After getting past the initial spat Chris began to tell her about the different cultures and traditions that exist in the different worlds.

Some things were absurd and couldn't be seen in a positive way by people unless one was more open-minded, that even Morgan thought Chris was making fun of her again, but he always mentioned the pose and its location, so, it didn't look like he was lying.

Because some things didn't go with Morgan so she couldn't accept them, but after all even if she disagreed, she couldn't change other people, so she could only nod and ignore it since she couldn't do anything else, since she was also not someone with a great ideal believing that it was the right one and that all other people should follow their common sense.

*** ***

"We're coming soon so everyone gets ready" Chris.

Right now, the ship was hovering over the atmosphere of the wild world without moving much.


The moment Chris snapped his fingers, the ship disappeared, entering his internal universe.

When everyone saw their surroundings, they were no longer in space but on a planet close to the ground, the amount and density of natural energy was immense that even Le-Fey who never cultivated could feel the difference between the environment of this place and that of earth.

"Chris this place is?" Meiko.

"That's right, my internal universe" Chris.

When Chris said that, two huge islands could be seen floating in the sky, one was Beatriz's villa and the other was Chris's villa that was previously in the city of stars.

The ship took advantage and landed on an airstrip that had the villa that he recently built.

"We should not go to the wild world, because we are here" Morgan.

"That's because we must first decide who will participate and who will stay here" Chris.

Chris's inner universe as well as his main world underwent another transformation after entering the mystical realm.

His main world doubled his size and the 8 elemental areas that previously made up the entire planet now only occupy half of the world, while the other half created a huge continent.

Since the world developed 8 elemental areas, Chris was worried, after all it is likely that in the future, he would send people to live in the universe inside him since he would need to nurture soldiers.

And since the worlds in the internal universe despite their enormous natural energy density, the dweller for the moment was not suitable for building a civilization.

The universe was full of talents, they would only need the staff and the necessary resources to grow, now that the main world has formed a huge continent, finding a workforce will not be very difficult for Chris.

"What do you mean by choosing the people who participated" Meiko.

"What I mean is that not everyone here will be of use in battle so first we need to remove the dead weight and focus on group distribution" Chris.


All the people present appeared in the studio of the villa.

After you decide to discuss your formation of your group.

The people who would not participate are Aurora, Lillia and Le Fey, this is because they are the weakest so staying in Chris inner universe was the only thing they could do, if it was a lower mid-range wild world, then Chris wouldn't mind bringing her along so you can gain experience.

But since he was high ranked, the number and speed with which the monsters appeared as well as their power levels were much higher than normal, so he couldn't take care of them and fight at the same time.

In the case of Kira, Visia, Mana, Astrid and Lulu, they were at crucial moments in their advances, unless he faced great danger Chris wouldn't call them.

*** ***

In the same place where the ship had disappeared, nine people appeared, 2 men and 7 women.

The group that was finally decided were Chris, Beatriz, Kaguya, Meiko, Morgan, Chloe, Maya, Sonia and Solin.

They were all wearing some kind of full body black combat suit, this suit had two designs for men and women, the men's design that Chris and Solin wore were black boots, but you could see that they were not normal due to his materials, black pants, with a t-shirt, plus a trench coat.

The only difference between Chris and Solin, is that Chris's trench coat had a hood since his habit of hiding was something that hadn't changed, while Solin's was more like a lab coat.

In the case of the design for women, it was exactly the same, except that instead of wearing pants they had skirts, in addition to the fact that everyone's trench coat had a hood since their group was made up mostly of women, in addition to each and every one of them being a beauty, In order not to attract too much attention, they decided to hide their faces.

These outfits were made by Chris during the time of his journey, as he knew that the key to fighting in the wild worlds is getting used to fighting monsters without using berserk modes, transformations or weaponry and leaving them for emergencies only. that having a combat suit as a replacement was necessary.

The combat suits that were being used even though not the best materials were used were made through the techniques Chris learned from the book of Ains so their capabilities are not inferior to the dresses he made for Elaine and Nisha, with its feathers and scales, plus I place the same magical functions.

Without further delay, the group quickly set out for the planet.

The wild world was discovered by the alliance, so a camp was formed where all the forces of the different lower worlds that make it up are located.

Since they came on behalf of Earth, they would have to introduce themselves and register for the planet raid.

"Stop there!"

Shortly before reaching the camp, several men wearing a military-like uniform stopped them.

"Who are you, if you do not reveal your identities, you will be considered enemies and will be eliminated"

Although the soldiers' words sounded like a threat, their expressions and actions showed that they were serious while doing their job.

Since they did not want to start a conflict and the soldiers were only doing their job, Beatriz stepped forward, handed over the identification papers for the group, and shortly after they were guided by one of the soldiers to the residence assigned to them.

"Very well we arrived, there will be a meeting tonight to talk about tomorrow's raid"

After you finished your reminders, the soldier left without saying anything else.

In front of them was a residence similar to a camp house. It was small, but since it had spatial magic if the interior was 6 times larger, there should be 5 rooms each for two people.

Chris could go in and out of his inner world whenever he wanted so he could take everyone to rest in the village and then head out for the expedition, but one part of coming to the wild worlds is living in the outdoor environment with its dangers and he will not always be close to the group, so unless the really insufferable conditions would not consent to the group.

So, besides Solin who had a sour expression on her face as if she was looking at a barn, they all agreed to live in the residences provided by the alliance and be outdoors on their expedition in the wild world.

After getting organized, everyone went out in groups to see the alliance's facilities, Beatriz went with Sonia since they both wanted to spend time together.

Meiko and Morgan went out to meet with the other representatives of the other worlds, while Chloe and Maya also went out to see the surroundings.

In the end Chris stayed with Kaguya and they went for a walk and to see the facilities.

In addition to the residential area full of makeshift houses for people to stay, there was an improvised arena to perform sparring (practice duels) among all the people who wanted it.

In the center of the camp was a huge building that was used as a base of operations where everyone could gather and report their progress or hold meetings.

Other than those two places there was nothing interesting, the only other place would be the general restaurant where one can buy food, but besides the worlds that gobbled up large armies and buying in bulk was more beneficial to them, small elite groups preferred to prepare their own food, instead of eating the food from the mess hall which was of inferior quality.

Although this was only seen as such by the elite groups, the restaurant's food could rival a 3-star restaurant.

"Are you amused Kaguya?" Chris asked.

"Even though there aren't many interesting things in this place, it's fun to go out this way for a walk once in a while, but we should be back soon, it'll be dark and we've already accomplished our goal, so there's no reason to lose any more." time" Kaguya.

When the two of them went for a walk, it was mainly to relax since this place did not attract much attention to them.

But besides that, they had another objective and it was to gather information on the number of people in this place, as well as their levels of existence, since they already did, they didn't have to waste their time anymore, so Chris and Kaguya decided to return.