After Chris left the village, he didn't use teleportation, but continued walking towards a specific would in the city.

This place was in the southern part of the city, even though the southern part is the rottenest place in the city, the houses and buildings in this place were very well built and nothing could be seen wrong with the area.

If the area were to be described, it could be on a par with the middle-class area of a capital city in the countries that existed before the calamity of two thousand years ago, when the earth was still primitive, from the point of view of the powers of the universe, after all from the point of view of the earth if the 21st century, was a point where their technology developed considerably.

By making these comparisons, Chris was able to realize how much effort the earth made to get ahead after the crisis they suffered.

Despite coming from a very powerful upper world and having seen things much more beautiful than people could ever imagine, Chris after living on earth and knowing more about this world has developed a taste for simple but meaningful things.

A short time later Chris arrived at his destination.

The area where Chris came was none other than a church, the church occupied a large area, with a large garden surrounding it, despite not having many bushes and trees, leaving most of the land open, filled with grass, turning the garden into an open area, but with flowers planted in various fields of the garden.

Behind the church two buildings ago, one of the buildings is the executive area of ​​the church headquarters in this city.

While the other building was an orphanage where the church raised orphans, who couldn't get into government-run orphanages.

The church area was covered by a wall and there were only two entrances, one was a gate with a path to the entrance of the church temple that opens when masses are celebrated.

And the other entrance is the orphanage that could be said to be part of the wall, this was done with the intention that when they find lost children, they can go to the orphanage immediately and not have to go through the church and the other buildings to get to the orphanage, so he was given his own gate.

Chris headed for the orphanage entrance.

Already more than two thousand years ago on earth when the supernatural and magical was still a secret to almost everyone in this world with some exemptions, religion as one of the most powerful beings in the world at that time, knew about it. but rather had their own experts at their service making them one of the most powerful organizations on earth.

But after the arrival of the disaster and when everything was revealed to the world and the many divergent races appeared and began to form alliances to survive.

The church, due to their belief that the beast and demon races were evil and a symbol of heresy, refused to join the alliance.

Due to that arrogance and stereotypes that had carried almost all of their beliefs, and not being part of the alliance, they could not receive much support and received many casualties at the beginning of the crisis, after realizing that they could not solve the crisis alone, they did not I had no choice but to swallow his pride and join the alliance at that moment.

After the crisis things improved a little, but the church had already received many casualties, then came the time of reconstruction of the land and then the accelerated progress of development that the land suffered, these were not good times for religion either.

Since all the secret of the supernatural was exposed to all normal people, plus the existence of eternal, transcendent beings and God was confirmed, the believers of all mythologies increased exponentially allowing religions to recover faster.

But not everything was so good after a while, as all this information was exposed the monotheistic religions that promulgated that there was only one god in all of existence had to abolish this statement and to recover, they affirmed that their god was the only supreme being and true compared to the other gods, trying in a certain way to proclaim superiority.

But since the whole planet was becoming unified if the different religions were kept separate and as a consequence there was a possibility of losing loved ones, they made the decision to unite as an alliance (Catholic, Hindu, Nordic, Greek, Japanese, etc) and gave to know all the teachings of these religions as one, even though internally they were still divided as different factions of a society.

These events made the religion much more powerful than it already was, what caused its decline was more than all the time, the reforms on the planet making everyone able to train and become stronger, little by little the people who thought that the cultivation process was easy as they made rapid initial progress, they began to think that they could become immortal and gods put their religious beliefs aside, making the religion lose support from the masses little by little.

This did not surprise Chris in the upper worlds something like praying to a deity was something that probably no one would do, "Why pray to a god that I don't even know if he is listening to you or recognizes you, when I can become one" was the thought of all those who aimed for the highest, this is why religious organizations did not exist in the superior worlds.

Instead of this in the superior worlds there are powers that represent these deities.

As are the shuras who descend from the gods Ashuras demonstrating their beliefs in the unknowable search for power.

After Chris arrived at the entrance of the orphanage he entered casually, as if it wasn't the first time he had come since even the guards at the gate didn't even stop him.

"Hello Chris, it's been a while since you've visited us," said a man in priest's robes who was accompanied by two of his colleagues.

"It's been some time, I've come to visit Father Juan, he's here" Chris asked.

"If he's in his office, I think if you look for him you can find him filling out the paperwork," said the man very kindly as he led his colleagues in the other direction.

At that moment Chris began to walk to the other side since this was not his first time in this place people recognized him easily and let him pass without problems while greetings were exchanged.

A short time later Chris arrived at the door of an office in which Juan's name was written on the door.

*Knock Knock*

Chris didn't think much and knocked on the door.

"Please come in" came the voice of an old man, but with a firmness in his tone that he had no hesitation, proving to be a person of great experience and good health.