"I'd like to rest, but I've already spent a lot of time here, so let's finish the last test quickly" Chris.

The only thing Chris thought about was to quickly end all his affairs here and return home even if he made huge profits from this place, every single experience he had to go through is so bitter that people could only see it as torture.

"Surely you don't want to regain your strength in your current state, it's impossible for you to pass the last test" asked the man on the throne.

"I'm not interested in taking more time, it's unnecessary since there are things I have to do" Chris.

"Very well, it's time for the last test, but you must be careful, there are 2 divine weapons in your body, this will only make the test more complicated"

Once finished, there was nothing more to say, Chris and the man disappeared from the room as they were transported.


"What is this place" Chris.

Chris was confused by the change in environment, going from a castle-like temple to a clearing of green grass surrounded by trees as if he were in a garden was disconcerting to anyone.

"There." I point to the man's soul fragment.

"That's it?" (Chris)

"That's right, it is the Caliburn if you can have it will depend entirely on your ability as with Carnwennan and Rhongomyniad but unlike those two that dominate you with power, to convince Caliburn you will need more than just power you will have to do it with your will"

Receiving the soul fragment's advice Chris couldn't understand it very well, but he could figure out why the first three tests were there to not only test the person but to prepare them for the last two.

The Caliburn sword was embedded in a stone as in the legend, the handle was golden with engravings, more than a weapon used to kill, it seems more like the swords used in ceremonies, it was not so ostentatious but it could be seen that it was a fine workmanship of art, the blade of the sword was mostly embedded in the huge stone but at the base of the sword that was with the handle you could see that there were runes engraved on it, when Chris noticed these runes he realized that it is the language of the gods with the word KING engraved on the sword.

Without thinking twice, Chris hastily pulled the sword from the stone.



When the energy flash was released, an agonized scream could be heard in the small clearing.

"Damn" Chris.

Chris who had come into contact with the sword was holding his right hand in great pain, looking closely his right arm was pitch black while horrible wounds could be seen, because the arteries had been cauterized no blood was shed, anyone who saw that arm would know that it has to be amputated, as the injuries were so severe that it had been paralyzed.

At the moment of contact Caliburn released a beam of concentrated energy powerful enough that if Chris had not removed his arm in time, he would have lost his arm being totally disintegrated, but even so the damage received was such that it would take a while before it regenerates. once again in its original state.

(What the hell was that, even if a person uses the light attribute on a laser, it shouldn't have power like that) Chris,

(That wasn't a light attribute, it was pure power without any attributes) Rhongomyniad replied to Chris's thoughts.

(What do you mean by that?) Chris.

(That is the power that makes Caliburn and Excalibur so dangerous, unlike me and Rhongomyniad who use the power and concentrate it on both our blade and spear pint to deliver a devastating physical and energetic attack, Caliburn is different not only can it do the same as us, but its ability to accumulate and compress raw power is absurd, but that's not all, the release of all this concentrated power is several times more dangerous than any normal attack) Carnwennan explained.

(How can I counter) Chris asked.

(If it were anyone else, I would tell him that he is wasting his life by giving himself up at death's door, but there is a way you can fight back and I think you should know what it is, right?) Rhongomyniad.

(Use the power of Nothing and I weaken the sword, but if what you say about its ability is true, it is very likely that my stamina will run out before Caliburn) Chris.

(If it was Excalibur even if you were in the ancient kingdom you couldn't even get close to Excalibur if she didn't want to but right now we are facing Caliburn, Caliburn is called Excalibur's sister sword as it was the prototype to create it despite Since the two swords are weapons with the same ability, they are in different ranges, the difference between Caliburn and Excalibur is huge, since the amount of power that Caliburn can release consecutively has a limit so you still have a chance to achieve it. ) Carnwennan.

(I'm just a little curious, but what makes Excalibur so powerful compared to Caliburn and you two, I understand her rank is higher, but that shouldn't be everything) Chris.

(Know that the ranges of all weapons and artifacts have sub-ranges) Rhongomyniad.

(If lower, intermediate, upper and EX) (Chris)

(God rank weapons have another classification system compared to the other weapons you have used so far, but it seems you have never touched any god rank weapons until now, I don't need to explain it to you at the moment, but the big difference in the case of Caliburn and Excalibur despite having almost the same powers lies in the performance releasing those amounts of power puts a great pressure on the weapon so both have a limit and a recovery time is required. cooldown after reaching that limit, if I did a more or less precise calculation, I would say that the total performance of Caliburn is 10% of Excalibur) Rhongomyniad.

Hearing Rhongomyniad's explanation, cold sweat began to appear on Chris's back, now he understood why they said that if the opponent was ExCalibur he couldn't even get close, Caliburn only had 10% of the yield, but it still represented a huge danger if it was a little more it is probable that it would not achieve it.

(But even if I can easily grab Caliburn with the power of Nothingness that won't be enough to tame her) Chris.

(That's how it is when you take it use the intention to remove it from the stone, but I must tell you that the intention of the asura that represents power and that of the two divine maidens that represents divinity are incompatible with Caliburn that is the sword of a king, you will need to visualize something according to that) Carnwennan.

(Alright, here we go) Chris.

Chris jet-black hair turned white while his sapphire blue eyes turned crimson red with a golden cross shaped pupil.

With the self-healing and regeneration abilities of the Immortal God Technique plus Nerea treatment and support, Chris's arm had already returned to its normal form but his injuries were only 50% recovered.

Chris's fingernails turned into claws as his white skin became like transparent jade as crystalline diamond-like flakes began to appear.

This was the first time since Chris obtained the powers of the dragons that he used the innate dragon armor, but this was not the end, Chris's armament that was beginning to form reacted with the crystal-like scales that covered his skin. from Chris, they began to fuse into a new armor.

The new armor was similar to the old with minor changes, such as a hood that was added and shoulder pads that were removed.

Even though the power of nothing would protect Chris from harm in the event that he can't keep it active for even a second, he must prepare.


Shortly before reaching the sword this time Caliburn began to release more energy beams attacking him.


When the bolt of pure power was close to Chris, it activated Carnwennan divine speed plus acceleration, physical boost, time acceleration, control and inertia cancellation magics, surpassing all the speeds he had reached before without even leave an afterimage fading from view.

*Flash* *Flash* *Flash*

Caliburn, unable to keep up with Chris' absurd speed to prevent him from getting closer, unleashed his power in all directions without leaving a gap obstructing his progress.

(It's better not to waste more time)

Chris who dodged the power beams smoothly accelerated his progress.

Due to the hyper focus ability, maintaining so many skills and magic was not a problem for his mental strength but his magical power despite the fact that self-recovery accelerated the regeneration of his energies (vital (Prana or Qi), magical (Mana)) and recovered the fatigue (physical and mental), the consumption of sustaining so many high level spells and abilities at the same time is greater than the speed at which he was recovering it, so he broke through Caliburn attack net and reached his side.