The Consequences Of Your Actions (Part Two)

July 26, 1:15 pm, New York City, USA

I was surprised to find my clothes flapping in the wind as I floated above the city, watching my Castle slowly crash into it. The grey clouds above covered all, the gale blowing past everyone and everything. The scent of rain was in the air, threatening a downpour.

I raised a hand and snapped my fingers.

Nothing happened. At least, nothing noticeable to anyone watching from the outside. I was well aware that my dear protagonists had been streaming everything online. I had tried to take them offline, just for fun, but found myself facing one of Malgeysa's trademark barriers.

...I mean I figured that would be the case. But that didn't make the reality any less annoying.

Just like the reality that I had let my guard down in front of Irade. That one stung a little. Honestly, I don't think I would ever truly understand women.