The Consequences Of Your Actions (Part Three)

July 26, All Times, Around the World

People watched as the camera moved between people, showing everything that was happening. They gasped as they realized that Gadiel and Tarik might have just died, frozen in their ice with Elodie. They marveled at Irade's strength as they watched her fight the weird Dragon Lady. They cried with her as she said goodbye to Sakura, and felt her fear as the Demon Lord stepped out of the book.

They were invested. Whether they liked it or not, they were interested in what was happening, even if they didn't understand half the story. They didn't know why Sakura was still alive, or why Tarik was suddenly joining them after he apparently died.

Of course, as the narrative unfolded, the internet was set ablaze. When Sakura first reappeared, along with Tarik, people were in uproar, calling the entire thing fake. They were promptly silenced by the fact that the Castle had started to fall, much like the video was showing.