was in a weakened state from the creation of the entire universe, his disciples betrayed him and they divided their power into 10 parts one for each one, with that power these ten proclaimed themselves as the new rulers of the kingdom of god and called themselves regents, but the bad thing is that these 10 regents did not know that the absolute god had an eleventh disciple Knowing the truth of what happened, he gathered strength and fought against the regents to avenge his master, despite being as strong as each of these regents after he managed to kill two of them and absorb 20% of the power of the master. absolute god that was in the power of the two regents, the other regents allied themselves and the eight together managed to assassinate him, but before dying he did two things, the first thing is to send 20% of the power of the absolute god that he had a place where no one could ever have him, nothingness and the second thing he left behind was a prophecy that a god of nihility (nothingness) would be born long after the eleventh died the second part of the prophecy appeared many years later by an oracle in the service of the regents, the fact that he tried to kill you is because the regents do not want someone who defied their domain "

Chris understood everything ego told him, but the more he listened the more surreal things became from his point of view.

"I understand the whole story, but because I have to face the regents, nobody knows that I am the god of nihility (nothing) and I don't have much desire to face these people" Chris.

"You can decide not to face the regents, but even if you avoid them, that doesn't change the fact that you're a danger to them, even if there's no prophecy that they'll get in your way to get rid of any potential danger." that can affect them, to put it in a way you can avoid them, but they will not avoid you"

What the ego said was true, even if Chris doesn't fight it doesn't mean they won't attack him and eventually they will be his enemy.

"I understand that they will be my enemies, but there is something about the first prophecy that I don't understand. The prophecy says that when the divine beasts of sin and virtue dance for the absolute god, 1800 years later the god of Nihility (nothingness) will appear, like divine beasts can dance for someone who has already died" Chris.

"The title of absolute god is given to the god who controls all types of divine powers which dwell within him, as for the god of Nihility (nothing) this is the origin and the end of everything so he can harbor inside all these powers, when the god is born from nothing is the same as the absolute god is born, the first ruler of the kingdom of god was called absolute god, but since he did not possess the power of nothing he did not deserve this title and calling him that is a mockery for him since they reminded him of his failure to not have the power of nothing"

(note: from this chapter whenever I refer to the consciousness of the universe I will call it ego).