It was everyone's thought when they saw Juan, what a human being who can't even show grace to someone who just saved his life and even worse, murder him in cold blood for a few simple scratches.

"False magicians" Chris said when he saw Rafael.

It was the nickname given to magic gunners, despite being considered a magical profession, this was done since they consume mana and firearms are classified as magical weapons.

The artillery profession can only be exercised by a person with abundant Mana, but they are called false magicians since the people who exercise this occupation either have little or no talent in magic that depends on a specific attitude.

To use magic, one needs great magical power, affinity and an understanding towards the type of magic he is going to use.

But there are cases, where a child is born with a lot of magical power, but does not possess any affinity towards any aspect of magic, these people, although they can easily use basic magic due to their magical power, it will be almost impossible for them to achieve more spells. adequately powerful.

And it is for this reason that the gunners are known as false magicians, although it does not apply to everyone, since most of the people who fight with this style, are people with great magical power, but are incapable of using magic. magic appropriately named false magicians.

When checking Rafael, Chris noticed that he was one of those types of people, he has a lot of magical power, but he is unable to use elemental magic well, as well as the magic derived from it.

But even so Chris was somewhat impressed by the boy, he could see that training his Prana at a considerable level, it was not easy for him but he managed to do it and master physical combat with swords, and besides that he did not neglect his ability to use firearms , I could see how he meticulously controlled his Mana by measuring the amount he used, while finely controlling Prana strengthening his physical abilities, on top of that Rafael calculated the trajectory of the shots perfectly, it was not an easy thing to do all these things simultaneously , as this consumes large amounts of the person's mental strength and overloads the brain.

Not caring about that fight Chris turned around, he had already seen enough to know the outcome of the fight.

"Damn brat you'll see" Borja.

On the other side of the room Meiko was covered by a furious white colored Prana, while Borja fired various spells.

Unlike Raphael, Meiko did not dodge and received the attacks, but as if they were a mosquito bite, while she kept closing the distance without taking damage, since the furious Prana cloak was like an impenetrable wall.

*Hell* *Absolute Zero*

Furious Borja used two high level spells, the ground was covered in ice as spears formed everywhere, while a gigantic mass of fire covered the ceiling.

Either stay on the ground and be lynched by ice spears, or jump into the sky and be consumed by flames, neither option was encouraging.

*Tiger claws*

Despite not having an escape route, Meiko was not scared and her Prana connected to her hands causing them to take the form of claws, in the same way as when Chris concentrated her Prana in her hands to make the Prana take the form of claws. the blade of a sword.


As if mowing the grass, the claws made of Prana in Meiko hands cut down the ice spears that were scattered across the field as she would have passed.

"That will not help you, Descender" Borja-

With Borja's words, the hell of fire collided with the frozen field of spears on the floor, turning it into a purgatory, where it would not be known if it is cold or hot.

"HAHAHAHAHA, someone who depends on the increase in power, can never win against a true ancient being..." Borja.


While Borja was gloating over his victory, Meiko appeared behind him.

Her appearance had changed, her hair was white, while her eyes were black like obsidian, while a pair of ears and a tiger tail had appeared, if people saw her appearance, they could only see someone from the beast race.


With a force impossible to bear, Meiko smashed Borja to the ground, while Crack's sounds of breaking bones could be heard.

"Whoaaaa…" Meiko.

As she gasped, an exhausted Meiko returned to her normal form, as she saw Borja stamped on the ground. On the verge of losing consciousness.

"She's not from the beast race, because she underwent that transformation, if she hasn't activated her Berserk form" The black-robed woman asked in confusion.

"She's a Tamer, that transformation is one of the skills of the technique she practices" Chris.

This is the fifth skill "Bestial Fusion", depending on the contracted beasts, one can undergo different transformations, since Meiko only has a white tiger as the only contracted beast, she can only undergo that transformation, increasing its power explosively in all its aspects. physical.

If Meiko had contracted a powerful beast of the cheetah race, the speed and stamina aspects would increase in a more colossal way but her defense decreases, on the other hand, if she forces a tank type beast like a turtle or a rhino, the strength and Meiko defense would be increased, but her speed would be compromised.

Depending on the beasts you contract, the ability can be used in many ways, the problem is the enormous consumption of stamina, since Meiko has not gotten used to that power, she can only use it at critical moments for a short period of time, since her the body is not used to undergoing such extreme changes.


On the other side you could see how Juan was taken to a corner without escape routes, this demoralized the subordinates since the tables were against them, but even so they continued fighting trying to open an escape route.

"It's over, give up, you can't win and much less run away" Meiko.

"HAHAHAHA, I may not have gotten rid of you this time, but you won't be able to prevent me from leaving, sixteen" Borja.

He didn't want to waste any more time when all the black light people were gathered near the exit, Chris was going to release Caliburn power again, but something unexpected happened.


A resounding scream was heard from the other side of the room, turning around you could see a man dragging a girl of about fourteen years old.

At the start of the fight Nanci was left on the back of her with a guard to protect her, but now that guard was dragging her and she was heading to the transport array to the eighth floor.

"I see a traitor, no wonder a simple force from a lower world can soar to the seventh floor so quickly and make preparations to ambush us" Chris.

Despite fighting with the Graces, Chris had no intention of helping Nanci, that's the Graces' problem for bringing a dead weight, even at the beginning of the inclusion Chris repudiated the idea of bringing a weak girl to a place where she could die at least careless.

But Chris didn't care and concentrated on charging his aura in Caliburn, destroying the scum in front of his eyes had more priority than saving a girl, he could let the girl be saved by the woman in the black cape and the other guards.

These kinds of rotten people if left free will only attract more trouble even if spared, being able to bite even the hand that feeds them.

"I'm taking this too"

This time the guy who had already reached the transport array took the scroll in the treasure chest while he opened the portal.

Since the chimera, plus the beasts that were not annihilated, obstructed the woman in the black cloak, at this rate he would not arrive in time.

"HAHAHAHAHA, I may die, but before that I will make sure to educate the young lady well so that she is a proper whore..." the man shouted as he looked at Nanci who was gagged in her arms.

Before he finished his victory prayer the man's head rolled to the ground.

"When do I arrive"

No one could see him, from the time Chris was at the beginning of the room to the transport array, not even a nano second had passed, but he had already passed all that distance, evaded the beasts and lopped off the traitor's head.

On the other hand, the Dark Light, which no longer had the Grace guards obstructing them, nor the threat of Caliburn huge aura attack, took the opportunity to escape.

If the man had ignored the treasure that Chris wanted, even if he ran away with Nanci, Chris would have ignored him, but since he was greedy, Chris used Carnwennan divine speed to kill him and take the scroll.


Caliburn overcharged aura couldn't be suppressed anymore and hit the matrix, *FLASH* but since she had already been active, she transported Chris and Nanci to a random spot on the eighth floor.

"What a step master, the matrix is damaged as we reached the eighth floor!" Rafael said excitedly without even realizing that he had lost his cool.

"Calm down Rafael and take a good look"

Reviewing the destroyed array as if time was going back, it was being repaired.

"You don't have to worry about your sister, as long as she is together with that guy nothing will happen to her instead, go and inform your father and grandfather of the current situation, also be careful, you don't know if there will be more spying"

On the other hand, Meiko, Morgan, Chloe and Maya, were nervous about the woman in the black cloak, they didn't know if she was a friend or an enemy of hers.

But the woman in the black cape ignored them, only having her eyes on Solin and Sonia, she saw that they were from the upper worlds as well, besides that she probably did not have a normal background.

She also watched Beatriz and Kaguya, Chris placed the Caelesti seal on them so her affiliation could be noticed, the black-cloaked woman didn't think these two were a threat, but she sensed a different danger coming from her. they.

The only thing that could explain this sense of danger that the black-robed woman felt, is that that guy (Chris) left something in those two women to protect them.