People Are In A Constant State Of Change And No One Likes That


May 14, 9:09 pm, Canberra, Australia

By the time Gadiel reached the newly built environmental science building, he was shivering. He wished he had put on something a little warmer over his simple tank top and jeans. Not to mention, the tank top was low-cut, showing off his "cleavage" to match the nipples poking out due to the cold.

He had run over to the river, then alongside it, past the bridge he and Medina had crossed earlier that day, and right along until he reached Hancock Library; the science library. The new building was a large, looming structure behind the library.

He looked up the new building, his breath condensing in front of him as he panted. The building was a monstrous, modern structure, with weird, jagged edges, floor length glass windows showing the entire interior of the building. Gadiel counted one, two, three, four...eight levels in total.