"So, this is what you meant by not being lenient."

Chris said as he remembered Carnwennan words.

Just as the spear was going to hit him, Chris activated one of Carnwennan two abilities that he could use.

*Divine Speed*

Allowing him to escape the spear's attacks.

Even though the Carnwennan is an ancient weapon the features it has are specially designed for murder.

Divine Speed ​​not only strengthens the body and speeds up movement allowing the user to speed up hundreds of times, but also speeds up the person's mind.

Even though the function of the skill was simple the results were monstrous as expected from an ancient class weapon.

Even if Chris used to strengthen and speeding magic combined with timing magic adding to the increase in power, he wouldn't have such absurd speed as Carnwennan gave him.

(Interest you can use Carnwennan divine speed, but just dodging won't help you if you want to fully tame an ancient weapon you need more than just that)

At the moment when Chris dodged the fierce thrusts of the spear, a voice appeared in his head. It was not Carnwennan, so it could only be the spear that is constantly thrusting at him trying to pierce him while aiming at his head and heart.

(You can use telepathy) Chris asked with telepathy too.

(You are not asking the obvious child, but I do not wish to drag this out more than necessary. What if you and I exchange a blow if you are able to repel me, I will accept you as my master if you do not succeed, you will free Carnwennan what do you think) Rhongomyniad said.

(Carnwennan if I use all your power, you think you can repel Rhongomyniad) Chris asked Carnwennan his opinion, although he really wasn't expecting much, when it comes to raw attack power there is a big difference between a spear and a dagger when facing each other, although this was not absolute since it also mattered a lot who were the people who used the respective weapons.

(Rhongomyniad and I are weapons of similar power, but my specialty is not attack power like Rhongomyniad so I will have disadvantages in a direct confrontation, but if you use your power to undo Rhongomyniad power and let me hit her directly we should be able to repel her) said Carnwennan in his honest opinion, but he only had a 50% chance of success, if he didn't land a good hit thing would turn out ugly.

(Very well I'll leave it to you) Chris confided, although he also understood that there was not much chance of success.

At that moment Chris' divine power of light began to flow from the divine spark towards Carnwennan.

(Rhongomyniad accepted your challenge let's see if I can repel you or not) Chris responded to Rhongomyniad challenge.

When Rhongomyniad noticed how the power of light was concentrated in Carnwennan and saw how his length grew from the size of a 30cm length to the size of a 70cm short sword.

(You have guts, but you should know that in a direct confrontation between a spear and a dagger who stands to lose)

When Rhongomyniad said that, they did not utter any more words and began to concentrate their power. Rhongomyniad design was similar to the spear that the knights of the first test used as if it were a drill, but unlike those spears, Rhongomyniad was not that big, it had the length of a long sword specially designed to be able to be used in one hand without its design affecting the user if said otherwise it was a rapier spear, but due to its ease of use, one could swing it and hit the enemy generating a strong impact or use it to block attacks.

As Rhongomyniad concentrated his power began to gather causing the spear similar to how Carnwennan blade turned into pure light, Rhongomyniad began to turn into light as well without its handle as small strands of energy crystal made of light came out of it. its point and rotated around it as if they were a drill.


Rhongomyniad, who had already finished his preparations, did not wait any longer and attacked Chris with everything he had.

(Very hasty, but I'm ready too) Chris.

Chris didn't wait any longer and headed towards Rhongomyniad.

"He is crazy"

The man on the throne yelled, he wasn't surprised that Chris decided to confront Rhongomyniad since he had Carnwennan even if he didn't win, he should be able to survive.

But when it was time for the confrontation, Chris instead of using Carnwennan, extended his hand to receive Rhongomyniad, while Carnwennan was still in a waiting position and not attacking.

(Child there are better ways to throw away your life, but since you want to face yourself, I will still use the best of me) Rhongomyniad replied seeing Chris's actions.

(Rhongomyniad you shouldn't be so trusting so soon, sometimes you can be surprised) This time the one who answered was not Chris but Carnwennan with obvious mockery in his tone.

(Carnwennan what the hell are you talking about) (Rhongomyniad)

(You'll see) Carnwennan replied with mockery and emotion in his voice.

When Carnwennan suggested this bet to Chris, he knew how dangerous it would be since at the moment of confrontation the slightest mistake can lead to death and he thought Chris would reject it, but instead Chris's unhesitating response and aura of fighting that he gave off caused Carnwennan opinion of Chris to increase greatly.


At the moment when Rhongomyniad tip touched Chris an explosion could be heard, but it wasn't due to the space wave of the impact, but it was more like an empty space without air braking and exploding when it was filled.

(What the hell is this... why is this happening) Rhongomyniad exclaimed, surprised, not knowing why all the power she accumulated disappeared without a trace.

(I told you you were in for a big surprise) Carnwennan sneered.


At that moment Chris activated divine speed and with everything he had he attacked Rhongomyniad using Carnwennan.


At that moment another thunderous sound was heard throughout the room.

Even if Chris managed to disappear from Rhongomyniad energy, if he takes more than 0.01 seconds to react it's likely that Rhongomyniad will paralyze his arm if he doesn't withdraw it and counterattack immediately, so he had to prepare Carnwennan divine speed and use it. in an opportune moment.


After the brutal crash that lasted less than a second only gasps of exhaustion could be heard.

"I really did," the man on the throne said as if what he just saw was an illusion.

He could only see Chris sitting on the exhausted serum while the spear that released devastating power was embedded in the wall as if an asteroid had struck it sending it flying.


"What are you doing? You should rest and recover first," the man said as he saw Chris get up and head towards the spear.

"No problem, I just need a little breath and I'll be recovered" Chris said, but his physical and mental strength were close to their limit, although less than 5 minutes ago he was at his maximum capacity, in these confrontations he did not hold back at all minimal and pushed to the limits of his ability from the start.

The Immortal God's recovery abilities were such that he could recover from fatigue in a few minutes if it wasn't for how excessive the exchange was, the recovery would be faster.

In addition, Nerea, seeing that his teacher was exhausted, decided to use the recovery powers of the water to help him recover sooner, his was not his due to these two factors, he would still be panting on the floor without moving.

(Time to honor our deal) Chris told Rhongomyniad.

(I lost so I'll keep my word)

At that moment Rhongomyniad began to shine and in the same way as with Carnwennan he merged with Chris.

"That is"

By the time Chris got control of the Rhongomyniad he could tell that it was a pretty powerful weapon.

"So, you can do this too"

At that moment Rhongomyniad materialized in Chris's hand as he left his body.

When Rhongomyniad left at Chris's request he showed her one of his abilities.

As with Carnwennan, Chris could only use two Rhongomyniad abilities as he was still weak.

Rhongomyniad first ability is the same use in their previous confrontation, apparently it is similar to the attack that Carnwenna used in their previous confrontation, although the concept where the energy was compressed was the same, the way they applied it when using it were different, so his other ability is that he has two forms, the first is the one he is using now, which looks like the spear used by the knights.

At that moment Rhongomyniad shape changes and its hilt grow longer while its drill-like tip shrinks, making it look like a traditional spear, but Chris understood that this ability wasn't shape-shifting but size-alteration. The design is the same, due to Chris's limited strength he couldn't properly use this feature, looking at the white design of the spear makes it look like a holy weapon.

At that moment Chris thought of Rhongomyniad attack, he imagined increasing Rhongomyniad size to more than 100 meters while releasing that powerful attack, causing unprecedented devastation, a planet could be easily destroyed, Chris felt excited, as long as his level of existence grows, its energy reserves will also grow, achieving such an incredible spectacle in the not-too-distant future would be possible.

(Rhongomyniad, Carnwennan, there's something I want to tell you) Chris asked as he returned the spear to his body.

(What is it?) they both asked.

(Their names are very complicated; therefore, I will abbreviate them using the last part of their names like Rhongomyniad, Niad and Carnwennan, Wenan) Chris replied.


To be honest Rhongomyniad and Carnwennan didn't know how to answer, their previous teacher didn't use their full names and even hardly said them when asked and gave them nicknames as well since he said they were complicated, unexpectedly their current teacher said the same too.

(Okay) both answered.

Since this time their names are abbreviations of their original names both Niad and Wenan had no complaints, that was preferable to receiving some weird nickname like their previous master, if King Arthur knew what they were thinking, he would probably be upset, as he asked what was wrong with the nicknames, he gave them.