Having Every Negative Thought You've Thought About Yourself Confirmed Is A Real Relief


May 14, 9:24 pm, Canberra, Australia

Gadiel didn't even wait. He immediately threw an ice spear at the annoying, grinning head.


The spear cut through the air. For a moment, it seemed like it would skewer through Ai's head.

Then she disappeared.

"That wasn't very nice of you," said her voice. Gadiel grit his teeth as he imagined her stupid, pouting face.

"Sorry, reflex," he said, looking around. "It seems I have an allergic reaction to kidnappers."

Ai's voice burst into laughter.

"That's the best you can do?" her voice jeered, echoing through the room. "'I'm allergic to kidnappers?' Did you read that in a book somewhere?"

Gadiel's face burned as he tried to recall where he had heard the line before. Was it in a book?

No. Focus. That didn't matter.

He looked back at Tarik, sitting, immobile in the chair. He didn't even look like he was breathing. Gadiel took a step towards him.