"So, you're not asleep yet, you know we'll be there in a couple of hours, you should go rest" Morgan.

"Morgan, what are you doing here" Chris.

"I thought you were doing something weird again, so I came so you could go rest once and for all" Morgan.

"I see, I see, so you came to spy, you know with the advancement of technology getting XXX material to comfort yourself is not very complicated, but if you continue like this it is likely that you will remain a virgin for another 5 thousand years you know that right" Chris.


When Morgan heard Chris the expression on his face turned ugly, if it weren't for the fact that he had a veil anyone could see how angry she was.

In these days of travel on the ship, Chris spent most of the time on the bridge, only going out to eat and treat Le-Fey with his divine life powers to recover his depleted lifespan.

In that time Morgan had already lost count of the times Chris had harassed the aunt and niece duo.

When he started this job to restore Le-Fey life expectancy, Chris lied that the treatment was a massage, so he could always see the beautiful girl in her underwear every day, plus he could touch her body freely while he massaged her.

Chris always felt very comfortable, every time he touched her soft and fluffy body, even though he never touched one of Le-Fey important things, he always loved to touch the girl's sensitive places and listen to the cute moans from her.

At first Le-Fey did everything possible not to succumb to pleasure and suppressed her moans, but little by little she got used to it and was carried away by excitement sometimes forgetting her surroundings and letting her moans escape.

During this time of treatment, Morgan was always present, so Chris had to be careful with his actions and sneakily harass Le-Fey so that Morgan would not attack him.

Since when Le-Fey let out her loud moans always at the end of the treatment falling asleep, Chris could make the excuse that it was due to the exhaustion he suffered from the treatment, even though Morgan accepted the excuse on the outside he cursed in the Inside, for Chris the feeling that he would step on a land mine if he had the slightest misstep with Le-Fey increased.

Although he had fun harassing Le-Fey, he also had his limits, when he did the massage even though it aroused her, he only did it to a level that she could bear it and she would only receive pleasure preventing her lust from awakening, leaving her innocence intact and not generating no addition to the pleasure.

During that time Chris discovered that Le-Fey knowledge of things between men and women was practically non-existent, leaving him in shock for a while, Chris thought that if he asked Le-Fey how drinks are born, he was afraid he would answer him. with the story of the stork.

Chris really couldn't believe it, she was a 19-year-old after all, though he was kind of long lived and 19 years was just a blink of an eye.

But since human life is short and the development time, growth of normal humans was from birth to 21 or 22 years old, leaving Le-Fey in his last years of youth to be at an age where he could at least Having had a boyfriend, Chris was surprised to discover that she was so pure, if he really wanted to take advantage of this girl and spend a night with her, he had more than a thousand ways to achieve it.

But Chris biggest surprise was Morgan, even though she was twice her age she had the attitude of a young woman in her late teens like she was in her mid-20s, being somewhat naive at times.

Due to her age and power, Morgan had developed a noble and strict aura due to her vast experience as an old monster, but inside of her it was not like that as she seemed more like a normal girl.

If it wasn't for Le-Fey treatment, Chris probably would never have known this side of Morgan.

Unlike the sneaky harassment that Chris did to Le-Fey, with Morgan it was the opposite, every time he finished the treatment due to exhaustion Le-Fey fell asleep, so he took the opportunity to bother Morgan, from time to time grabbing her chest or butt.

After all, the sexy moans of a mature woman like Morgan were still more exciting than those of a girl like Le Fey.

"YOU... bloody bastard... and that if I stay alone all my life, I would rather become a lesbian than have a man indicated as my partner" Morgan shouted angrily remembering the humiliation she went through in recent days.

"I see, I see, so you like to play for the opposing team, but you don't have to worry in this vast universe there are much weirder people and things like incest are seen as normal, so you don't have to worry, even some One day we could go looking for girls together, also you could even do a threesome sometime" Chris said playfully not caring about Morgan's anger, his skin had grown so thick that he no longer cared to be cheeky.

"YOU... you fucking bastard will you ever be serious" Morgan.

Morgan's anger rose once more upon hearing Chris's response, his earlier statement that he made furiously, but seeing Chris respond with such a straight face only made Morgan more irritated, how could she say such stupid things with such a straight face? face of a scientist who gave a lecture.

On the other hand, Chris did not think so, even though he was much younger than Morgan, he went out to travel the universe at a young age, so he met many different worlds and different people.

Between these worlds and people, ethics and common sense changed a lot, but among so many differences there were always people who, regardless of their point of view, would be seen as something strange anywhere.

Be it their behavioral habits, their way of eating, way of dressing, or even sexual preferences, these people would only send shivers down his spine every time he saw them.

An example would be a guy Chris met who only had a taste for magical beasts and fornicated with them, this in itself was not weird after all some magical beasts have human form and other beasts that are not humanoid can reach a certain range and transform in humans naturally, so it was not uncommon for people to have a beast as a partner after all they were also people.

An example would be Yukime who despite being a gigantic wolf and being very weak she could still take a humanoid form.

The strange thing about this guy that Chris met was that he didn't like human appearances, but rather liked the beasts themselves, he still remembered how that guy told him with a smiling face that the more grotesque the beast, the more excited he was.

For Chris, due to meeting such strange people, his tolerance for things out of the ordinary became greater.

So, when Morgan said that she would become a lesbian, it didn't seem strange to her, the number of women she met that either because no man met the expectations they wanted or simply had a hatred towards men due to some past experience, they simply stopped not take men into account and they looked for another woman to satisfy themselves or they simply stayed alone without any partner as nuns.

"I'm really serious, even if you don't believe it in the strongest upper worlds, because strength is the main point that governs everything, the number of weird people there is not little, and common sense is very open to the point of point that thing like this are not seen as strange" Chris said seriously to calm Morgan down.

"What do you mean, give me an example" Morgan.

Morgan really wasn't convinced after all she was born on earth in modern time at the beginning of the 20th century and despite having gone through many battles and hardships her common sense was still the same as that of an average person.

"An example of this would be powerful families and clans, the more territory and power they have, the more responsibilities they will have, but the most important responsibility they have is to preserve their power, as well as make future generations equal to or more powerful than their previous generation. and the best way to make a child born with great talent is for both parents to be very powerful and have a pure bloodline, so it is not strange that members of the same family become couples, you as someone who has a bloodline should understand that" Chris.

Although she was somewhat reluctant, Morgan had to accept Chris's argument, although incest was not seen well by some people, sometimes it was necessary, the royal family of Wales has placed a lot of emphasis on preserving their bloodline by allowing the relationship between certain members of the family, but even so there are limits to how much they can accept, the powerful forces in the universe in order to produce a strong descendant, whether it has to be born between two brothers or even a father and son, they would accept it as something normal.

This would never be accepted by the Welsh family after all that a father and son or two brothers have that relationship between men and women was already out of their limits, but in the upper worlds this did not matter to them, so much so that the concept of family did not exist.