In a dark plain it could be seen how the sky was full of black clouds while the entire terrain was disfigured.

The ground was stained with the blood of countless people while dismembered corpses were found throughout the area.

Calling this battlefield hell on earth would not be an exaggeration.


In the center of the area, squads of soldiers with the spirit of a warrior could be seen rushing towards the center of the field, like brave warriors who do not fear death.

In the center of the field could be seen a mountain of corpses which was decorated by countless weapons that were embedded in it, at the top of the mountain a single person dressed in black who wielded an invisible sword like a translucent crystal in his hand.

From the young man's expression, it could be seen that the entire scenery around him was of no importance to him, even when he stepped on the mountain of corpses.

"I've been here for so long; I've killed so many of these ants that I'm starting to get bored" said the young man.

Just as the soldiers were about to reach the young man, the young man disappeared as if he were just a mirage.


A few moments later he reappeared in the same position, but the soldiers who were previously in a fierce charge had already been cut into thousands of pieces adding more corpses to the mountain.

"What else is missing for this test to be over?" the young man sighed annoyed.


At that moment the deafening cry of a beast could be heard throughout the battlefield.


At that moment rumbling footsteps could be heard from each of the two ends of the battlefield heading towards the center.

"You really are a cold person, the acceleration time of this illusory space is 10 times that of reality, you have spent almost a month here but only 3 days in the realm, but still you have killed millions of soldiers without the slightest minimal hesitation, to pass this test you had to stand your ground for one more day, but in your case you eliminated the entire enemy army when you just had to survive, but I guess that was to be expected since you have such an outside intention that it goes out of the way common" said the mysterious voice.

When Chris arrived at this test space, the first 10 days were really hard because this test is of the same resistance as the previous one, only that in the previous test he had to face 10 powerful knights, but in this case despite that the soldiers were not so strong the millions that existed made things very complicated.

Since Chris had just awakened the intent, the time he could use it was very short, making it difficult to stay alive as his stamina and mental strength were rapidly depleted while the soldiers increased every second.

Gradually adapting to the use of intent, Chris noticed that he could alter the shape of the intent, in addition to the two maidens (Divine Beasts) he could keep longer and it would deplete his mental powerless.

As is the sword that he is now using, even though it is just a materialization of the will, in normal sword form and not the true intent of the sword, it is a very useful sword form in this kind of situation, although not to the level of true sword intent that all people who follow the path of the sword and dedicated their lives to, seek, the sword form that Chris uses is good enough that he may have a suitable weapon to destroy anyone. the soldiers and knights who face him.

At that moment two knights one denied and the other white had reached the mountain where Chris was standing, these knights were very different even from the ones he faced in his last test they had a height of 3 meters and only used spears and not swords.


The two gentlemen shouted when they saw Chris.

"Instead of knights they look like beasts, but I prefer to finish everything quickly so as not to take longer" said Chris somewhat exhausted.

At that moment Chris changed the position of the transparent sword and for the first time wielded it with both hands.

At this time Chris was exhausted and did not have enough strength to use the intent of the two maidens (Divine Beasts).

So, using everything he had in the next attack was his best option since he didn't know how strong the last two knights were.

At that moment, between each step taken by the two knights who approached Chris, the sword that was almost imperceptible began to reveal its silhouette little by little while a light mist surrounded it, the shape of the sword became more and more visible showing the blade without any inscription or decoration on it and an equally simple hilt.


At that moment the slash of a sword moved across the field.



At that moment the sound of something breaking, as well as something falling and crashing to the ground rang out.

Checking the sword in Chris's hands had gone from a sword to a broken glass and at his sides the body of the two huge knights was lying on the ground while their heads flew into the sky.

The image that Chris used to create the sword that he wielded was none other than that of a sword that cut, he did not care about an indestructible sword that would not be damaged nor a sword that decimated thousands of people with just one cut, but only a weapon that will cut your enemy a simple and normal weapon.

At the beginning of the test Chris using this sword broke many times causing him to spend his mental strength rebuilding it after many trials and error to solve this problem he left the sword in an incomplete form so it looked like it was translucent so having a proper but not easily broken weapon, the power decreased, but the stamina he had to spend was much less than 10% of what he spent before.

The next moment the battlefield disappeared and Chris returned to the second podium.

"With the structure of the battlefield you could hide without being found by the soldiers and rest, but instead you decided to continue fighting day and night, even though you were on the verge of tail many times, you get more and more weird," said the mysterious voice.

"Only constant pressure can help me improve, instead of seeing it as a test it is better as a training, instead of worrying about it how about my rewards first"

"Very well"

At that time same as last time 3 objects appeared in front of Chris.

One was the same vial with the same red substance as last time, the other object is an ingot of some white and gold metal, the last one is an herb.

"This is the best there is really no good options, but I'll keep the ingot" Chris said without even asking what the mysterious metal was disappointed with the rewards.

"Since that's your choice I won't contradict her, since you've already passed two of the first three tests there's no need for me to hide."

Said the mysterious voice, at that moment in front of Chris a woman with a white dress, golden hair could be seen in front of Chris, you could see wings similar to those of butterflies on her back, but these instead of having colors and patterns on her wings were transparent, if one looked also the woman's ears were pointed like the elves'.

"A Fairy" said Chris surprised.

Since he arrived at this sanctuary, he had been able to expect almost anything, but seeing a fairy was something he never expected, everyone knew that the fairies had left the vast universe to be taken to the kingdom of God, even the high elves who were the closest to pure fairies, they were never able to fill the void of the work fairies did.

"You seem very surprised this time" said the fairy somewhat proudly.

As Chris organized his thoughts, he remembered something in the legend of King Arthur, which spoke of a lady of the lake as he recalled the description of the legend and compared her to the fairy in front of him, his kinship overlapped.

"Tell me why there is a fairy here I thought your race went to the kingdom of God millions of years ago"

"Although it is said that my race is in the kingdom of God, not all of us left, there are still a few that are still here, in my case I had a good teacher who entrusted me with this place" answered the fairy.

"So, what is the unique reward of this test?" Chris asked, even though a fairy is a rare being, he would not waste much of his time investigating the subject, knowing that it is possible that there are other fairies in the universe, then he can look for them.

"This reward is somewhat different from the previous one since there are two prizes, if you get one of the two it will depend on your decision"

"What do you mean is their additional proof?" Chris asked.

"It's not really whether or not you're an ascetic is a condition for me to hand over this thing to you."