Celia when she was on her travels felt a huge and monstrous unknown power coming from a remote place so out of curiosity she went to check.

She there found two girls, even though her strengths weren't very special in the god realm what surprised her was her age.

One was less than two thousand years old, but she already broke through the barrier of an eternal being and became a goddess.

Everyone in the god realm knew that up until now the fastest person to become a god had taken ten thousand years and that person was considered a Prodigy who defied natural laws, but at that time there was a woman who not only he broke that record, but he did it in a tenth of that time, on the other hand, although time was short, Yuna foundations were solid.

The other girl Shion was an Eternal being a little over 1,500 years old, but the average age people enter the Eternal realm usually takes 50,000 years to cross the barrier while absolute geniuses They take between 10 or 20 thousand years, after all the life expectancy of people only grows up to the mystical kingdom, living up to a hundred thousand years, in the ancient kingdom despite the fact that one increases their powers colossally their Life time can be lengthened using different means but they can only live 600 thousand years and among every 10 thousand people at the peak of the ancient kingdom only one becomes an Eternal being while the others die from old age, since they cannot cross the barrier.

When Celia met Yuna and Shion they were both defensive towards her, especially Yuna who was early in her pregnancy.

But after a while and with Yuna ability to see people's hearts she was able to see that Celia was not a bad person.

Over time, Celia found out about the situation of the two girls and that they came from the lower universe surprising her.

To help them and since she wanted the two girls to join the Heavenly Flower Sect, she convinced them to become her disciples after getting to know each other better.

At first she thought it was a pity that Yuna was pregnant since she didn't believe that the man who was her fiancé was up to her, despite the fact that the two girls described him as stronger than both of them, Celia did not believe it at all, but after hearing the story of the betrayal event and everything Yuna and Shion did to escape and come to the god realm, Celia felt some pity for Chris, not knowing anything and on the other hand being stabbed in the back was not something that could be easily accepted, even if there was a good reason.

She later found out that this man was Shion older brother and that he had advanced to a god before Yuna but since Chris had to restart his cultivation due to the incident, for Celia her perspective on Chris improved but she felt that he was still pitiful, but since the Heavenly Flower Sect was female only as he was still a man no matter how talented he was, besides being used as a partner for the creation of a descendant he didn't think much more of him.

Or so it should be, as time went by, the more Yuna pregnancy developed, the girl inside her surprised her more every day, the power in her was of a quality that even a primordial god could not ignore, plus her bloodline was extremely rare that even she couldn't see, she knew that a part was from her mother who was a witch and devil, but besides that she noticed the Mana of other races, but instead of being unstable or deficient all and each of these powers were balanced and fused as one refining the celestial bloodline, after her meticulous investigation she noticed that the girl's bloodline and main race was that of her father, being a celestial pureblood, with lines of secondary blood complementing the main one, something very rare.

Who exactly was the father were Celia thoughts, from what she could see the girl's father had more secrets than his fiancée and sister knew?

The Heavenly Flower Sect, since it was an exclusive women's sect, accepted any young woman who passed their admission criteria, in addition to that, they adopted all the orphans with a good attitude to train them from a young age.

Even though this couldn't fix their numbers problems, as there is no guarantee that new talents would appear as only one out of several million would appear and shine among the masses, even though the sect could support more than several thousand of millions of disciples, this waste of resources will not be good for a long time, so preferential treatment was only given to those who showed talent, but even so this does not solve their problems, so the best way to have a large amount of talents where their resources should be invested, it was the offspring, the more powerful the parents, the more powerful the offspring.

The sect does not restrict the relations of the disciples of the external and main branches with the exemption of those who are from the center of one of the 4 pavilions that are sent to administer these branches.

All the disciples of the center and the core have restrictions if they want to have a partner, the first would be that their partner cannot be lower than a certain standard depending on the disciple in order to ensure that their offspring inherited strong genes from both parents, The second restriction is that they cannot abandon their duties and they will only be given an estimated time to be with their family and lover from time to time, in addition to the fact that their performance in their duties must not decrease, the third and last restriction is that the lover of the disciple has to consume a selection pill, so in case the disciple gets pregnant she will only have one girl and no male will be born.

When Celia examined the baby in Yuna womb and discovered that it was a girl, she felt very happy and relieved because in case it was a baron, although it would not make her abandon the child due to the rules of the sect, no matter how promising. Either no resources would be provided beyond basic necessities.

"Yuna, I brought you a gift" Celia.

"What is?" And one.

At that moment a translucent gem appeared in Celia's hand.

"What is that teacher?" And one.

"It's a link crystal shows you the people in real time with whom you share a bond whether they have the same bloodline or their souls are connected, through the soul corridor, for example, parents or a child Not only is he linked to his parents through the bloodline, but they also have a psychic connection, one can see them with this gem, other people that one can see are those with whom you would have generated a pass" Celia explained.

Both Yuna and Shion were surprised, even though it is likely that many of the powerhouses did not see the gem as very important since its ability would not help cultivation or strengthening the uses that can be put to it are not few, one could find a missing relative or lover using the crystal.

Which was very true even though the binding crystal was not highly sought after, due to its rarity finding it was extremely difficult.

"Master, it is possible to use this gem to connect with one of the family like my brother" Shion.

"It's possible, but this gem has other uses" Celia.

""Which are?""

"For example, it can not only show the person in real time, but one can see some random moment that has passed a short time ago" Calia.

"That means that I could see my brother and know what he has done in these last days" Shion.

"If that's your wish you can do it, after all the gem has no limit of uses as long as you supply it with enough energy, you can use it without any limit, but the energy is simply too much, currently it can only be used three times, after you can only wait half a year for it to recover, just one use" Celia.

"How about we do a test, go you go first sister Yuna" Shion.

Yuna took the gem and channeled her power into it.

As if the gem was a 3D projector, everything around them changed as they entered an illusory world and what appeared was an elegant study, it seemed normal at first glance, but each of the objects in the room were so valuable that a faction normal could not afford such luxuries, even the papers thrown in a corner released an extremely dense natural energy that not everyone could touch, if a mortal touched one of those papers they would be cut as if it were a sword, it was evident that some kind of spiritual tree to make the papers that were thrown in a can as if they were garbage.

There were two people in the study, a man and a woman.

"They are?" Celia asked curiously.

"My father and my mother" Yuna answered.

At that moment the couple in the room started talking.

"Tell me there is some new information, carillo"

"Not really the people who contacted Yuna 17 years ago disappeared without a trace, but we have a message from the Caelesti."

"In our current situation, getting something from the Caelesti would expose us, so it might be urgent enough for them to contact us."

"It belongs to that woman and apparently she has contacted her son" At that moment, Yuna father's expression changed to a bitter one as she explained the situation to her wife.

"What did the letter say"

"Her son of hers discovered the whole truth of what happened 17 years ago, he also met one of those people and murdered her, and he also discovered important information"

"That cold-hearted man discovered it himself, I'm not surprised, but knowing him it's very likely that he still wants to take revenge anyway, but I don't think he's as ruthless as trying to kill Yuna" Yuna mother said quietly. cold and cutting, although he believed that Chris was a reasonable person, he only knew his cold version without emissions so he did not believe that he would swallow his bad blood just because there was a good reason involved, so the relationship of Chris and Yuna would break even if they had a daughter involved.

The father and Yuna, who understood his wife's thoughts, said the other part of the content in the letter, even worse, he was incredulous. woman his fury is as immense as a burning flame that burns everything in silence, but apparently he doesn't blame Yuna for anything"

"Even though he understands her I don't think she can let him go that easily after all her emotions should be unsteady, *sigh* but tell me what she found out"

"He discovered the number of people who descended from the realm of god and there are only 4 but according to him they are not something that can be fought head-on with our current forces"


Once again, the room returned to how it was before while the energy that formed the illusory space returned to the gem, stopping the illusory world that formed it.