While the lightning domain was held at the center of the typhoon, all the thunder and lightning were being compressed into 64 different points around the domain.

In the center of the domino a person remained still while lightning bolts like poisonous snakes surrounded him waiting for the moment to show their fangs and attack him.

"It seems that I have no other options" Chris.

Appearing out of nowhere nine glass bottles could be seen, each one had a red substance inside.

Each of the bottles had the blood of each of the girls around Chris.

(Mana, Astrid, Lulu, Visia, Kaguya, Beatriz, Kira, Lillia and Aurora)

In order to refine the Eternal immortal body, he had to be exposed to great pressure that destroys his body both internally and externally, so that each time it refines and rebuilds itself, becoming more and more powerful and stronger until in the end it becomes the physical. Divine Immortal and the horrific power of the heavens that was accumulating on him, was more than enough to fulfill that role.

But if this process is done at such a fast speed, both your vital energy (Prana, Qi), as well as the magic energy (Mana) will be exhausted before the process ends, or at least that would be the case in a normal situation, only depending of Chris's natural recovery.

Relying on the self-recovery and regeneration abilities of the Immortal God Technique is not viable as they would not be able to catch up if the process is done in such an accelerated manner as the lightning bolts could destroy him long before he recovers.

From the beginning these abilities had not been of much use to Chris, after all the celestial race from which he came already had these abilities from birth, also when Chris evolved by absorbing Lillia's blood eighth the vampire race as a line of secondary blood and with the blood of Kira eighth those of the dragons, who also had these abilities, so Chris had neglected these abilities that the immortal god technique provided him.

But now was the time that he would have to gamble his life on these abilities.

The abilities of the techniques that one practices their strength depend on the kingdom one is in, but they would always be the same, the capacity of the ability would always vary depending on who the user is, in the case of racial abilities these can evolve if one presses them regardless of one's cultivation base.

So, Chris decided to combine both the power of his innate racial abilities with the powers of the immortal god, giving him the ability to evolve these abilities.

Without hesitation Chris uncorked the bottles of blood and drank them all in one gulp.

"Now come let me see how strong you are," Chris said, mocking the lightning calamity overhead.


The moment the heavens heard the young man's arrogant words like a tidal wave in floods all 64 lightning bolts struck, each of the bolts was so large that they were equivalent in size to the electrical domino that currently covered Chris.


At the moment of the crash, Chris's body, which before seemed impervious to all damage, began to break apart.

His arms that received the rays were destroyed while his skin and hair had been burned by the high intensity of the electrical energy that passed through him, whether internal or external, Chris's body was being destroyed causing him to gradually break down. while the celestial rays entered its interior causing havoc wherever they passed.

"This is definitely a lot of power, any more and I'd be dead," Chris said.

As if time went back, Chris body, which was in the most miserable state, recovered, his hands that did not exist before, grew again, just as his physique would lie down at a clearly visible speed, returning to its original form.

His hair that had been burned grew back while the dead, coal-black skin that covered his body peeled away revealing almost transparent jade skin.


The 64 lightning bolts, seeing how Chris was still perfectly fine after receiving his attack, became enraged and increased his assault, causing his energies to enter Chris's body faster.

Every time the flow grew stronger some part of Chris's body was destroyed or exploded, but the next moment it was restored to its original state.

In this process of destruction and recovery Chris refined the immortal divine physique using the magical and life energy from him.

Through the meticulous process the process was about to be finished and the refinement was about to finish, but not only that the self-recovery and regeneration abilities were showing faint signs of evolution.


The Heavens, seeing how they were mocked by a person, could not take it anymore and 128 lightning bolts like dragons dancing in the sky began to form, each one of them was twice as big as the previous 64 lightning bolts.



Without even giving Chris time to prepare, lightning struck all at once.


But the same previous scene was repeated, Chris entire body had been destroyed and left at the point of being at the gates of death where his body had been almost completely destroyed, if it weren't for the fact that he still retained a minimal form only keeping his head and torso people might mistake him for a bloody mess of meat.

Just like before, his limbs grew back while his physique would rebuild again.

But unlike before, the process was instantaneous, it could be seen how the recovery took longer, while the intensity with which the heavenly rays entered his body increased, making the restoration process slower and slower.

"Shit if it weren't for the fact that I consumed the blood of four Eternal beings amplifying the powers of regeneration I would already be dead" Chris.

(We have already finished refining the heavenly rays, do not delay any longer and finish your advance)

As if a divine message came from heaven, Nerea voice appeared in Chris's head, if he breaks the barrier and enters the mystical realm, the tribulation will stop.

But he refines the immortal divine body by 90% and the self-recovery and regeneration skills are about to evolve as well, if he stops right now, he might lose this opportunity.

*91%* *92%*


As if the heavens knew of Chris's reluctance to retreat, 256 lightning bolts slowly began to form.

*93%* *94%*

Unlike the previous two waves that moved wildly in the skies, this last one was calm as it gathered its power, but anyone who could sense the energy would know that the accumulated power was several times more horrible than the previous two waves.

*95%* *96%*


The lightning bolts, as if they knew the precise moment in which they should attack, launched themselves like lions at a gazelle.


Chris still needed to refine his body and the damage caused by the previous waves of lightning had not healed.

*97%* *98%*

As a last resort Chris accelerated the perception of his consciousness by going into accelerated time to perform multiple tasks in the fraction of a nano second.



But as if the rays were already waiting for this last effort, they were already only a millimeter away from hitting Chris.

"Not yet, I have a lot of things to do so I won't lose" Chris.


As if responding to his plea the divine spark of nihility (nothingness) that had remained silent until now, like a raging ancient beast released intense energy towards the divine sparks of lightning and light.


*** ***

"I can't feel Chris's aura" Mana.

"Me neither" Astrid.

At the time of the last wave decade, Mana, Astrid, Lulu, and Visia who were bystanders didn't know how to react.


"Look, is that it?" lulu.

At the time the girls didn't know how to react to the disappearance of Chris's aura.


The lightning domain that was in the middle of the typhoon began to take the form of a raging beast and began to devour the lightning that was attacking it.

"What's this?" Astrid.

"I have no idea, but it seems as if the lightning bolts that were around Chris are reacting to him and protecting him" Mana.

Astrid and Mana were the ones who were most worried about Chris so they kept their senses on him, in the penultimate two waves, so they knew they were in a bad state.

In the last wave they were already prepared to intervene if it weren't for Lulu stopping them in addition to Chris's last reaction that seemed like he had an AS up his sleeve even if Lulu stopped them, they would have already broken into the tribulation long ago.

"This isn't a simple reaction to Chris energy; it seems more like the lightning is acting more on its own rather than being controlled by Chris" Mana said confused.

Visia had the most knowledge of the god realm among the members of her party so she recognized the strange phenomenon after hearing Mana's explanation.

This only happened when the divine power of a god reached a higher level and the same natural laws and rules would act by themselves to protect him, but how was this possible.