Bitter Sugar (2)

"Oh, thank you, Lady Anya. I couldn't be any happier that you've changed your mind." She returned Lady Sutherton weak smile with a toothy beam. "Please come with me to the tea room. We recently had it remodeled." She started walking in the opposite direction, servants still carrying the weight of her dress tail. 

"Really?" Lady Sutherton questioned, faking interest. Her lagged movements were like molasses as she followed a little behind Katrine's entourage of servants delaying her proximity. 

"It's nothing too special compared to what I remember of your stunning manor, but do I hope you find it at least acceptable." She stopped at a large ivory inlaid white door.

Carved into the door was a deeply intricate wooden sculpture of woman resembling Katrine and a man atop a muscular stallion. The woman was carved with intense detail, her beauty portrayed to a nearly exaggerated degree. The man drawn next to her, likewise, was carved in excessive detail, and various jewels and glittering stones were inlaid into the wood with the ivory. The colorful jewels made a rectangular border around the wood carvings. Even the arched gold door handles were personalized with sophisticated brass flowers coiled around it. 

"Lovely door." Lady Sutherton created a taught smile as she observed the tailored door. "But are we going to go in?" she asked, staring puzzled as Katrine stood awkwardly on the side of the door, allowing ample room for the door to be seen in its entirety. 

"Yes of course." She returned a bright smile to Lady Sutherton. "Let us go in." She glanced at one of her many servants, expectingly waiting for one of them to open the door. 

One of her attendants caught on quickly and hurried to open the door. 

Katrine entered the room first, looking back to Lady Sutherton as she walked in. "I know it's a little shabby but please, do try to get comfortable." She pressed her lips together, her carmen red lipstick briefly concealed. 

Lady Sutherton surveyed her surroundings.

The ceilings of the room were nearly higher than most ballroom ceilings. Hundreds of glass chandeliers hanged from the ceilings causing the white marble floors to reflect its opulent sparkle. On the walls, massive paintings of Lady Katrine and Lord Sven hanged. Any free space was occupied by stuffed furs and heads, their collection ranging from bears to mountain cats. Furniture was not spared of extravagance, several chairs and tea tables were made of solid marble, sliver, ivory, or gold. 

Slightly blinded by all the sparkle that surrounded her, Lady Sutherton squinted. "Always so decadent, Lady Katrine." 

"No need to sugar it, Lady Anya," she replied, dismissive with her words, but delight never off her tongue. "I know it's humbly modest and not anything compared to the beauty of your home. But please, let us sit." She gestured towards a two lounging couches with a tea table placed between.

"Now, what would you like to drink?" she asked, sliding off her coat and shoving it into the arms of an unassuming nearby maid. "We have a wide variety of exotic spices and herbs." She sat down with the assistance of servants adjusting her dress and patting her seat. "Anything you want. I can get for you." She gleefully watched Lady Sutherton take a seat across from her. 

"To drink?" She looked at Katrine before her attention was caught looking to the maids who were struggling not to injure themselves with the coat's bear claws as they hauled the fur away. "I could go for some wine." She looked back to Katrine, the struggling maids in her periphery. 

"Wine? Yes, of course." She turned her attention to a random maid. "Hazel, please get us some wine and---." She paused, lowering her voice, emphasizing her words. "---my special drink." 

The maid nodded, departing quickly. 

"Anyways, Anya." She placed her arms on the table, revealing bony thin elbows that protruded noticeably through the skin. "Don't take me for a soft-soap flatter, but I truly can't believe how wonderful you look." She studied Lady Sutherton with apparent envy. "Not a single blemish in sight." 

"Thank you," she rigidly replied. 

"Don't be humble, you're stunning." The smile didn't rise to Katrine's eyes. "Daviyd must be so pleased. I'm surprised you two have not popped out more lovely sprouts."

Uneasy laughter sprinkled out from firm lips. "Katrine." 

"How is your first child doing? Erina isn't it? If I remember correctly, she should be of a marriable age by now, right?"

"Yes. That's correct." Lady Sutherton's mouth grew dry as she thought of her daughter. 

"How exciting for you." Katrine mimicked joy, her penciled brows rising. "I trust if she's as beautiful as you there must be a long line of suitors awaiting her." 

"Oh." She looked away, brushing back invisible hairs. "You are always too kind." 

"Any suitors you are strongly considering?" 

"N-not exactly." 

"Oh, you play coy with me! Now I simply must hear whom you are considering." 

"Well." She avoided the glare of Katrine's critical stare. "I suppose I can allow you to know we do have an offer." 

"Really now? Such good news! I wonder who could the lucky suitor be when your sister-in-law is already married to our glorious first prince. Surely now your only daughter will be married to someone worthy to be nephew-in-law to our prince?" She finished speaking with an inquisitive tilt of her head. 

"Yes." Lady Sutherton's smile was thin. "I can assure you that the suitor my husband and I are considering, is someone currently of good standing." 

"How good to hear!" she said cheerfully, but not sincerely. "Do tell, who is the lucky man?"