"What are you up to"

The woman in the black cloak could tell that if Chris released the killing aura from her, the three ancient kingdoms would not be able to live another day.

"I could kill them now, but that would also cause a lot of trouble" Chris.

"Then how will you solve this?"

"I will have to expose some power and prevent those three from taking action and Meiko will have to end this fight quickly, the longer it takes the more problematic it will be" Chris.

"But for that you need help, right?"

"That's right, or to be exact I need the help of that old man next to you, it's also an ancient kingdom, if he exposes his kingdom as well, I can create a spatial barrier, preventing anyone from interfering with the fight." Chris.

David was surprised, the option of eliminating Borja was the right thing to do, but converting the land would become a battlefield, also the land would become an enemy of the alliance, the problem is that they were protected by a superior world, it was not something that would be taken lightly, he did not understand what the earth did for someone from Chris's state to protect them.

(N.A: if you knew that he only does it for the treasures you wouldn't be so surprised)

"Senior, currently we cannot expose our strength as we are in a difficult position" David apologized, Grace was a little stronger than Earth, but she did not have the means to interfere in the conflict between Earth and Black Light.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a suitable reward," Chris said, knowing David's thoughts.

A jade bottle appeared in Chris's hand, when he opened it an intense and pure energy could be felt.

"That's the essence of nirvana, I see, so this is why that girl, not only made an advance to the ancient kingdom, but reached the second level, you made a nirvana pill" asked the black-cloaked woman, she could feel a medicinal fragrance coming from Meiko so he already had his doubts, but now seeing the essence of nirvana confirmed his suspicions.

"Master, what is that?" asked Rafael was confused by the words of his teacher who is the essence of nirvana and really had such a strong effect, not only Rafael, but his grandfather and father were just as surprised.

Chris pointed at Julius and told David.

"This is enough to help you enter the second level, but if your child consumes it, he should be able to enter the ancient realm without problems, not only that, but his potential will grow, and in his lifetime, he will at least reach level 10 with enough resources" said Chris suggesting how to use the essence of nirvana.

Are you kidding, it's so easy to become an ancient knight, the people of Grace thought, when the woman in the black cloak helped David, it took a lot of time and you say that an elixir could make it so easy, whether it's Rafael or his grandfather and father, no they could believe it?

If a second ancient knight appeared, even if his grandmother was exposed this would only benefit her, as they would still have a knight as a hidden trump card.

"Very well I accept your cake"

The woman in the black cape ignored the daze of David, Julio and Rafael, speaking on their behalf.

Chris handed over the essence of nirvana to the woman and began to prepare.

When he prepared the pill the number of materials and the energy in them were enormous, almost unable to control them, but because of this he was able to create not only one nirvana pill, but 50 in total, in addition to the pills, the essence of nirvana The surplus that was created when finishing the pills was enough to fill 300 bottles.


"What is this aura, why is it so strong"

"This is only in the range of life, because it has so much pressure"

"Look there"

When the crowd said this Chris was standing in the air, in a calm manner, he had already released 10% of Asura's power.

*Space Barrier*

*Space Seal*

*Space lock*

Many high-level magic arrays formed around the arena creating a gigantic barrier that enclosed Meiko and Borja as if a dome appeared.

"That the pressure is disappearing"

"That's Space Magic"

"I had heard that the locks created with spatial magic were almost indestructible"

"What a strong barrier"

Once the barrier appeared, everyone who was oppressed by the ancient auras before could relax more and watch the fight.

"Aitor, this is inconvenient" Mar.

"I already know Mar, because I create that barrier, they know they can't kill Borja because of the problems he would bring, lock him up so he doesn't escape, it doesn't seem like his actions" Aitor.

"That Barrier is something strange" Eric.

"What do you mean Eric?" Sea.

"For someone in the range of life, they should prioritize damage within the barrier that is from two ancient kingdoms who are fighting, but that barrier does not let anything in or out" Eric.

"Don't tell me they noticed our actions" Mar.

"Don't be silly, it's likely that the black light has other plans too and will attack the girl when she's weak, so they put up the barrier to protect her" Eric.

"I see, that makes more sense" Mar.

"That barrier is impressive, but even so that barrier will not be able to stop us" Aitor.

Chris finished the barrier and returned to his previous spot.

"You're fine, creating that barrier consumes a lot of Mana" Beatriz.

"No problem, I already made the preparations" Chris.

Beatriz got confused that barrier consumed a lot of mana, but thanks to the power of the Lord of destruction and space, his divine physique and his divine spark of space, Chris could control the spatial power easier, greatly decreasing his mana consumption.

On top of that, hyper recovery restored his mana at a high speed.

And lastly, although the barrier, it didn't feel strong enough due to how thin it was, but the truth was that it had been compressed to the point, where it was no longer any different from the wings of a cicada, plus the barrier was not created only by its spatial power, but also used the power of the Yata no Kagami.

From Aitor, Eric and Mar point of view, they should be able to break it, but Chris had designed it with the strength to even withstand the joint attack of the three of them.

"What is this, because the creation of the sudden barrier" Meiko.

(Meiko can you hear me) Chris.

(This voice, Chris) Meiko.

(Yes, it's me) Chris.

(Why did you create this barrier?) Meiko.

(Don't worry, but you have to finish this fight as soon as possible, they are going to try to assassinate Borja, if he dies a war will start with the land, since they will use it as a scapegoat) Chris.

(That, why did this happen, it wasn't just a match) Meiko.

Meiko couldn't understand, how a match turned into such a complicated conspiracy.

"FUM... Well, it can't be helped, so I'll just use that, hey man, let's finish this at once" Meiko said as she walked away, they had already exchanged many blows, so she was satisfied testing her power.

After all Meiko couldn't make a proper comparison of her power, since when she had an espadrille with Chris or Visia she just felt overwhelmed.

"Damn brat" Borja.

All they would inside the matrix had magic circles that, shooting magic energy bullets, meanwhile Meiko dodged the attacks by moving from one side to the other and when she couldn't dodge, she used the tiger claws to neutralize or deflect the attacks.

"What are you doing"

Borja was confused when he saw how Meiko stopped.


Like a tsunami, Meiko Prana erupted, surrounding her body as an invisible pressure covered the area around her.

"Hey old man, although I wanted to practice a little more, I'll finish this in the next attack" Meiko.

"Very good, I am getting bored too" Borja.

Borja's different magical arrays fused together, as the black Mana took the shape of an arrow, it was a kilometer in length while an ominous aura could be felt.

This arrow was not only shot with darkness magic, but also black magic giving it an aura of death.

If it wasn't for the spatial barrier that Chris created isolating them from the others, the pressure that Meiko created would have turned the weaker ones into meat paste, while the aura of death from the arrow would cause them to lose their consciousness.

"Dark Arrow"

Descent of the Beast

The Prana that surrounded Meiko was released, forming a beast that devastated everything in its path, while the huge arrow left a black line, crashing into the beast.



When the two attacks collided the entire would shake, even though they were inside a barrier, it was like a dome, so when the shock waves hit the ground, it caused a huge earthquake.

"This is the moment"


Taking advantage of the moment of chaos, Mar and Eric disappeared from Aitor's sides, erasing their presence.

At a speed where no one would see them, they closed their distance with the barrier and unleashed their previously prepared attacks, there was Borja.


They were fully confident that the barrier would break like paper, but before their attacks could even reach the barrier, a new aura appeared blocking their attacks, drawing the attention of everyone present.

"What's going on?"

"Another ancient knight?"

The crowd wondered as they watched the crash outside the barrier.

David was standing in front of Eric and Mar, while an emblem with a ring could be seen by everyone.

"You two, what the hell were you thinking of interrupting this fight" David.

Due to David's interruption, he turned the attention of the fight to the three Knights.

Aitor, who had not moved since he had to be the judge, stood in the middle and spoke.

"David, let me congratulate you on becoming an ancient knight, but instead of asking them what they are doing, I should ask you, we have interfered since those two have released too powerful attacks, so I asked you to stop them, since they could get hurt, you didn't think about this, your interruption could lead to a death that could be avoided" said Aitor, taking advantage of the situation.

"That's right, David instead of doing this, we should confirm the condition of our alliance partners."

Eric was smart, so he followed Aitor argument, even if they were arrested they were smart enough to use the change of the situation to their advantage.