"What's your wish" (Chris).

"There is someone I wish to help and there is someone I wish to kill, but these things can only be done by the god of nihility (nothing)" (Freya).

"I guess the person you want to kill is a regent right" (Chris).

"That's right, the regents can be killed but the price that must be paid to achieve it is so great that it could destabilize the kingdom of god, so nobody wants to face them since facing them will only cause damage and nothing positive will come out" (Freya).

Chris nodded, the universe showed him the records it had from that time and he could see the devastation caused by the fight of the eleventh and the regents, if a being powerful enough does not appear to face them, it is possible that a direct confrontation will only cause enormous losses even if they manage to defeat one of them, there were still the others that would come in a group.

"I will not ask you about your grudge with the regents, but who do you want help" (Chris).

"When I was a girl I had a friend, but one of the regents considered her a danger since it was believed that she had a relationship with the god of Nihility (nothing), after that they cursed her and sealed her in the depths of Helheim" (Freya).

These words sounded calm, but Chris could feel the irreconcilable anger and hatred in them.

"What do you mean it could have something to do with me" (Chris).

"As he said, there are oracles that have managed to extract some information from the god of Nihility (nothing), but there were people who instead of giving information about the god of Nihility (nothing), prophesied to certain people that they would help him on his journey, so the regents have gotten rid of these people so that they never meet the god of Nihility (nothing) and although these people say that they will grow as powers they are still inferior to the regents if you only look at their powers in a way individual but what if there were more than one of these individuals, they could be dangerous to the regents so they wanted them out of the way" (Freya).

"If they are so dangerous why not kill them" (Chris).

"They have killed many of these people, but once they die it is said that the power they have that can only be awakened by the god of Nihility (nothing) will pass to another person when they die, also some of the people have somewhat special positions because if they kill them it is very likely that they will start a war with that faction, the regents are not afraid of anyone, but causing great damage to the god realm is something they have always avoided, so they choose to seal these people" (Freya).

The situations Chris has encountered since he finished the deification were getting weirder every time, and the news he received only caused his mind to become more unstable.

"Freya, I don't know how to answer your question about whether I am qualified to fulfill the duty given to me, I only know that I want to become stronger and reach the pinnacle of strength, regarding the regents I don't care what they do or what they do." they have done, I only know that if they get in my way they must die, not because of a prophecy but because they are my enemies" Chris said calmly, but the pride and intensity of what he said lingered.

"It's a good answer, better than I expected, it's true that a prophecy speaks about you, but that doesn't mean you want to do that, besides if one should kill it is because the other person became his enemy and not because someone else says that one should kill her, if one tried to be a hero for something like a prophecy and not for one's own desire is no different than being a hypocrite" (Freya).

"Could I ask a question" At that moment, Beatriz, who had not uttered a sound, spoke for the first time.

"I imagined that you would have some questions, tell me, what are they?" Freya asked.

Receiving Freya's affirmation, Beatriz spoke.

"Almost two centuries ago I came here when I was a child because back then I was only given a part of the first chapter of the technique, but when I came back several times, I was never able to enter"

This was something that Beatriz wanted to know if she was allowed in when she was just a child, then why was she when she grew so much in looks and strength, then why was she never allowed to enter again.


"I was already expecting this question, when you were just a girl and you happened to pass through this area your body was scanned and the information from your divine physique came to me and I could see the strangeness of your body's mutation since I was not awake at all. I couldn't fully identify what kind of physique it was, but I could still see how powerful it is, so I let you through, since at that time you weren't even a mortal realm, so I couldn't fully transfer the technique and that small part was the only one you managed to keep" (Freya).

"If that's how things are then when my power grew because I wasn't allowed to pass" said Beatriz this part was the only one she couldn't understand.

"The part of the technique that you practiced is the same that I practice, giving it to you is the same as accepting you as my disciple, that's why the entry condition that I put on you is the awakening of your divine body, I will not accept a mediocre apprentice, that's why I couldn't make things easy for you" (Freya).

"Wait a minute, when you say apprentice, you mean that I…" (Beatriz).

Before Beatrix finished her sentence hesitantly, Freya continued speaking.

"I know what you're thinking, in the god realm there are many better options for an apprentice right" (Freya).

"Yes" (Beatrice).

"It is true that in the God Realm there are many very talented Valkyries, and if they practice the God rank technique like Valkyrie Soul, instead of the degraded Eternal rank version that normal Valkyries practice, they could become very powerful and form the divine physique of valkyries, and become a complete goddess, but for me I don't only look at the talent, and her attitude but I look more at her stubbornness and perseverance, when you only got a part of the chapter I thought you would form a good base and then change technique to a complete one, I never expected that even knowing how useless and inefficient it was to just practice an incomplete fragment of a technique you kept doing it and even reached the mystic realm in less than two centuries in such a condition that such a feat is not something normal" (Freya).

"If I'm honest, the valkyrie soul technique and its degraded version, its beginning is the same when you arrived a long time ago. I thought that if you came back, I would give you the degraded version only if you managed to awaken your divine body, but who would say that you were so stubborn to practice just that fragment of the technique and that your divine body would be so unique, no matter if it is your determination or your talent it is not inferior to any of my valkyries" Freya said while looking at Beatriz with some tenderness in her gaze.

"Freya let me ask you a question" (Chris).

"What would?" (Freya).

"The fact that I am the god of Nihility (nothing), has nothing to do with your decision to take Beatrice as your disciple" (Chris).

"If it has to do, since you are her partner that means that she will be able to grow in all her splendor, if it were only me, I would not be able to make her powers fully bloom, since the domains of the divine power of life and death are not my specialty, although I know something about them, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't dare take a disciple I couldn't teach" (Freya).

"Tell me what you think Beatriz, taking Freya as your teacher or not is your choice" Chris asked, wanting Beatriz's conformation.

"That she will happen to me if I agree to be her disciple, I will have some limitation or I will have to go to the kingdom of God now" (Beatriz).

"You will not be limited, even though I can make you enter the god realm if you want, you can also stay here and you will only have to come back to this space once a week to get injured for a day" (Freya).

Once Beatriz's doubts were resolved she hesitated no more and she bowed in front of Freya as she linked her arms together.

"This humble disciple pays homage to the teacher" (Beatriz).

*** *** ***

Once the conversation was over Chris and Beatriz left the small dimension, Beatriz went to the room to take a bath since her body had eliminated all the impurities it had and her appearance had been a disaster, while Chris began to write magic circles around the entire village, they would rest tonight and Chris would tear out all the world, and transport them into his little universe to keep Beatrice's village and likewise keep the little dimension with them so that Beatrice would receive injuries from Freya.

Chris didn't trust Freya 100% but since he had accepted Beatriz as his disciple, he was calmer, after all the relationship of a teacher and a disciple is the same as a father and son relationship, and since Freya willingly he was transmitting his teachings to Beatriz, his sincerity was already proven.