"What condition do you mean?" Chris asked.

"You will understand when you see the rewards" replied the lady of the lake (Fairy).

At that moment a scroll appeared in front of Chris while an ancient book appeared in the hands of the lady of the lake.

"What's this?" Chris asked, not understanding why the lady of the lake was so sensitive about those items.

"It's a custom weapon forge design," replied the lady of the lake.

"What do you mean a custom weapon?" Chris.

"This scroll only has the design and production method of a sword, you will have to discover what materials are needed for the weapon to be complete and depending on the materials you use the properties of the weapon will change, as long as you discover the properties of the materials you will know what it brings to the weapon" replied the fairy.

"You mean this has the means of producing a weapon, but not the materials needed to create it."

At that moment the need to shout curses crossed Chris mind.

Even if the design had the means to be used for the production of the weapon, not knowing the materials or the percentage makes it useless.

Even if Chris was a skilled blacksmith, he was aware that his skill had not reached the point of being able to comprehend all the properties of metals even if the ratio of a material changed by 0.1% it would affect the weapon in various ways. In addition, not all metals and minerals used are compatible with each other, causing the weapon to be negatively affected.

Despite being disappointed, Chris could still use the design in the future if he researched the different metals and minerals correctly.

"Your disappointed right" asked the lady of the lake.

"Shouldn't I be?" Chris scoffed.

"I know that design is useless to I don't know what you get from the metallum book, but save the design for future research and testing if it can create a weapon that suits you or someone else is something you can do."


At this moment Chris could only feel helpless, even though what the lady of the lake said was correct and he could try to use the design to create a suitable weapon that suits him, the number of materials he would waste in the process will not be few and currently that was restricted to the lower worlds you will not be able to obtain rare materials in large quantities.

"Wait a minute" at that moment as if he was struck by lightning Chris noticed something "Lady of the lake what you said a moment ago about the metallum book what is that and why did you say that this could help me use the design"

Based on the book's name meaning metal, Chris could get an idea what the book was, but he wanted confirmation from the lady of the lake.

"The metallum book was written by the first metal god, who are also called blacksmith gods, it is said that the book contains all the secrets of metals, as well as their properties and characteristics, it has always been said that the person who has the metallum as long as he has talent and proper forging skills, he can forge almost any weapon including deity rank ones" replied the lake dame calmly.

On the other hand, Chris who had just discovered that such a book exists was on Show if what the lady of the lake said was true that means that the person who has that book could certainly arm an entire army with top-tier weapons whenever and when you have the necessary supplies for large-scale manufacturing.

"What happened to the metallum?" Chris asked.

"I have no idea, many gods tried to get this book, but in the end, it just disappeared, it is very likely that it is in the hands of some person, but he is hiding it to avoid drawing attention, after all that book is ranked 40th of earthly treasures," replied the lady of the lake.

"What are earthly treasures?" Chris asked curiously as he heard an interesting word that caught his attention.

The lady of the lake hearing Chris's question, she was not surprised after all the people who know about the treasures are very few.

"The treasures are unique items that due to the special nature of these artifacts; they were decided to be given a title and are classified in a list depending on their value, there are 3 classifications in total, earthly treasures, heavenly treasures and god's treasures also called royalties. The lady of the lake replied to Chris's question.

"How many of these artifacts exist and what differentiates them?" Chris asked interested.

"It could be said that there is a limited number of these artifacts since they were all created at the beginning of creation, the first to appear are the celestial treasures that are a total of 36 of them, these treasures were created by the first gods in the origins of time dedicating all his being to create them, then the earthly treasures appeared and there are a total of 80 of them according to what is known from ancient records they are failed products of trying to create a heavenly treasure but because they possess powers and characteristics very special compared to average items that gave them the title earthly treasure" replied the lady of the lake like a teacher teaching her student.

"What about god's treasures?" Chris asked confused as to why the lady of the lake didn't include them in her explanation.

"I don't know, the royalties or god's treasures nobody knows what exactly they are or how many of them exist exactly they just appeared at some point in that time, many powerful factions used everything they had at hand to discover what the royalties were and search to its creator, but the result was the same, not only did they not discover anything about the royalties and much less who its creator was, at that time when things were still in their infancy, many conjectures and assumptions were made of possible people who would have the ability to create a royalty but everyone who tried to create a royalty has ended in failure since then the value of royalties has increased even more even now after billions of eons the mystery of royalties remains the same no one knows what they are or who would have such an ability to be able to create such artifacts that even all the heavenly treasures on the list are said to be worth less than just one royalty.

Very well I think it is better not to delay things anymore and instead continue with the tests, but first it is about the reward" said the lady of the lake while the book that was in her hands shone a little.

"Exactly what is that book?" asked Chris feeling curious why the lady of the lake was holding him as carefully as if he was holding her own life.

"This book has all the knowledge and skills of us Ain, from forging, alchemy, engineering, architecture and magic all our knowledge and skills are in this book it is also the 32 earthly treasure also called the book of the Ain created by our progenitor and this is the reason why my race despite not being metal gods the best of us can create deity rank artifacts"


When Chris found out about the metallum he was already surprised now that a higher ranked treasure appeared in front of him, which left him speechless.

The metallum could help a person easily become a blacksmith god and now a book that has the skills of not only forging but all production-type professions appeared in front of him, Chris couldn't feel joy but rather fear.

(What kind of person created this heritage temple to not only have a fairy serving him but a treasure like this) was the only thing that Chris could think of the ideas of what would happen if a person had in his hands the metallum and the book of the Ain at the same time it would not be possible to create almost anything, but at the thought of this the fear in Chris's heart grew a little more.

"Why are you showing me this book?" Chris.

"That's because I'll give it to you if you make an ascetic condition."

"You're sure it's not the treasure of your race" Chris.

"It is the treasure of my race, but it is useless to us since this knowledge is passed down from generation to generation since we possess it as an innate ability or an innate inheritance of knowledge from birth, so we don't need the book, but still have a tradition that should never be broken no matter what and that is what I will ask of you so that I can deliver the book to you"

"What is?" Chris.

"The fairies, when we dedicate ourselves to creating something, the first thing we do has always been special, so we have a tradition, the first weapon of deity rank that we create has the freedom to decide who will be its owner, in addition to serving its creator, therefore when our first deity rank weapon chooses an owner by choice we have to give it as a gift, in case the person choosing the weapon is an evil or unsuitable person we as creators to prevent our creation from bathing in the blood of innocents we must recover the weapon we made or destroy it in the worst case" said the Lady of the Lake with a serious expression that could generate pressure to whoever saw her.