The gods can control everything below them, the star gods can use the power of the stars or any stellar body to move and manipulate them to their liking, while the sun gods can manipulate the suns as if they were balls of fire in their hands. as long as you have an understanding of these aspects of the laws and rules that govern reality.

Visia who knew of Chris massive comprehension talent and sooner or later would reach that stage if she concentrated on any aspect of reality, since Chris had the power of all natural aspects made Visia worry after all concentrating on so many fields could make a person become a jack of all trades but a master of none, but Chris who had just gone through deification and was beginning to understand divine power was far from being able to comprehend and control all the aspects that make up reality something like the heavenly tribulation that was not only the holy power of light and lightning, but had divine energy in it was not something that was easily asked to control, even for the gods of heaven, who can summon heavenly tribulation but not use it at all. unless they refine it into an elemental essence.

*** ***


From the center of the lightning domain a golden light could be seen by everyone.

"You're not as dangerous as before," Chris sneered.

Chris who had recovered to his this perfect of him was covered by a golden light which slowly entered his body while his wounds recovered without leaving sequelae.

"So, this is the power of the immortal divine physique is very interesting, but the best way to understand his ability is to try it" Chris said somewhat excited as he tried out his new physique.

Without delay the golden light appeared in Chris's hand and like a hungry beast began to absorb the lightning domain.

"It would be a waste to let all this power go to waste" Chris.

In the same way as Agni and Nerea refined the rays of the first six waves, Chris took all the power of the last three waves and began refining them into an elemental essence.

The first elemental essence that Chris asked Agni and Nerea to refine was for Mana, after all the power of heavenly lightning was something that everyone would wish for which is why Chris prioritized Mana instead of keeping the elemental essence for himself, it is because this is one of the conditions for her to evolve her divine physique to imperial class.

Agni and Chris had already refined two fire elemental essences with the attributes of fire and supercharged them with life force as much as they could but left them incomplete because the essence of heaven was missing, the most important material for creating the flames of Genesis, now that they had the heavenly essence of heavenly lightning, they could nurture the half-finished fire elemental essences so that they become the flames of genesis one for him and one for Mana, before Chris had not mentioned to Mana about this since he did not have the heavenly lightning nor did he know how to get it since the only reason he could create elemental essences was because Agni and Nerea converted and refined natural elemental energy for him either from the environment or his power that he stored in mystic crystals for his use, since with his current level creating an elemental essence was impossible because Chris's energy would be depleted before creating it failing in the process.

Before, Chris had tried to create heavenly lightning, but he failed miserably as he noticed that the energy he received from Agni and Nerea, despite the fact that it was pure, a small part of that energy, gained the attributes of fire and water, corrupting the pure attribute of lightning.

When he refined the heavenly lightning using the lightning and light attributes, the moment a different attribute was combined in the mix it could only result in a horrible explosion.

"Anyway, it is better to review my current state" Chris.

Chris's level of existence was currently 598K, which gave him the base amount of Vital (Prana) and Magical (Mana) energy in his body of 598K while being just a little short of entering the second rank of the mystic realm.

While his Divine Immortal body that he just refined is in the king class, giving him two abilities Absorption and Assimilation.

Unlike Asura Intent and Void Lord and Devastation Divine Physique Annihilation which are independent skills, Absorption and Assimilation are used as a set, Absorption can consume all kinds of energy while Assimilation refines and stores it in Chris's body for him to decide what to do with it.

Although this energy cannot be used to farm and improve his base unless he slowly refines it once more, Chris can also keep it inside him and use it to replenish his depleted reserves or unleash it as an attack.

""Chris"" x2.

As if two lightning strikes two people pounced on Chris being grabbed from both sides while a soft sensation spread through his body in each arm as he was embraced by the two people.

"Mana, Astrid, you two are very energetic as always" Chris said somewhat happily.

Chris had already detected the aura of the girls so he knew that they had been witnessing the tribulation.

"What the hell were you thinking, that tribulation despite only being 9 stages had the power it was more dangerous than the advance towards the ancient kingdom" Mana said angrily.

"Exactly what were you thinking, even though we don't know what trick you used in the end we were able to see how your body was destroyed by lightning in the last three waves" Astrid said equally annoyed.

Even though Chris never wanted to scare Mana and Astrid, the prizes he would win by facing danger were not few, so he did it anyway.

If you think about it from another point of view, this was the first time that Chris made Mana and Astrid scared that he couldn't face a danger that he probably wasn't able to bear, even Chris wasn't 100% sure that everything would work out alright. final.

When his emotions were sealed even though Chris got into dangerous situations for his constant improvement there was always a limit.

He at least he wouldn't get into a situation where the chances of death are higher than 50%.

This tribulation he was able to easily get through to advance smoothly, but instead in order to maximize his gains Chris faced a danger that he probably wouldn't be able to overcome, if he hadn't had that last card under magic at the end even if he didn't. he would have died miserably from the last lightning strike if he had been incapacitated for a few years.

Even saying that his death chance was 99% would not be an exaggeration.

"Exactly what did you do in the end to be able to control the heavenly lightning, with your current powers that would be impossible."

He asked Visia somewhat impatient for this fact, he didn't want to disturb the show of affection from Chris, Mana and Astrid, but from his point of view understanding what he did in the end had priority.

"To be honest I'm not sure since I didn't really control them, but they protected me by themselves" Chris replied.

"What do you mean by that because the heavenly rays would protect you" said Visia stupefied without understanding Chris's words devoid of all common sense.

Despite the fact that pure energy can generate an ego in some cases such as spirits that were once just pure elemental energy that later developed an ego, gained intelligence and finally obtained a soul becoming a person at the end of a whole lake process that it lasted millennia, but for the heavenly rays to gain reason at that right moment and protect Chris is not something anyone can believe.

"Well, in several I tried to figure out the other powers of nihility (nothing), in these last days and I thought of a way to use it to enhance the other divine sparks" Chris.

"I still don't understand you, how is it possible that the divine spark of nihility (nothing) can enhance other divine sparks"

According to Visia knowledge, nihility (nothing) should only be able to create and eliminate anything whether it exists or not at no cost, but that it can enhance other powers is not something that should be among the abilities of the powers of nihility (nothing).

But since it's a unique power that, to this day, other than Chris appeared, no one had obtained it, so even if one wondered about nihility abilities or its capabilities even if one tried to assess them, they couldn't prove it anymore. that they did not have that power to prove.

In addition to the fact that all knowledge of the power of nihility is only theorized by people who have tried to study it, apart from what is known from oracles, no one knows how powerful nihility really is or what other capabilities it hides, besides of Chris it is very likely that no one can discover those unknowns.