"Okay, next will be you" Chris.

In an emotionless voice Chris told the group of 30 men, reminding them that death would soon be upon them.

"Not bad, not bad, you're pretty good, but even so you can't escape this" Borja.

At that moment a new person appeared in the room, it was a man who looked over 30 years old wearing a black tunic, it was none other than Borja, Juan's father.

"Who are you old?" Chris.

"You don't deserve to know, but I'll tell you this. Give me that sword and I'll give you a quick death" Borja.

The otherworldly powers have already stabilized the resource gathering on the fourth floor so the exploration teams went out recently.

With the information that Borja already had, he was able to reach the seventh in just a few hours with a small group of 5 people.

Upon arrival he saw how Chris decimated almost all the beasts with one thrust of the sword.

He felt fear running down his spine, but unlike his son he was able to think things more clearly, so he understood that that terrifying aura of destructive power came from the sword the young man used in front of him. he.

Even if the sword had such horrific

strength, he couldn't release it consecutively and his opponents were weakened by the suppressor they previously installed, he as an ancient being could get rid of these people who were weakened in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, greed appeased the fear in Borja's heart.

If he had such a weapon even, he could claim the position of the alliance's leader in a one-on-one combat against Aitor, without the need for an elaborate scheme.


Chris realized that the man who just arrived was the fourth ancient being that he had detected upon arriving in the wild world.

Borja released the same unpleasant aura as Juan, showing that a scum can only breed another scum that is equally or more unpleasant.

Chris thought John and his father were disgusting enough, but this father and son duo paled in comparison, Chris couldn't help but show his disgust in his expression, it was as if the air in the room had been filled with a stench. fuck, and Chris wasn't the only one with that expression everyone on his side had the same expression.

"Stupid brat, his powers are repressed and they are surrounded on all sides, death is the only thing that bothers them" Bufo Borja.

"Suppressed, who said we were suppressed, or do you really think a shoddy suppressor like this would work on us?" Chris sneered, as a monstrous aura like a torrent poured out of Chris's body.

He had already found the location of all the suppressive devices in the room so they could be easily destroyed.


Using telekinesis, a mental ability, Chris destroyed all the power suppressors that were in the room, to which in the next moment everyone's power returned to normal.

"Who will die is defined at the end of the fight, you shouldn't be so hasty with things old man, but considering the amount of shit that is in your head it does not surprise me that you are delusional" Chris.

Chris's black hair turned silvery-white, while the tips of his hair turned a crimson-scarlet color, just like his eyes, making them shine like blood.

Releasing 10% of the asura form's power from him the power increased by 1000%.

(600K + 1000% = 6.6M)

"You brat, you're too arrogant, but I don't want to waste any more time with this so let's end it quickly" Borja said without caring about the change in the situation, he had more than enough confidence since he was an ancient being, he had the power to kill everyone present.

"In that you are absolutely right, therefore, I will end this now" Chris,


Without bacillar Chris activated the first ability of the King of Knights.

A white and a black flag appeared, as if obeying Chris's thoughts, they combined to form a much larger and imposing dark gray flag.

"What is this, because my strength decreases"

"My strength is increasing, what is happening"

The people who were enveloped in the black aura of the flag did not understand why their powers were diminishing every second, while the Grace people who were enveloped in the white aura did not understand why their powers were increasing.

The King of Knights had two versions, the white and the black.

The abilities of these two versions were the same but their effects were different.

The Black Flag diminished the power of its enemies in the same way as a suppressor.

While the white flag increased the power of his allies.

When trying this ability Chris noticed that he could combine them to make it stronger, if you looked closely either version was incredibly useful in group or individual combat, but it was only when they came together that they were truly terrifying.

But that's not all the effects he had by combining the two skills.

"What happens I cannot activate my Berserk mode"

When the people of Black Light tried to activate their Berserk powers, they noticed that they were unable to do so, as their powers that were being suppressed refused to power up and go into Berserk mode.

This was something that Chris noticed when experimenting with the ability, and it was that when the flags were combined, it prevented the energy of the people who were suppressed from being able to suffer increases in power, preventing them from entering a berserk state or some transformation that increases their abilities, while those exposed to the white aura when entering Berserk mode will receive an additional bonus.

"What an interesting trick"

"This will be interesting" Meiko.

The woman in the black robe as well as Meiko stood in front of everyone.

The power displayed by the two women was only 40M, but thanks to the king's flag their power increased even more in the Old Kingdom, during the time the flag was active.


On the other hand, Borja whose power was reduced, was close to 40M, if his power decreased a little more, he would not be able to exert the strength of an ancient being in its entirety.

"Meiko, how about you try fighting an ancient kingdom, like you practice" Chris suggested.

"Can I really?" Meiko.

"No problem or our guest has something to say" Chris.

During the entire trip Meiko did not have any battles and was in the rear at all times, having the highest level of existence in the group, the monsters they had encountered simply did not represent any challenge, Chris wanted to make Meiko fight against a being ancient, so that she understands the differences in power of the mystical and ancient, for when he helps her ascend, otherwise she would have further diminished Borja's power, instead of leaving him at the minimum standard of an ancient being.

Having the approval of the woman in the cape, he did not give Borja a glance in obvious contempt, not even considering him as an insect in her eyes.


As if two hurricanes collided in a brutal battle at the beginning, thanks to the king's flag, since the power of his allies increased and that of his enemies decreased, the battle was equal even with the group difference.

The Black Light people, who had the advantage both in numbers and in the power level of their people, had to face a tough fight, due to the disadvantage.

Sonia, Chloe, and Maya, teamed up to face the other party, while Kaguya, Beatriz, and Morgan, who was much more powerful, faced multiple opponents at once.

On the Grace side, they kept other people under control while they tried to kill him with their teamwork.

"Juan bastard, once this is over, I will make sure that the black light of the alliance disappears" Rafael.

Rafael, who knew of Juan's intentions with his sister, held back no longer, and in each hand a weapon similar to the combination of a revolver-like magic pistol with a long blade appeared, as if a pistol and a sword had come together. merged.

"Hybrid Weapon" Chris.

Chris was surprised to see the weapons in Rafael's hands, hybrid weapons combine the aspects of a firearm and a bladed weapon like swords, these weapons are difficult to produce, but even more difficult to use.

Whether being a gunner who specializes in the use of firearms or being a swordsman are two very different things, so using a weapon that is designed to combine the fighting styles of these two professions is not something that everyone can do. can do.

Even seeing a user of these types of weapons was very rare, and meeting someone who could use them properly was even rarer.

"Dirty artillerymen, a profession as insignificant as it can be classified as a magical class" When Juan saw Rafael's weapons you could see his contempt for firearms.

Rafael didn't wait any longer, and he closed the distance between the two of them as a thin layer of Prana shone over his body strengthening himself to the limits his body could bear.

"As if I let you get close" Juan.

Countless magic circles appeared around Juan, while attacks from all elements were launched towards Rafael.


Without wasting time, Rafael moved his weapons shooting magical power bullets, once they collided with the spells they exploded, while Rafael closed the distance without receiving the slightest damage.

Juan released protection spells creating walls of fire and ice allowing him to open the distance again, while releasing spells to counterattack.


Rafael who was coordinating his bullets with the spells seemed to be advancing smoothly, but one of the shots deflected causing him to receive the shock wave.

"Fujahaha a false magician can never beat a true magician" Juan.

Taking advantage of the tightness, Juan shortened the distance while a magic circle was formed in his hands.

"Die" Joan.

When releasing the powerful spell, a huge roar was heard in the room, but the expected result never came, when checking the crater created by the explosion, no person was seen.

"The one who will die will be you" Rafael said, appearing behind Juan.

"Young Master… WAAAAAAA…"

Rafael fired a burst of shots at Juan, but one of the subordinates next to Juan positioned himself as a human shield, causing only a few shots to arrive.

Once the distance was opened, Juan only had some superficial gunshot wounds that grazed him, but his face distorted unpleasantly as if he had been humiliated.

On the other hand, the subordinate who protected him was in a miserable state with holes all over his body, while his blood was spilling on the floor, if he didn't receive treatment, he would die before long.

"Damn garbage, you can't even serve as a shield, useless people like you don't deserve to be by my side, Damn Incompetent" Juan, seeing the slight injuries on his body, burned with anger, while kicking and trampling the subordinate who had just saved him life.

With each kick and punch, the pool of blood grew larger, after getting bored with kicking, he wasted no more time and crushed the poor man's head like he stepped on a watermelon, causing brain matter to scatter across the floor.

"Human scum"