Insomnia Strikes Again

He couldn't sleep.

Looking at the clock it was 2am, but Leng Youyuan still,couldn't find an ounce of sleepiness. After the annoying woman left, he had finished the remaining food,and came upstairs to shower before laying down to rest. But for some unknown reason insomnia had decided to pay him a visit.

(He's wearing nightclothes those with dirty minds... though maybe I'm dirty for including this reminder)

After tossing and turning for a while more he finally got up, deciding to finish up some work that had piled up do you the annoying woman dragging him along.

He wondered when she had begun to take up so much time in his schedule.

Shuffling around he removed his always present laptop from the bag that the annoying woman had made him pack "in case he had to stay over". Finally, holding the silver device firmly with one hand, he made his way into the kitchen.

Earlier the annoying woman had shown him kitchen materials, so he found the instant coffee mix relatively easily. Unlike his other wealthy counterparts he didn't care much for the "exquisite and costly coffee types", it was just a more expensive version of regular coffee so why should he spend time and money to get it?

After adding in the mix to a ¼ a cup of water he placed the porcelain white cup in the microwave to heat up. He waited for about 30 seconds before finally taking out the cup, and while lightly blowing on it he made his way to the kitchen island where his laptop rested open. Coming to sit on one of the island's stools, he began to start on some documents, but not long after he began sorting through his emails he heard someone descending the stairs.

Dressed in pink nightclothes while holding a book in her arms, Tang Fei slowly came downstairs with a yawn. After trotting towards the kitchen, she looked in Leng Youyuan direction with a raised eyebrow, before questioning, "Couldn't sleep?"

"Mmm." He nodded while reaching for his cup of coffee, only to have it picked up by Tang Fei.

Bringing the cup to her she took a sniff, before giving Leng Youyuan a side eye. "You know coffees bad for you right," she said. Taking a light sip of the drink Tang Fei smiled at the glare Leng Youyuan gave her as she continued to speak, "You should drink tea instead, it's a lot healthier than this caffeine

Mr.Leng who had had his drink stolen was currently annoyed about the loss of his caffeine, and the smugness of the thief. So feeling no obligation to respond he just glared at the smiling drink thief, only turning back to his laptop after a long minute.

Seeming slightly disheartened Tang Fei sat next to him with a small pout. Well even if her male god couldn't talk to her she still had books to keep her company. Keeping that thought in mind Tang Fei opened her book and began to read. It was a rather "passionate" romance novel, about a noble lady and her devoted knight, that Yaoyao had recommended to her.

Thus the two adults went on with their nightly activities while maintaining a harmonious atmosphere, if you ignored the occasional "huehue" that Tang Fei let out when she reached certain parts of the novel. And not long after a certain woman rested her head on the kitchen counter, beginning to doze off.

Taking a look at the sleeping figure of Tang Fei, Leng Youyuan wondered how despite drinking his coffee she fell asleep before him. With a sigh he rubbed his temples, she'd probably be really annoying in the morning if he left her here to sleep. Finally deciding to move the woman, he swooped her into his arms bridal style, and brought her upstairs.

Suddenly he remembered he didn't know which room was the annoying woman's, but after looking around he saw a sign posted on her door. Looking closely it appeared to be a warning that read "Come in here without knocking and I'll kill you, but if you're a male god I'll make an exception- Tang Fei."

Leng Youyuan:After reading I feel that I have temporarily lost the ability to speak.

Nevertheless he entered the room, making a mental note to stop reading the annoying woman's stuff. Finally having softy set her down on the bed, he prepared to go back to his work, but even in her sleep the annoying woman seemed to have made a goal to mess with him. A pale hand had reached out to cling to his shirt, seemingly unwilling to let go of the free heat source nearby.

His first reaction was to attempt to escape her grip, but after seeing her frown and cling tighter he gave in. Since she wanted to keep him here then he'd just have to deal with it for the night. Having accepted his predicament, Leng Youyuan quietly laid down beside the annoying woman.

Because of the closeness he could clearly hear the woman's steady breathing, and feel the heat that naturally radiated from her body all which strangely made him begin to feel drowsy. And after hours of trying to sleep Leng Youyuan was able to peacefully doze off.