After Chris finished placing the magic circles throughout the village he headed towards the room.


Once inside he could hear the sound of the shower going off.


If he had his normal body, he probably would have already gotten into the shower and started a hard fight with Beatriz in the bathroom.

(I hope I quickly recover my original state) thought Chris a little disappointed.

Chris was not someone who was so easily carried away by her emotions, even when Mana was capricious and tried to free her heart through excitement and lust she would not let go, but now with the release of her heart, and the instability of her Mind, it seemed that he was trying to calm down by letting himself be carried away by the impulses of his emotions, but now that he had the body of a 5-year-old child, it seemed that his emotions calmed down at times, while at others they seemed to want to explode.


At that moment a door knock sounded.

"I've just finished"

At that moment, Beatriz, who was not wearing anything on her body, came out of the bathroom.

"..." (Chris).

"Something happens" (Beatriz).

When Chris saw Beatriz he was surprised, Beatriz was a great beauty, but now that word fell short to describe her, her skin was much smoother and whiter than it was, her golden brown hair shone as if it were gold, while her eyes were much clearer than before, his body had removed the impurities left in him making his hip that seemed to be boneless like a snake gained a better shape, just like his thighs and seemed softer but without losing their previous signature , her chest felt more shapely as well as looking like it had grown a bit larger than it already was, just as her butt seemed rounder.

Chris, I knew that Beatriz would undergo a physical change and her appearance would improve by receiving her blood essence and the awakening of her divine physique, but I never expected that her improvement would be so great, to say that her current appearance was slightly superior to Mana and Astrid did not It would be a bad evaluation, she might even be put on the same level as Yuna from Chris's point of view.

"Something's wrong" Beatriz, seeing that Chris didn't respond, asked again what was happening since it was strange that she took so long to respond.

"I'm fine. I just thought that your beauty improved more than expected after absorbing the blood essence and awakening your divine physique" Chris replied, but since he was small it seemed as if he was simply giving a compliment.

"Thank you" Beatriz said with a smile.

Even though Chris's words weren't a very well-crafted compliment, he still made Beatriz happy by being praised for her beauty just like any other woman.

"Beatriz, there is something I want to ask you" (Chris).

"It would?" (Beatrice).

Even though Chris changed the subject so suddenly to Beatrice that she was in such a good mood, she didn't care.

"Beatriz, I feel like your emotions have already stabilized and concerns have gone, but at the same time I feel a complex emotion inside you that you repress inside as if you wanted to say something, but then you repress it" (Chris).

"Well… I this… I mean…" (Beatriz).

When Beatriz heard the first part of Chris's words, she felt happy, knowing that Chris had noticed her insecurities and had taken them into account all this time, and had been watching her, but when she heard the second part, her face turned Red with embarrassment, as well as the emotions she wanted to share with Chris that she hadn't said before because it wasn't the time, the opportunity appeared in front of her.

Gathering her courage and determination, Beatriz did not hesitate and said what she wanted to share.

"Chris, I know this is a somewhat rushed request and this might not be the best time to ask for this, but it is something that I have decided and I want to achieve it" (Beatriz).

"Okay that's what you want, if it's something I can get I'll give it to you no problem" (Chris).

Having confirmation from Chris, Beatriz was able to say what she wanted with no problem.

"I want to be a mother and have a child" (Beatriz).

"..." (Chris).

At that moment Chris's mind went blank he had expected almost anything Beatriz could ask for, but this sudden request that came out of nowhere left him speechless while his emotions became somewhat unstable as if trying to escape for a moment from reality, due to a strong blow to the head.

Beatriz confused the silence thinking about Chris, with her wanting her to keep talking, instead of noticing Chris's mental instability at this moment.

"I know that this request is quite sudden and this is probably not the time, and that I will only be able to have a child when we have already resolved all our current problems, but being in this village remembering my childhood with my parents as well as seeing you as a child made me want to have a child, I can wait for him, but at least I would like that when we solve all our problems and when you have recovered I want us to have a child" at that moment Beatriz released everything that was in her heart and waited for the answer of Chris.


When Chris heard everything that Beatriz said, he calmed down a bit, he didn't mind having another child besides the one that is on the way, what left him unstable is that he wanted to resolve all his emotions first before doing anything and see what his plans would be like. in the future, hearing that Beatriz could wait calmed him down a bit.

"If you really want to have a child you don't need to ask me you just have to stop absorbing my essence and wait if you get pregnant, but I really wish it wasn't right now as I'd rather we sort out our future plans first before trying to have a child." Chris replied after recovering a bit.

"Okay, I can wait a bit and thanks" (Beatriz)

Beatriz who had obtained Chris's approval was very happy as this matter was finally decided, her happiness was such that she forgot the fact that she didn't have any clothes and she ran to hug Chris.

"Thank you" (Beatrice).

"Okay, you better go put on your pajamas even if you try to goad me in my current state, I can't do anything to you" (Chris).

"Hehe, It's alright" (Beatrice).

Despite hearing Chris's mockery, Beatriz didn't care and she simply went to get dressed.

Despite the fact that Chris said that he could not do anything with his current appearance, the truth was that, if he could, since he could accelerate his growth until an age greater than 10 years where his body had already developed to fulfill his physiological needs and duties. , the reason why he said otherwise and stayed in the form of a 5 year old is that he didn't feel comfortable doing such a thing in his current form, plus he didn't want to create some weird fetish in the girls who did it. surround.

Visia told him that if his control in his divine powers improved, he could manipulate his body to a certain extent being able to return to this child form at his own will and how he did not want to have to be in this form unless it was mandatory as when entering a weakened state or that it is an extreme case that requires this appearance.

"Looks like I'll have to use that" (Chris).


After Chris took a bath and changed his clothes he went to sleep while Beatriz hugged him like always.

But this time instead of sleeping he began to concentrate his oracle powers.

A short time later Chris's consciousness vanished and a blank space like the one he used to talk to the ego appeared out of nowhere.

Since this was an illusory space, Chris appearance was the same as always and not his weakened form of a 5-year-old.

"I hope he can feel my call" Chris said as if he was waiting for someone to appear.

The white illusory space is like a dimension of dreams, consciousnesses can appear and only oracles can create this type of dimension, thanks to this they can converse with entities that are only consciousnesses such as the ego of the universe, the consciousness of hell and of the paradise that exist, by coming into contact with these beings they can extract information from them and gain knowledge that only they can understand.

But this time instead of trying to communicate with the ego of the universe, Chris came to the blank space for another reason, hoping that his idea would work.

At first it seemed that there was nothing in the blank space besides Chris, but a short time later the space in front of Chris began to fluctuate when suddenly a person appeared.

It wasn't a silhouette of an energetic body like when ego comes to talk to Chris.

This time a woman who appears to be around 25 years old with jet black hair and sapphire blue eyes wearing a black kimono appeared.

If people were to look at her face as well as her facial features and compare them with Chris, they could easily tell that they are the same as if they were made from the same mold, mistaking them as sisters.

"Hello mother, it's been a while since we spoke" (Chris).

"Apparently you already know about your oracle powers, I thought this gift of yours would go to waste, but you realized it sooner than I expected, but you didn't call me here just to show me your new powers, what's your problem in this case" he said the beautiful woman in the tone of a mother scolding her son, but glad to see him again.