I’ll take responsibility

"I'm home Yaoyao~," Tang Fei cheerfully called out as she entered the door with Youyuan Leng. Bouncing inside she saw her dearest roommate sitting on the couch with a dark smile.

"Yep you made it back! At 12 o'clock." Keeping a dark smile Nan Peiyao approached Tang Fei. "Miss I'll be home at 11 so please make braised pork ribs. I should've just eaten allll your food!" Scowling now Nan Peiyao pinched her friend's cheek. "You should just cook for yourself now!" Finished ranting she finally released Tang Fei's cheek before returning to the couch with a 'humph',

"Owwww, but Yaoyao I'll die of food poisoning if I have to eat my dark cuisine!" Rubbing her red cheek Tang Fei pitifully whined.

Ignoring her roommate's cries Nan Peiyao just turned to talk to Leng Youyuan. "I put the ribs in the oven to keep them warm feel free to get some."

"What about me?" Tang Fei cried, only to get a glare in return.

"You can go without one meal," Nan Peiyao coldly responded turning to go upstairs.

Why is everyone so mean, she inwardly cried. Looking around Leng Youyuan was currently placing his attention on the try of ribs in the oven, and Yaoyao was already upstairs leaving her alone. Thankfully she still had her laptop which conveniently made its prescient known on the coffee table with a curt beep. Sitting down Tang Fei hugged her laptop. Even if everyone else was gone she still had this little device to find solace in.

Turning it on she hurriedly logged on to "Immortal Heavens". Humming as the game interface popped up Tang Fei watched as her character spawned at her residence inside the guild. Happily she got ready to go out and clear instances, before spotting a white ball of fluff next to her character.

"Why, just why." Tang Fei could practically hear the sound of her soul cracking in outrage and shock. That useless cat just had to be there huh.

"What's wrong this time?" Settling down beside her Leng Youyuan placed his plate of ribs on the table before turning to look at the computer screen.

Sighing Tang Fei spoke. "It's this useless cat I got from a raid!I have to parent this little thing with no skills or power whatsoever, and do it with another player." Shaking her head she frowned at her bad luck.

Reaching for a fragrant rib Leng Youyuan couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen that cat before. While racking his brain he bit into a rib, and maybe he was stimulated by the taste of the meat it might've been a mental breakthrough, but he remembered. It was the cat that made his sister give up her account. Almost choking on the rib meat at this newfound realization Leng Youyuan looked at Tang Fei with a visibly shocked expression.

"And the other player hasn't even contacted me yet after making all that noise about loving animals!" Extremely annoyed Tang Fei didn't even notice Leng Youyuan's expression, only reaching for her purse with one hand and maneuvering her character with the other.

She brought her character to the guilds main floor for quests before stopping to unwrap her stolen pastries. Popping one in her mouth the annoyance she had faded away slightly. After all who could stay mad when you had good food.

Still at a loss for words Leng Youyuan decided to lightly poke the woman, to shift her attention from the sweets. "...I think the account you've mentioned is my sisters."

Turning to face him Tang Fei had a face of confusion, but after a few seconds of processing her eyes visibly widened. "Ehhhhh," she cried out.

Averting his eyes to stare at his sleeves Leng Youyuan continued. "Well technically it's mine for now," he paused. "If you wish I can help take… responsibility for that nuisance."

Tang Fei felt like the bosses words were.. a little out of place. After all this was just a useless online cat not a child! Taking responsibility sounds rather, ahem, suggestive. Nevertheless it was still an opportunity to hang out more with her male god. "Sure why not!" Cheerily Tang Fei responded.

"Mmm." He nodded. While any kind of animal was annoying the game itself looked somewhat interesting, and he felt a bit sorry for the annoying woman, having to suffer from his sister's actions.

Invigorated now Tang Fei stuffed a few more pastries in her mouth, and turned her attention to the game. Thankfully no brain powder fans were online to cause trouble, Tang Fei breathed a sigh of relief. But of course right as she approached the quest NPC a familiar character appeared.

Heavenly Dragon: My dearest Rose you weren't online yesterday, I felt abandoned.QAQ

Drifting Rose: Maybe it's because I have a life outside of games.

Heavenly Dragon: So hurtful darling

Drifting Rose:.... Goodbye

Feeling extremely agitated Tang Fei began to curse under her breath. "I missed your mom*! I swear I will kill him of these days, that two faced black sesame Tang Yuan** p-." Stopping herself right before the word came out, she took a deep breath and logged out. Couldn't he just move onto his next target yet!?

"Who was that?" Leng Youyuan asked, raising an eyebrow.

Looking up at the boss Tang Fei inwardly smirked. Why not make that persistent bug useful for once and play with the boss a bit. "Just a little pursuer," Shrugging playfully Tang Fei smiled. "Say should I accept him?"

"It's your choice if you want to date someone you've never met." Trying to sound uninterested, Leng Youyuan replied.

"Oh, so I shouldn't do it huh~." Smirking slightly Tang Fei turned to lay on the sofa. Her posture along with the coquettish tone she used reminded one of a lazy Persian cat, watching everyone else as it lay purring in the sun. But from the boss this "Persian" only got a long side eye.

Seeing Leng Youyuan like this gave her some slight amusement, and yawning Tang Fei tapped the male adjacent to her. "I'm going upstairs, the guest bedrooms on the second door to the left." Saying this she then smiled and turned around, bouncing her way up the stairs.