"Sect master, why did you come back so soon, usually when you travel you don't show up for a hundred or two hundred years, but now you came back in just ten years something happened on your trip" Yura.

The guard leader Yura, despite being a person with a low rank in the sect, her mother is one of the main elders of the sect, so she was able to know this sect leader since her childhood, so she can speak normally. with the sect master fluently.

"Nothing has happened, I just found what I went out to find earlier than expected and that's why I came back because something caught my attention, instead tell me how the problems with those rebel groups have been"

"Yes, sect master" Yuna says as she begins to explain.

The Heavenly Flower Sect is a mid-level sect in the god realm made up of only women.

Unlike the lower universe in which there are no gods, in the god realm, the gods could create worlds or merge them at will, since the prosperous energy of the god realm cause new worlds to be born naturally frequently so the gods of the different powers prefer to take all the worlds under their control and merge them as one big world, instead of wasting their divine powers in creating worlds from scratch to have some resources in post-development time and this is the same with the sect of the heavenly flower.

Due to the enormity of the planet that had already surpassed a higher world, the Heavenly Flower Sect divided into 4 ways, branch branches, main branches, central headquarters, and core.

The branch branches are those that are in charge of managing the cities of the planet, the main branch is like the capital of a country that is in charge of receiving the reports, records and administration of the branch branches in the regions that were activated.

There is only one center on the planet and it is the one that makes all the decisions, having the elite among the elite of the entire sect, the lowest level required being that of an ancient being of the people who are in the headquarters, besides that it must be reached before the age of one hundred to a thousand years.

The headquarters is divided into four pavilions, each one in charge of monitoring a quarter of the planet and solving the most urgent problems. This headquarters was built around the mountain ranges that covered the forest where the sect teacher had just arrived.

These pavilions have a distance space so that with the exemption of the forest all that would become a training area for the disciples, each of the pavilions was built in a cardinal point using the forest as the center while they were joined by large walls surrounding the entire area to completely isolate the mountain range.

"We are here"

After a short walk, the group of three women reached the center of the forest in which there was an ancient womb, with a huge stone door in the center of the building.

"Let's go"

Without stopping, the group of three kept walking and passed through the stone door.

Walking through the gate everything around changed, one could see that they entered a different dimension as they walked through the gate, this world was the core of the Heavenly Flower Sect.

This place was at least the size of an upper planet, at the center was a magnificent utopia-like gigantic city whether ancient architectural beauty or technology was not lacking no matter where one looked.

Around the city there were forests, lakes, rivers and even fields full of natural treasures.

"Very well, let's continue," said the sect master, when a line of disciples formed in two lines to open the way.

"Welcome back sect master"

By the time the group passed through the main streets of the city each of the women bowed to the group and greeted the sect master who had returned.

The core of the Heavenly Flower Sect had all the Eternal beings who feed to become gods, as well as the gods who have advanced and are in seclusion, in this dimension whose only entrance is surrounded by the four canopies that They are the center of the sect.

A short time later the group of three arrived at a huge palace in the center of the city.

"Yura, I have something to do, I'll rest tonight and meet the elder's tomorrow morning so inform them for me."

"Yes, sect master" Yura.

Once they said goodbye, the guard Yura went to tell the elders about the teacher's arrival.

The sect master, as well as the woman who still covered her appearance with a black cloak headed for the inner part of the palace.

Deep down there was a garden with a house in the middle similar to a traditional Japanese house made of wood.

Entering the house in the living room, there was a woman with black hair and emerald blue eyes sitting in an armchair reading a book, the woman was so beautiful and perfect that whether men or women who saw her would be in a dreamlike state. as if they were in a dream seeing her.

"Sister Yuna"

At that moment the woman in the black cape uncovered herself and another equally beautiful woman with jet black hair and sapphire blue eyes, if Beatriz or any of the girls who knew Chris saw the appearance of this young woman they would be surprised and could notice that their facial features were the same as Chris's, to the point that they were almost the same, if not for slight differences they could be mistaken for twins.

"Shion, you're back" Yuna.

Once the woman named Yuna stood up, she could be seen wearing a black robe while her round stomach was protruding.

"Yuna a few days ago I felt that your condition was unstable" Celia.

"Master Celia, don't worry, a few days ago I felt like Ellen's bloodline was getting stronger, but it has already calmed down, *Sigh*, Shion I wonder what your brother is doing in these last months, his connection with Ellen It is bigger than he expected, so much so that the constant changes he undergoes are reflected in Ellen" Yuna.

The women gathered in that small wooden house were none other than Chris's fiancée and the one wearing the black cloak that had been hidden until now was his younger sister.

After the betrayal happened 17 years ago, Yuna disappeared accompanied by Shion.

There was no place in the universe where they could hide from their pursuers, so fortune telling using the power of an oracle, told them a way to enter the kingdom of God.

Apart from becoming a god and passing the barrier with his own power, there were two other ways to enter the god realm, but these were so dangerous that even an Eternal being would die.

So, using the power of the oracle a secret was discovered, every 10 thousand years the barrier gets weaker as it needs to be maintained, but at that precise moment the barrier opens in some random places opening a temporary path, using fate divination They had already discovered the patterns where these cracks open so Chris and Shion mother, told Shion and Yuna where they should go, so they managed to enter the god realm a year after the betrayal.

Upon entering the god realm, the two of them kept a low profile so no one discovered them, but since Yuna was an Eternal being at the pinnacle and being in an environment filled with the power of the highest order laws and rules such as the god realm broke through the bottleneck barrier it had and entered the level of existence of a true god, 4 years after entering the god realm.

Yuna, when her daughter became a goddess inside, having two parents who went through deification, she would be born as a natural deity, which are only born between two gods or there is a 50% chance that she will be born between a semi-God and a god. god as parents

As time passed with the development of Yuna pregnancy, the energy released by her daughter still in her womb could no longer be contained, causing her to be found by other people.

Fortunately, the person who found them was the Sect master of the Heavenly Flower Sect who was a good person who helped them.

Accepting both Yuna and Shion as disciples, after that they went to live in the Heavenly Flower Sect, being able to hide from the eyes of others and thus not be found, otherwise the existence of the two would have already been found by multiple Powers in the god realm, especially Shion who was a celestial a race had disappeared in the long river of time.

No one knew why the heavenly race had disappeared, but its mere existence was a problem for many people.