Getting Help Is Not A Bad Thing, Especially When It Makes Certain People Mad


May 14, 9:35 pm, Canberra, Australia


Ai gasped, her wide eyes slowly closing as she lost strength. Gadiel simply watched as he felt the life slowly drain out of her.

It was so easy. It was so easy to just...squeeze the life out of her.

It was easy to rationalize it away too, he realized as he watched himself choke her in the reflection of the mirror. That person in the mirror wasn't him. It was his reflection.

After all, Gadiel wouldn't choke someone out.

Gadiel wouldn't kill a room full of people just because they were annoying him

Gadiel wouldn't want to murder someone just to shut them up.

Gadiel was a good person.

He was.

He was a good person.


With a sigh, he dropped Ai. She fell to the floor, gasping and coughing, eyes watering.