The barrier was still active, due to the previous crash nothing could be seen due to the huge smoke screen.

Aitor, he knew that he could no longer kill Borja by stealth.

But now a new opportunity opened up, that previous clash of the two should have left them unconscious, so, with the excuse of giving them first aid, they could deliver the coup de grace or inject poison.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Aitor you are really very funny, since when ancient knights are paper tigers, even if those attacks are powerful in the worst case, they would only lose consciousness or receive some superficial injuries" David mocked.

"That's true, ancient knights, they're not that weak."

"Surely, the alliance leader just wanted the combat strength not to drop from injuries before reaching the tenth floor."

"The leader of the alliance has always been like this; he should relax a bit more."

Everyone present, upon hearing David's words, thought that he was right since they did not feel that the previous attacks were capable of taking the life of an ancient horse.

But this is due more than anything to the space barrier.

Chris designed it to block out most of the aura, that's why everyone below the ancient realm couldn't sense the true danger in each of the exchanges.

Seeing a natural disaster on video is not the same as experiencing it first-hand.

"That's right Aitor, you don't have to worry so much, after all the fight is over and a winner has appeared" David.

Without giving her time to respond, David pointed to the barrier where the curtain of dust had disappeared.

The scene impacted everyone, at one end of the field Borja was collapsed on the ground unconscious, there were injuries all over his body, but they were only superficial, in addition to that his breathing was stable and without problems, showing that he was in perfect condition. and would recover after a while.

On the other end was Meiko, she was fine without a single injury, but beads of sweat and traces of fatigue could be seen, Meiko being a level two knight, had Prana and stamina reserves greater than her opponent's, but as it was his first time using , he was unable to control it properly depleting his stamina.

"Descent of the Beast", is a platinum rank AOE martial skill that Chris gave him, as it was compatible with the beast tamer technique, plus "Descent of the Beast" possesses the ability to counter magic power up to a certain amount. level, being a perfect skill for Meiko.


Juan ran towards Borja in a hurry, behind him were the other bodyguards, when he was close to the barrier, there was a door letting them through.

Aitor moved towards the entrance, feigning false concern, to see if he could still get rid of Borja, but before he got there the door closed.

"Damn Child, open the barrier and let me through"

Aitor looked at Chris disgusted and released an oppressive aura that no one could notice.

"Okay, now listen carefully you idiot dog," Chris said predominantly.

Before Aitor's aura arrived, it was destroyed and a new aura was released pressing down on Aitor.

"Who… Who… are… you…"

The aura that was pressing Aitor prevented him from moving, but it wasn't the enormous pressure that scared Aitor, if not the ominousness of the aura, it was full of bloodlust and madness, which terrified Aitor barely managing to get his words out.

When this aura touched him, it was as if he was transported to a bloody battlefield, he could only see mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, and in the middle of all this was a person, the trench coat that covered him was like a man's robe. God of Death.

This person did not move, but Aitor felt that the moment he did, his head would fly through the air.

"I'll say it once, I don't care if you want to kill the beech scum, but if you put the earth in danger, you will be my enemy and I will destroy everything you have built"

Chris said it while disappearing from Aitor's sight, the next thing Aitor felt was a cold blade cutting his neck.

"Aitor what happens"

Upon being called by Eric, Aitor regained consciousness from his dream.

"Eric, it's you, you could see it"

"See that, suddenly you stood still for a few seconds"

"But I could feel it"

Aitor touched his neck, in that last moment he could feel as if a blade had cut off his head, but worst of all was how that terrifying aura sent him into a nightmare world, how many people has that person killed, to reach to have an aura of such a frightening level, one million two million or maybe I'm already over seven digits.

If Aitor knew that this number is not even 0.001% of the true total, he probably would have wet his pants by now, if it weren't for Chris's personality that he avoids killing unless absolutely necessary, it is very likely that the number of deaths be even bigger.

The barrier disappears.

"Aitor, we should continue"

"No, leave it like that, many unforeseen things have happened, we will find another opportunity in the future"

Fear had taken root in Aitor's heart, he did not know why, but he felt that if he put the earth in the line of fire, that person would decimate everyone present to avoid problems.

*** ***

"Why did you do that, you are practically exposing your identity"

Beatriz asked worriedly, the reason why they let Meiko fight was to prevent it from being discovered that Chris and the others came from higher worlds, so why would Chris expose his strength like this.

"Don't worry, take countermeasures" Chris.

When Chris threatened Aitor he moved to a different place where he released his aura as well as hid his presence.

Thanks to his advancement in the realm of speed, for Chris being in two places at the same time was possible for a short time, otherwise they were very far away, so from Aitor's perspective the person who pushed him is a mysterious person who appeared from nowhere.

*** ***

At the end of the fight, everyone dispersed, since they had to make preparations for the extraction of resources from the eighth floor.

Meanwhile the black light that lost the fight had to pay compensation to the earth.

Once they took the prize, the entire group that represented the earth entered the furthest parts of the floor.

Although these days Chris focused on creating the nirvana pill, he also produced more golems to speed up resource gathering.

Since they had the entire floor map, he took the most important resources from the half of the floor where the teleport array was placed, leaving most of the resources for the alliance forces.

When the alliance reached the eighth floor, he moved the golems to the other half of the floor so that they would collect all the resources while the alliance fought over the resources of the nearby farms.

That way, the golems could mine without a problem and the alliance wouldn't be aware of their actions, since the golems were working stealthily, they wouldn't be easily detected.

After all, the lower worlds don't have their technology very developed so they never thought of using golems for this kind of work.

Only earth and grace knew of Chris's actions, and they renewed their way of thinking about technology as they wanted to implement this method as well.

Even Rafael asked his teacher if he could help them with the production of Golems, but she only answered.

"I don't have alchemist skills, so I don't know how to build any of that"

That disappointed Raphael, Julius and David, but after thinking about it that alchemists, blacksmiths, and magic engineers were very rare professions, even if the conditions of the upper worlds were better than the lower worlds, this fact did not change.

It had been a while and they were still flying the eighth floor; Chris could teleport everyone using spatial magic or open a Gate to take them to their destination or using her esper ability, but several groups of people had already followed them for a while.

"We shouldn't just get rid of them" Meiko.

"That would cause a lot of problems, it's best to lose it" Chris,

"But at the speed we fly, we will never lose them" Meiko.

Due to her advance, Meiko was eager to test her power since she couldn't in the past competition due to so much interruption, so slowing down irritated her.

"Don't worry, it was never my idea to let them go without a punishment, besides this way it will be more fun, after all we already arrived at our destination" Chris,


Chris snapped his fingers and they all disappeared.

"What happened they disappeared"

"They will have teleported"

All the pursuers who were following them came out of their hiding places.




"What's that"

The cry of three eagle-like flying beasts appeared, one of the eagles was covered by fire, another by lightning, and the last one had wind swirling around it.

A heated battle started between the three beasts and the pursuers.

But at a distance of several kilometers on a mountain, nine people were witnessing the scene.

At first the agilas had the advantage, but once the group of pursuers managed to form an orderly formation they began to resist.

Unfortunately, the three eagles were mythical beasts of high rank equivalent to a person in nirvana, once the eagles got tired of playing with their prey, the training and efforts of the pursuers was useless.