"I don't know how to explain it, I think the best example to understand it would be the lotus of Nihility and the dragon king of the seas, even though these two elements are mainly based on fire and water have a small portion of the aura of nothingness Chris explained, trying to make sense of what he did, but it was still impossible to understand.

"I still don't understand what this has to do with the fact that nihility (nothing) can enhance other powers so that you can control their laws and rules" Visia said, somewhat dissatisfied with the vague explanation.

Visia knew the power of those two elemental essences and even though they were only in their early stages of development since they were created a short time ago, they had great strength due to the power of nothing that was used in their creation.

"Nothing is the origin where everything was born, including reality itself, born from nothing at a certain moment, so if we talk about a hierarchical issue, nothing would be the one that occupies the highest position of all things without any choice," Chris explained.

Despite Chris words hinting at the answer, the girls still couldn't understand what she was pointing at or trying to explain, so they continued to listen intently.

"Tell me what you think would happen if a person in a higher realm bonded with a normal person and transferred his aura through that soul corridor," Chris asked.

"Don't tell me, to transfer the power from one divine spark to another" Visia said, incredulous of what she was hearing.

"That's right" Chris.

Once Chris explained things in a simpler way, so that everyone could understand, astonished expressions appeared on the faces of everyone present.


What Visia said was not an exaggeration, nihility (nothing) had the ability to easily erase a divine spark, if nihility (nothing) mistakenly erased the divine spark from Lightning, not only would Chris lose those powers, but his body and soul would be severely injured, with damage even greater than what the heavenly tribulation could inflict on him if he had failed and sustained great injuries.

After all the divine sparks are not only the crystallization of the pure power of a god's laws and rules but are attached to their soul as a part of it, losing or destroying a divine spark is the same as breaking the soul into various fragments.

Even though you could see the obvious fury on Visia face, besides the Mana and Astrid who were happily hugging Chris a while ago, their expressions changed to anger and concern, for the stupid bet that almost cost him his life. to Chris.

"Okay, it's true that it was dangerous but the gains were also very big" Chris said as he took out two objects

A flame and white lightning appeared in Chris's hand.

"That is?!" Manna.

"That's right, they are the flame of genesis and the heavenly lightning, I could easily pass the tribulation, but since I didn't know when I would have the opportunity to obtain the heavenly lightning and gather the essence of heaven, I took a few risks" Chris explained his reasons for trying. lighten the mood a bit.

Visia knew that with the power of the gods, refining heavenly lightning was not a difficult task, so she thought that Chris's decision was still too hasty since he could still do it in the future, but even so, her anger was somewhat appeased by him. could make some profit from this foolish bet.

"Mana here, with this you should be able to evolve your divine physique" Chris.

"Wait, they're for me" Mana asked confused.

"That's right, after all if you evolve your divine physique whether your talent or combat power will increase abruptly, even if I take the power of heavenly lightning and genesis flame even though my power will increase I'm still far from being able to take out their powers to their maximum limit as you who are an Eternal being can do, besides I still have the heavenly rays of the last three waves, so with them I will be able to create again the elemental essences of the heavenly lightning and the flames of Genesis in a time" Chris.

Even though Astrid was a bit jealous of Mana who was receiving gifts I still accept Chris's decision after all it's only 9 months before you go to the beast world a lower-class upper world, despite not being seen as the great thing by the great powers, at least has three eternal beings as the main force.

And they don't know what the upper world's true intentions are for inviting Chris or if any of the people from the god realm who were related to the incident 16 years ago also have something to do with this request.

Therefore, the best they could do was strengthen their main fighting force which was Chris, Visia, Mana, Astrid and Lulu.

Chris could only increase his strength by raising his kingdom, taking advantage of the fact that he was still in the first kingdoms, since in the future it would be complicated.

In Mana's case, she had a divine physique she was born with, so she could be easily evolved, and also had a god rank technique which allowed her to refine a second divine physique, whether she chose to evolve her current physique or refining the second his strength would increase by many folds.

In Visia case, she had already refined the sun divine physique of her technique, but since she was a demigod, if she formed a master servant pact with Chris and they practiced together, Chris's divine power would quickly recover to its peak state which Whether it was that of an authentic deity, or for Visia to take advantage of this to increase her own divine power and increase her battle ability and make some breakthroughs, either would benefit greatly.

In the case of Astrid and Lulu, they had it easier since after so many years they were in a 98% refinement of their physiques, so they should be able to make a significant advance before going to the world of beasts.

"By the way, I had felt the aura of the others and other additional people a few seconds ago because I didn't detect them" Chris asked, he clearly remembered feeling the aura of Beatriz, Kaguya and Kira who were in the mystical realm so it was easy to detect them.

"About that." Lulu explained why only the four of them were currently present.

At first Chris wasn't surprised that he was drawing attention, after all it would be weird if he didn't with such a natural phenomenon happening.

But when they got to the tracking symbol part, Chris was really surprised. He didn't expect that by his neglect to leave a bit of his energy in Morgan's body, he would be able to create such a runic seal that would later be refined into an artifact.

"Here it is"

Visia took out the seal of being a space warehouse and showed it to Chris.

"I see that this is indeed connected to me, it would be dangerous to leave it loose, Visia since you are the strongest, how about you keep it safe to keep it safe" Chris.

Chris knew that the girls most likely wanted the seal so giving it to Visia should be the right choice using the excuse that she was the strongest since she was, even if Mana and Astrid wanted to take it from her, they would have a hard time trying and at the same time. In the end they may get nothing.

What Chris was worried about is when Mana absorbs the genesis flame and heavenly lightning, who would be the strongest was uncertain, Visia also understood this fact, but still received the artifact, it was evident that she didn't mind a few challenges.