When Chris listened to the explanation of the ego, he felt sorry for the absolute god to be remembered by the title he always pursued, but never achieved, it is something that would undoubtedly haunt him all his life.

"And where are the divine beasts of sin and virtue that they did after fulfilling their part of the prophecy" Chris.

"The divine beasts were imprisoned by the regents to prevent the god of Nihility (nothing) from being born, but on the day, you were born they managed to escape and managed to perform the dance for you after fulfilling their role they hid in their sanctuary in which only the god of Nihility (nothing) can happen until then they will be waiting"

Chris has already heard more information than necessary, if he continues like this, he is likely to collapse before this conversation is over.

"Tell me something ego of the universe you have never heard the words that sometimes it is better to hide some information for the good of the people" Chris.

"That could be true, but the less a person knows about himself, the less clear his path will be and he will lose himself on the route to the end, if he does not understand where he must go, not knowing about himself will only cause losses to that person "

After only a few words, Chris understood perfectly that in this way he could never beat ego in a conversation, much less change the ego's direct way of saying things even if they would hurt the person.

"Alright let's change the subject to 16 years ago" Chris said concentrating on his plans for revenge and settling his pending accounts will be more relaxing than the fact that every word that comes out of the person in front of him will only generate stress due to how forceful each of his words are.

"Regarding what happened 16 years ago, it is not very complicated if you want to know, there is only one detail that is of vital importance"

The first part of the ego's words relaxed him, but the second for some reason gave Chris a bad feeling, much worse than the previous news.

"After the divine beasts of sin and virtue escaped the rulers used every means they had to prepare for the 1800 years, looking for all the people who could ascend to godhood specifically on that day and how to get rid of them, under of the scenes so that no one can know about them, since they have always been hidden from everyone's eyes, after 1800 years a total of 12 people including you were taken as possible candidates who would ascend that day, the other 11 without telling you managed to ascend and one of them was determined to be the god of nothingness by the regents, while you who incompletely ascended was ruled out as a possible candidate for god of Nihility (nothingness)"

"If that's the way things are, it doesn't mean I'm not the god of nothingness and the prophecy is wrong" Chris.

"It is not really said that the god of nothing will be born 1800 years after the divine beasts dance, but the truth is that the powers of nihility (nothing) were in you since you were born at the time of the dance of the beasts , at the moment you ascended you were supposed to be reincarnated but instead what really happened to you is a resurrection and not a reincarnation since your current body is the same as the one you had before you died, you could say that the same that a phoenix rose from your ashes, like a god from birth if you were not a god I could not create a divine spark right now "

Listening to the ego's explanation, Chris knew that he really hadn't changed after his time in Samsara, after all his aura and energy were the same as always, it just got better and stronger over time in different ways. that before he couldn't imagine, besides that he remembered what Mana said after consenting her, that previously his powers were repressed and what they had now shown are his true powers which he hadn't shown.

"And what about betraying me?" Chris asked to see what he could get.

"5 of the 6 who betrayed you did so out of greed as the benefits offered to them are not easy things to ignore and they would make huge profits from this"

When Chris heard the ego's response his expression was very normal as if it was the most natural of all, but with that person he was referring to he was feeling a bad premonition, even his sixth sense was beginning to go crazy as if what was going to happen to come was much more shocking than anything that had gone before.

At this moment Chris was so nervous that he wanted not to know what was next, but his instincts told him that if he didn't discover this truth now, he would regret it in the very near future.

"The person you are talking about is Yuna right" asked Chris, he already knew that there was something very strange with this matter, for Yuna to refuse, but a short time later she accepted this type of offer, there must have been something very huge happened to make her change your mind

"That's right, she's not supposed to have betrayed you back then, but something happened that forced her to change her mind, because if she didn't, the consequences for her as well as for you would be huge."

"What do you mean by that, if she had stayed by my side, she could have finished her deification and I would have gotten rid of those 5 traitors" Chris.

"I'm afraid to tell you that that option you speak of would never have happened besides the 6 people who were with you, the area had been surrounded by more than 10 experts of the same level as the grim reaper you faced a short while ago, even if you had managed to kill the 5 traitors you would be exhausted from the pressure and your body would be full of wounds which would leave you in a half-dead state and Yuna would have died with you doing all her futile effort".

Hearing such a truth, Chris could only retract his anger since Yuna decision was the right thing to do to preserve her life and not die in vain, her decision was the right one, but even so, that didn't change the fact that he was betrayed and must take revenge.

"In other words, I made that decision to preserve her life, right hers" Chris.

"If I make that decision to preserve her life, but not for her sake but for someone else's"

"What are you talking about?" Chris couldn't understand the ego's words because she had to keep herself alive for someone else, maybe she found a lover and that's why she left him, thought Chris, his heart was sour, but he couldn't blame her, since, although they were engaged, they never had a relationship. true couple relationship.

"She had to stay alive since she was pregnant, because of the child in her womb I betrayed you, if she continued with you and faced everyone, the child inside her would die with her"


At that moment a dead silence appeared in the white space since the ego finished speaking not a sound could be heard for a while.

"Hey, get lost once and for all if you stay stunned, we can't continue"

An hour after pure silence, the ego couldn't take it anymore and urged Chris to come back to reality.

"I…" Chris who foolishly responded to the ego's call, gradually regained consciousness, if this wasn't an illusory space it is very likely that he would have already vomited several liters of blood due to complicated emotions.

"Ego tell me one thing... that boy... that boy... is" Chris stuttered without hiding the fear in his voice.

"If what you want to ask is if the child is your child, the answer is yes"

Upon receiving the confirmation of the ego, many memories began to appear in Chris's mind around his 400 years of life sealed his heart and emotions, shortly after his family selected a fiancée when he met her he did not feel anything due to the seal of his heart, but no matter how he saw her she is the most beautiful woman he has ever met, they spent most of their time together after their families decision, whether it be talent or their duties as a wife Yuna was always perfect, she always did He helped when he needed it most, he was very loyal to his family and never let him down, but how a cretin who had no emotion, not only messed with other women but never showed affection unlike Yuna who always He showed him affection, Chris didn't understand that I saw that woman in him besides being someone whose heart had died.

If he had some emotions back then he might have noticed the strangeness in Yuna betraying him and he might have noticed that there was some reason to it.

For Chris the cold emotions of collecting a debt and returning a pointer had disappeared from his heart and a sense of guilt for the first time in his life appeared, that he owed someone something and not a simple debt but one that came from within, Give Your Heart.

Although Chris desire for revenge disappeared, he still believed that there were many gaps in their relationship that were unknown to his current self, so he couldn't see Yuna as either an enemy or an ally.