At that moment Chris opened the door and entered the room.

A stocky man who didn't appear to be more than 30 years old loomed over Chris.

"Tell me why you came to find me here Chris, usually you would call first before coming here" said Juan surprised by Chris's visit.

"I have little time so I decided to come directly, after all I will not be long on earth" said Chris without much emotion.

Juan narrowed his eyes in surprise and spoke.

"Because of the sudden departure, I thought you would be a few more years on earth at least until you reached the pinnacle of the divine realm and as far as I know you should only be at the pinnacle of the holy realm" Juan asked, somewhat confused by the change in plans. Chris.

Chris met Juan when he started working as a mercenary under the name of Asura, Juan was the person commissioned by the church to administer the entire surrounding area of ​​the regional and was a divine kingdom of the third rank.

Due to Asura's reputation for being so ruthless, in addition to the fact that Chris's showy actions when he killed some people, he drew the attention of many people within the city as well as outside of it.

After that Juan challenged him to a match, because of the power difference at that time Chris had to release 5% of Ashura's transformation power to defeat him.

After crossing paths in combat, they managed to get to know each other better and Juan realized that Chris was not a bad person in a way, after thinking about it, Juan found out about all Asura's jobs and realized that all the people he has killed have been scum of society and that has never touched an innocent life or the good officials who have not been corrupted in order to monopolize the profits.

After that a lot happened and finally, they became more than acquaintances, but they still couldn't be considered friends.

"My strength isn't a problem right now." At that moment, Chris released the aura of a peak rank divine realm.

"How is it possible?" Juan yelled seeing the colossal increase in Chris's strength, he hadn't seen it in a while, but he was sure that Chris was just a holy realm the last time he saw it six months ago, the increase in a complete kingdom stunned Juan, who did not expect this change, in a certain sense Chris increased his power more in the last months than he did in the last 6 years.

"Apparently you already have more than enough strength, but coming to say goodbye is not your style because you came" Juan said after recovering from the show.

He knew Chris very well so he was sure that his visit was not just a casual visit to say goodbye.

"Remember what you told me when we met and what I promised" Chris said.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with leaving the planet..." Juan said as if he didn't understand, but suddenly something came to mind, a possibility that was hard to believe.

Looking at Chris's expression that he was smiling peacefully, but the feeling around him was not unlike that of the devil, Juan was able to confirm that what he had in mind was what he feared.

*** *** ***

A while after Chris got out of the orphanage, he didn't head to the village to go back home and get ready, but headed to the eastern district of the city.

After a few minutes he arrived at his destination, it was a villa with a luxurious mansion in it, unlike Chris's villa which combined both the beauty of nature and the casual yet refined architectural art as one, making one feel relaxed and calm despite the elegance of the villa, in the case of the mansion in front of Chris it was so ostentatious full of decoration without trying to make the surrounding area stand out makes one feel suffocated, seeing the villa was The vanity of the person who owns this villa is evident.

"Since tomorrow I have to shortly before I leave Earth, it would be best to solve pending problems at this time" said Chris with a clear malicious intent.

At that moment the figure of Chris disappeared.

*** *** ***

In a study room inside the mansion a fat man in a suit was sitting on a leather chair made from the skin of a fifth level magical creature comparable to a rank five mortal belittling how expensive it was, the bottom The man's body was naked and a seductive semi-naked woman was kneeling in front of him playing with her little brother.

"It's enough to go away"

The fat man said in a rocky voice showing that he was irritated as he stopped the woman's fellatio and forced her to back away from her.

Since the man's younger brother was smaller than average, the woman didn't have to work very hard to do her job.

When the woman left you could see the contempt in her eyes, but as she kept her easy expression unchanged, nobody noticed it, seeing the disgust it was obvious that this was not the first time she had done this type of work and that she had always had that faking an orgasm with the pig held her back due to her inability to please a woman.

"I don't understand how the hell that damn mayor got the president's approval and support and now his re-election is certain, if this continues like this, that guy will be able to aspire to be in charge of the entire region and no one in the city will be able to do anything to him at this rate. DAMN"

Yelled the man who looked like a pig screeching as his lower body was still exposed.

In the corner of the room in shadow, Chris had watched what had happened.

"The government is really fast, just casually mentioning the mayor once and they're already taking action," Chris said silently.

He mentioned Aurora's father a few times in front of the president since he had helped him a bit since he wanted to repay her favor by getting him some support, unexpectedly the government had already acted.


Chris had planned to kill this pig quickly using the divine power of death by making it look like a natural death by shortening its life energy.

But after seeing such a disgusting scene of a pig dung over a flower, his mood worsened.

Chris never looked down on women for doing this kind of work, nor did he look down on prostitutes for their profession as long as they do it at will and are given proper treatment where they are not demeaned.

But seeing scum like the pig in front of him and seeing the woman's disgusted face made him feel disgusted with the pig.

"This is... a... bloody... nightmare" before he could finish the sentence the man who is the magistrate of education who had sent people to capture Aurora in the exam suddenly stopped not only him but the room seemed frozen, while a very thin silver glitter covered the area.

"It's better to get this over with quickly. I don't want to spend any more time here," Chris said disgustedly.

Suddenly Chris appeared in front of the man as a black mist came out of his body and began to enter the magistrate's body.

Chris intended to shorten the magistrate's lifespan, but then changed his mind and filtered the power of death causing him to die a slow and painful death by making it look like it was a rare disease he gave him, which would show an effect in a few days.

Chris didn't want to stay longer than necessary so he started looking for John the son of the pig to do the same thing to him the only thing he would change is that he would give him a few more years of life to suffer more, after losing his father's protection He will watch as his life slowly crumbles into despair, after all being a useless second generation, who only knows how to play, even if he inherits all of his father assets, he would effectively squander them.


"Like wood, like wood really," Chris said as he sighed.

Chris had stopped time throughout the mansion leaving everyone motionless.

When he got to John's room he was in the same situation as his father, in his room he was hitting a sexy woman from behind, the woman's body was stunning, although it was not 100% natural with current medical technology. plastic surgery was not very different from the 90% natural.

After surveying the situation Chris could see John's euphoric expression as he noted the woman who looked as if she might collapse from pleasure at any moment.

After Chris examined the woman, he noticed that she, like the previous one, was faking just to please John, who thought he could dominate any woman.

(This woman really could be a good actress) thought Chris.

Whether it was the expression of the face and the gestures that the woman made or he put on and irregular gasps that he pretended, everything was almost perfect if it weren't for the fact that he had experience with women and knew perfectly well the body of almost all races noticing that he didn't he was aroused in the least, probably this woman would have cheated on him.

Without wasting any more time, Chris implanted the death energy into John body and left.

But he also found out the woman's information and then sent it to an entertainment agency since he thought it would be a waste not to take advantage of the woman's acting talent.

Entertainment was something that regardless of the world whether higher or lower would always exist after all the percentage of people has always shown that the majority are normal people whether it is movies, TV series or talent shows or interesting information shows, they have always been good business, even in the superior worlds, actresses or artists have always been very loved by everyone, almost as much as the powerful experts.