What's The Best Way To Deal With Realizing You're The Cause Of Your Own Problems?


July 21, 6:22pm, Buffalo, New York

The castle loomed over in the distance, inching closer. Tarik could almost convince himself it was just a mirage, a trick of the light, if it weren't for how much clearer and more defined it was getting with each passing hour.

"They said it was going right past us."

Tarik turned to see an older black man staring at the same floating castle, chewing on something as he sat in his wicker seat. He was a fixture here, in front of the liquor store that was built into the apartment building, always watching those who walked in and out.

This was the first time Tarik heard him speak. He put the plastic bags of groceries down for a moment, staring off at the castle once more.

The sky was clear today. There weren't many high rises in the city, the horizon clear from the streets, giving a perfect view of the slowly moving structure, floating past them.