
Denji rolled out of bed with a smile on his face just two minutes before his alarm went off. He liked to be punctual as it made for good practice. Like clockwork, he texted his girlfriend Aimi. They had been dating for over a year now. She was an upperclassman that happened to catch his grand slam during his first home game. It was love at first sight for them.

D: Good morning beautiful. Can't wait to see you soon ;p

A: Good morning handsome. Me either. Love you lots \(^-^)/ <3

Denji smiled before getting ready and heading out to school. While walking he felt his best friend Arata tackle him. " Hey man, ready for morning practice?" Denji nodded as he yawned a bit. " I rather sleep a little longer but the championship is soon and I want to win again." Arata smiled, " Damn right, we won last year thanks to you".

" Not just me but us. A short stop is not much good without a good catcher," Denji smiled as they reached the school. Arata and Denji had been friends since middle school. Their parents were close and they always promised each other to always go to the same school. Arata got into Fujido High before Denji did. Denji grades were not the best to get in but he studied his butt off until they accepted him. Who knew that he would end up being ranked No1 in the district soon after admissions. Denji believed that hard work could make anything happen.

After morning practice he was greeted by his loving girlfriend Aimi. He gave her a quick peck as all the boys hollered. "Lucky", to him. Denji was rather shy at times but he liked spending time with his girlfriend. "So Aimi what would you like to do today after school?" as they walked to class holding hands. "well I am working on a science project after school and don't you have practice after school?"

she smiled. " Not today. The coach canceled I was hoping we could go to the movies?"

A little surprised, Aimi blushed and smiled. " We can go around six. I can meet you at the movie theater on Jinko Way?" Denji kissed her. " I will see you there", Denji said excitedly.